Random Thoughts.....

The first day experiencing 40 hasn’t been too bad. Hip, knee, and back pain, yep. Doesn’t seem like anything has got worse. I’ll consider that a “W”.
40 felt like 30 all over. I blame it on my current situation but 45 has been.....damnit boy when did I go so down hill?
No, you do not have permission to take a dump at my house.
You better go on with that shit.
If a grown Ass 45 year old man wishes he was working in a motorsport related field went to work at O'Reilly's would that really count?

Asking for a friend....
Hit me about the 45-46 year mark.
yeah I went from "Mid forties is like 42-46" to "Ah that's 44-47" to "Eh 'mid' is 'upper half' right? so 46+"
40 felt like 30 all over. I blame it on my current situation but 45 has been.....damnit boy when did I go so down hill?

@Ron I'm not sure I'm following how any sane, somewhat educated person could sit with a straight face and claim that a person that died on 9/10 in a random town not near NYC or DC, was a victim of the 9/11 attacks....for 7 years. I'd really like to hear how that was justified. Seems like we are missing some crucial details here.....I get that insurance companies will do anything not to pay out.....but that seems like a black and white argument from the 9/10 death family.
Insurance companies will do ANYTHING to not pay out. ive had renters insurance on the house i lived in for 10 years. when it flooded last month they are trying to turn down my claim because the insurance didnt specifically say it covered flooding for natural disasters, although they dont offer additional coverage for flooding on my policy.

My neighbors auto insurance is trying to deny his truck getting flooded because they said he left it there on purpose and he should have RETURNED IN RISING FLOOD WATER to remove it from his property.
Fine print is definitely a thing. I am sorry @Loganwayne

I have had a very negative insurance experience once as well and if not for a minor miracle it would have really hurt us as a young couple.

We’re going to find the devil in the details in many things over the next years.
Fine print is definitely a thing. I am sorry @Loganwayne

I have had a very negative insurance experience once as well and if not for a minor miracle it would have really hurt us as a young couple.

We’re going to find the devil in the details in many things over the next years.
lets put it this way the insurance adjuster and the guy that sold the policy both thought it was covered, the corporate office is turning it down
California deserves whatever they get.
Although I think it would have gone differently if there had been a better opponent.
The whole Governator thing worked out very well.
Working from 6:30 am to 6:00 pm only make it a .25 mile from your driveway and get called in to fix a small catastrophe .......damn it's now 1:30 am and I gotta be back at 6:30.

I think my job sucks..
Working from 6:30 am to 6:00 pm only make it a .25 mile from your driveway and get called in to fix a small catastrophe .......damn it's now 1:30 am and I gotta be back at 6:30.

I think my job sucks..
I remember having those days when I was a manufacturing engineer. Definitely don't miss that part.
A empty, souless talentless, dead man walking hack ....who happens to be dating another souless empty talentless hack, who's only claim to Fame is trashy good looks. And they both are attention whores. Don't worry about it.
true. true. and true.

I will say though, him dissing eminem has really caused his career to soar. Had to retire from rapping and now is a rock/pop star who teamed up with Travis Barker and is probably making more money than ever now. 2 years ago, I barely knew who he was and couldn't tell you one song he had...still can't name one song, but I see him a lot more and hearing more about him.
true. true. and true.

I will say though, him dissing eminem has really caused his career to soar. Had to retire from rapping and now is a rock/pop star who teamed up with Travis Barker and is probably making more money than ever now. 2 years ago, I barely knew who he was and couldn't tell you one song he had...still can't name one song, but I see him a lot more and hearing more about him.
I honestly still have no clue who he is. Not going to spend the effort on google either.