Random Thoughts.....

There should be a fine for not using the Reply All button when apprpriate.

I'm dealing with this woman about something, probably had a dozen replies back. EVERY SINGLE TIME I add 5 other people that are critical to the discussion, and she replies only to me. This woman is professor at a university. Its maddening, and I can't imagine this habit going over well with students or other faculty.
profound thought.
Should probably say it twice
There should be a fine for not using the Reply All button when apprpriate.

I'm dealing with this woman about something, probably had a dozen replies back. EVERY SINGLE TIME I add 5 other people that are critical to the discussion, and she replies only to me. This woman is professor at a university. Its maddening, and I can't imagine this habit going over well with students or other faculty.
Then we got a guy that that will randomly start another email chain and copy new people and ask them about shipments on the old email chain that they were never involved with, leave out all critical info lol.
There should be a fine for not using the Reply All button when apprpriate.

I'm dealing with this woman about something, probably had a dozen replies back. EVERY SINGLE TIME I add 5 other people that are critical to the discussion, and she replies only to me. This woman is professor at a university. Its maddening, and I can't imagine this habit going over well with students or other faculty.
We have the opposite problem. Someone will send out an email to the entire staff, and half our guys will reply all with a “thanks” or some irrelevant question about an individual topic, and it generates a hundred wasteful emails every time. I’ve started putting “Everyone” in the “To” line, and then actually Bcc’ing all the recipients so the reply all is a dead end and only I receive it.
We have the opposite problem. Someone will send out an email to the entire staff, and half our guys will reply all with a “thanks” or some irrelevant question about an individual topic, and it generates a hundred wasteful emails every time. I’ve started putting “Everyone” in the “To” line, and then actually Bcc’ing all the recipients so the reply all is a dead end and only I receive it.

Wait till you start working with all the youngins, they don't even do email anymore. I get hardly any email at work now, its all slack.
We have the opposite problem. Someone will send out an email to the entire staff, and half our guys will reply all with a “thanks” or some irrelevant question about an individual topic, and it generates a hundred wasteful emails every time. I’ve started putting “Everyone” in the “To” line, and then actually Bcc’ing all the recipients so the reply all is a dead end and only I receive it.
I've never been held hostage before, but I have been in a group message....
I've never been held hostage before, but I have been in a group message....
Oh geez... Don't even get me started. I have had to ask to be taken out of group messages at work because its just people sending pictures of food, sunsets, traffic, or their dogs. If it doesn't pertain to me or something I don't need to know, please keep me out of it.
Iiiiii don’t know what that is. Huh.
Be thankful!

It's IBM's version of AOL IM except it can be linked to your phone to nag TF out of you 24/7

Think Blackberry with Alexa
See also Teams
What do they do? Text?

Different field, but getting the 20 something’s to make a phone call is a pain. They definitely DONT reply all. They don’t want to be seen.
Only Text, Slack or Discord. Or Snapchat.
Getting teenagers to use and reply to email is like pulling teeth. I gave up a long time ago asking anyone under 25 to answer a phone.
I just recently learned what bcc was and how to use it. You can get pretty specific on your notification settings on Slack. I have different settings for my phone and laptop. I dont like discord at all. Telegram is a little spammy but Signal works pretty good.
Be thankful!

It's IBM's version of AOL IM except it can be linked to your phone to nag TF out of you 24/7

Think Blackberry with Alexa

Slack owned by SFDC though and not IBM

I love it for a lot of things, but really wish email was used still at times (use the right tool for the right job). I also only use it on my phone when I want to, I don't pay attention to it when I don't want to.
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The thing that bothers me is the parent acts like the kid is gonna go pro and they blow thousands of dollars (or more) just for the kid to give it up and move onto the next thing after they're out of school. All the while they don’t do anything else while the kid is in their formative years so the kid is actually behind the power curve socially cause he never went and did kid stuff. Only sportsball.

I’m not against school age sports as I was involved in many (CC, track, downhill ski team) but it shouldn’t be the only thing the kid knows.
Don't even get me started on sports ball. My son (only 6!) has friends who are already doing travel ball. There is one kid in that group who is actually good. Id rather just give my boys $100 apiece per weekend than do all that dumb shit. Id still be a few hundred ahead each week.
Don't even get me started on sports ball. My son (only 6!) has friends who are already doing travel ball. There is one kid in that group who is actually good. Id rather just give my boys $100 apiece per weekend than do all that dumb shit. Id still be a few hundred ahead each week.
I think it all started with good intentions to play higher level ball. Now it's just a pay to play cash cow that takes in everyone. We can't win here, so lets travel to another town to get a ring, medal, etc.
Last place I worked, the joke was our entire 16B dollhair business would slam to a halt if the email/internet went down .......
Guess what?
Remember all the "hacking for ransom" crap that went on about 3 years ago?
We got hacked for "quite a large sum" ...... several hundred thousand.
Company didn't pay, and we did absolutely nothing for a week, minimal work for 2 weeks ...... took 5 weeks to get back up and running and about 3 months to get it all ironed out.
All in it cost the company about 1M by the time it was over.
Last place I worked, the joke was our entire 16B dollhair business would slam to a halt if the email/internet went down .......
Guess what?
Remember all the "hacking for ransom" crap that went on about 3 years ago?
We got hacked for "quite a large sum" ...... several hundred thousand.
Company didn't pay, and we did absolutely nothing for a week, minimal work for 2 weeks ...... took 5 weeks to get back up and running and about 3 months to get it all ironed out.
All in it cost the company about 1M by the time it was over.
Johnson controls got hit in September. Rumor in the industry is they won't be able to continue and can't pay the ransom.

And this is a controls company 😳 I. E. They are responsible for talking to building monitoring systems (HVAC, pumps, key card doors... Etc)

It's a huge hack with potential for serious consequences
Last place I worked, the joke was our entire 16B dollhair business would slam to a halt if the email/internet went down .......
Guess what?
Remember all the "hacking for ransom" crap that went on about 3 years ago?
We got hacked for "quite a large sum" ...... several hundred thousand.
Company didn't pay, and we did absolutely nothing for a week, minimal work for 2 weeks ...... took 5 weeks to get back up and running and about 3 months to get it all ironed out.
All in it cost the company about 1M by the time it was over.
Honestly $1mil cost for a $16bil company sounds amazingly low. I woulda guessed more like 50-100x that much.
Johnson controls got hit in September. Rumor in the industry is they won't be able to continue and can't pay the ransom.

And this is a controls company 😳 I. E. They are responsible for talking to building monitoring systems (HVAC, pumps, key card doors... Etc)

It's a huge hack with potential for serious consequences
Especially since they do a lot of pharma systems where control is serious business and MUST be to spec
Especially since they do a lot of pharma systems where control is serious business and MUST be to spec
JC is in a lot more than that. They are one of the top 2 largest if not the largest commercial fire alarm monitoring companies in the world. As well as a major player in building management systems for ….well everything, hospitals, data centers you name it.
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JC is in a lot more than that. They are one of the top 2 largest if not the largest commercial fire alarm monitoring companies in the world. As well as a major player in building management systems for ….well everything, hospitals, data centers you name it.
That's what I was thinking. JC has there hand in EVERY electronic controller market.