Random Thoughts.....

Hell. Nah. You win man.
About the only thing you'll win against shane is a beauty contest :laughing: (ugly fucker)
He will out work you, out smart you, and make you tap out first, and you'll damn sure puke first.
About the only thing you'll win against shane is a beauty contest :laughing: (ugly fucker)
He will out work you, out smart you, and make you tap out first, and you'll damn sure puke first.
My story was quickly outmatched by his. I'll humbly bow out of that. I gagged at the eyeball. Obviously I haven't had enough to drink to consider it to be an acceptable form of income.
What if, after decades of scoffing from "western societies", some Arabs got together, funded the Chinese to create the corona outbreak, just to sit back and laugh at all the "stupid americans" having to wear face coverings at last?

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You sir may very well be into something.
New contact day is the best day

Random thought. Straight piped 6.0 Fords are the absolute most annoying vehicles in existence.
Use to agree....then several mustang's missing mufflers surpassed that
I dunno... Recorder lessons started for at-home virtual schooling recently.
I didn't know mouthy drivers and recorder students were VEHICLES
What IS it with the 2015-later 5.0 mustangs?

USE to....the fox body 5.0 with the x pipe and a deep muffler sounded incredible. But these coyote 5.0 powered mustangs sound like hammered ASS when some wife-beater in a flat bill even touches the exhaust.

They sound like a combination of a 79 Scottsdale with glass packs and a civic with a folgers can exhaust, hooked to the PA system that cookout uses to give you the middle 3 words of the 42 word sentence they're reading you to confirm your order.

I had one weave in and out of traffic on 40 this AM doing about 100. As he came by my ears were actually in pain at the high pitched, wet fart sound his exhaust was making. Only a straight piped hardley-ever-runs attempting to turn fuel and air into noise (poorly) has ever "hurt" my ears like that before.