Random Thoughts.....

When kids (me) were in school in the 70's, we weren't overloaded with homework. I keep hearing friends complaining about their kids having 4-6 hours of homework at night. Back in the day, I got all mine done at school. Homeroom, lunch, breaks between class, and it was all done. Except the usual typing up a termpaper on Sunday night because it's due the next day.

I don't think kids are any smarter now because of it.
My child is in Kindergarten (well, just finished) and she had about 30-45 min of homework every night and then we read to her before bed. Its been a struggle with her because she learns all day and then goes to daycare where she is still learning some and then comes home and has to do another 30 min or so of homework and some days, I could just tell she was burned out. I will say though that this child is reading, writing complete sentences, and just super smart... so I can't say that its all for nothing, except that I think she is missing out on just being a kid... which sucks.
Again, back in the day, all the neighborhood kids hung out, we biked, played together, hiked in woods, built forts and threw dirt clods at each other, played football, etc.literally every day it was nice out. To be cooped up in the house was like jail to us. I feel the internet and it’s byproducts are the main reason society has changed. Take all of that away I think the world would be a lot happier place.
I agree. I think kids now are just so isolated to being at home. Covid didn't help either. I think at my daughters school, lunch is 20 min and recess is 25 min, the rest of the time, they are in class, which is crazy to me. I remember always doing fun things in Kindergarten and being outside.
My child is in Kindergarten (well, just finished) and she had about 30-45 min of homework every night and then we read to her before bed. Its been a struggle with her because she learns all day and then goes to daycare where she is still learning some and then comes home and has to do another 30 min or so of homework and some days, I could just tell she was burned out. I will say though that this child is reading, writing complete sentences, and just super smart... so I can't say that its all for nothing, except that I think she is missing out on just being a kid... which sucks.
My straight a kid didn’t make the honor roll for the first time since she started this year. She had the only teacher in her grade level who sent homework home and made it 25% of her grade. I only get to spend a few hours a day with my kids, not gonna be doing homework that’s for sure. Then sent a degrading message about us and the kid managing our time better to get her homework done lol 😂 that got me going and climbed the ladder and chewed her ass out like a dog. If she’s in school 7 hours a day the teacher needs to manage her time better. They spent half the day coloring pages in 4th grade because the teacher said she was stressed and coloring helped her. Let’s just say she is about a 24 year old liberal all to hell
My straight a kid didn’t make the honor roll for the first time since she started this year. She had the only teacher in her grade level who sent homework home and made it 25% of her grade. I only get to spend a few hours a day with my kids, not gonna be doing homework that’s for sure. Then sent a degrading message about us and the kid managing our time better to get her homework done lol 😂 that got me going and climbed the ladder and chewed her ass out like a dog. If she’s in school 7 hours a day the teacher needs to manage her time better. They spent half the day coloring pages in 4th grade because the teacher said she was stressed and coloring helped her. Let’s just say she is about a 24 year old liberal all to hell
thats nuts man. I really don't understand the need for that much homework, I mean, you're right! They are in school all day, why throw more work on them. I can see both sides, but I just feel like they have just taken the kid out of being a kid.
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I think it falls both way. They don't teach the shit they are supposed to in school anymore. And I sure as shit remember getting up in the dark, going to school and having an actual well rounded curriculum, going to sports practice directly after school, not getting home until dark to still have 1-2 hours of homework.

I asked my kids what math, or science they are currently taking and they reply with "Oh I don't have that this semester, that was last semester."

Fuck that! we had Math, English, Science, History, an elective, a language and PE EVERY semester... and homework each day.
I think it falls both way. They don't teach the shit they are supposed to in school anymore.
My youngest had a truly shitty 4th grade teacher. After the first teacher conference she proved to us how worthless she was. After several minutes of listening to her, interacting calmly, asking questions, and being generally polite, she was clearly backed into a corner with our discussion, walks over to a stack of papers, and boiled it down to: "I have 120 days to shove this much information (slaps hand on top of stack of papers) into every child in this room"

That told me all I needed to know about her general attitude and teaching style, which also led to my daughters misery in her class. The next day I visited the office and demanded that my daughter be transferred to another class/teacher. Thank goodness that was the first month and she was transferred the next day.

On a completely unrelated note, that original teach left teaching after that year and became a realtor :gtfo:

I say all that, to highlight the fact that many kids may seem to have a metric shit-ton of homework because of teachers who still have that big ass stack of info to shove into a kids head, but are unable to get most of it in during their time, so it's easy to send it home and call it "homework"
My son had hours of civics homework this year. The other teacher that taught it at the school didn't have any. Now, several times it was projects that he really learned things from, but still.

It's crazy how different of a year you can have depending on the teacher draw.
My youngest had a truly shitty 4th grade teacher. After the first teacher conference she proved to us how worthless she was. After several minutes of listening to her, interacting calmly, asking questions, and being generally polite, she was clearly backed into a corner with our discussion, walks over to a stack of papers, and boiled it down to: "I have 120 days to shove this much information (slaps hand on top of stack of papers) into every child in this room"

That told me all I needed to know about her general attitude and teaching style, which also led to my daughters misery in her class. The next day I visited the office and demanded that my daughter be transferred to another class/teacher. Thank goodness that was the first month and she was transferred the next day.

On a completely unrelated note, that original teach left teaching after that year and became a realtor :gtfo:

I say all that, to highlight the fact that many kids may seem to have a metric shit-ton of homework because of teachers who still have that big ass stack of info to shove into a kids head, but are unable to get most of it in during their time, so it's easy to send it home and call it "homework"

I'll add to that; maybe if they didn't have so many damn teacher "work days" maybe they could.

If she has that stack of papers to shove into each child, maybe she needs to manager HER time better. :D

There was a time that I wanted to be a teacher. It does interest me. But not in this day and age of little shits and parent that these kids CLEARLY get their temperaments from.
I'll add to that; maybe if they didn't have so many damn teacher "work days" maybe they could.

If she has that stack of papers to shove into each child, maybe she needs to manager HER time better. :D

There was a time that I wanted to be a teacher. It does interest me. But not in this day and age of little shits and parent that these kids CLEARLY get their temperaments from.
In Randolph county they add more workdays through out the year. Snatching the kids out of the class…. Makes sense huh? Especially when it’s notified within just a couple weeks and now you got to find care for the kids
she needs to manager HER time better. :D
That was implied to her, and what sparked her jumping up and showing us the information she had 120 days to shove into her kids head. It was rumored her contract was not renewed after that year, and why she is now a realtor.

It takes a special person to teach. To pay good money for an education to make less than almost anyone else. It has to be a passion/desire for sure. A passion she lacked.

There are many that are insanely critical of the public education system, and while there's good concern, there are also many brilliant people who came up thru that same system. Mainly because the parent's didn't RELY on that system alone to educate their child, but used it to supplement their contributions.
That was implied to her, and what sparked her jumping up and showing us the information she had 120 days to shove into her kids head. It was rumored her contract was not renewed after that year, and why she is now a realtor.

It takes a special person to teach. To pay good money for an education to make less than almost anyone else. It has to be a passion/desire for sure. A passion she lacked.

There are many that are insanely critical of the public education system, and while there's good concern, there are also many brilliant people who came up thru that same system. Mainly because the parent's didn't RELY on that system alone to educate their child, but used it to supplement their contributions.
I'm a husband of an extremely dedicated, called to to teach, abundantly talented lady. This warms my heart to read.

Just like any workplace you have folks who simply don't belong, folks who coast, folks burnt out, and the very few who are passionate and exceptional at what they do.

The best sign of a good teacher is one who can switch subject matter, pick up and run. I sign of a horrible teacher is one minded, this is what I know, so this is what I do. The root is they stopped learning when they thought they had enough of any one subject. An excellent teacher has to have one exceptional quality. They themselves NEVER stop learning.

If in any interaction a teacher acts like they can't Garner some form of improvement or learn from various situations they themselves have handicapped the function they serve.
I'm a husband of an extremely dedicated, called to to teach, abundantly talented lady. This warms my heart to read.

Just like any workplace you have folks who simply don't belong, folks who coast, folks burnt out, and the very few who are passionate and exceptional at what they do.

The best sign of a good teacher is one who can switch subject matter, pick up and run. I sign of a horrible teacher is one minded, this is what I know, so this is what I do. The root is they stopped learning when they thought they had enough of any one subject. An excellent teacher has to have one exceptional quality. They themselves NEVER stop learning.

If in any interaction a teacher acts like they can't Garner some form of improvement or learn from various situations they themselves have handicapped the function they serve.
My son's speech teacher is awesome. Over the last year and a half, she has been a blessing to our family . Waylon cried because he doesn't get to see her over the summer. She works with each child individually, to find how to connect with them, and help engage them with learning. If every teacher cared as much as Mrs. Kelly, the world would be a better place.
To pay good money for an education to make less than almost anyone else.

But the one thing you never hear about, though, is the state retirement. My mom got paid for more years from the state retirement system than she taught (the full 30 years). State health plan for life, too (I don't think new teachers are getting that anymore, though).

Of course, that's only a great benefit if you live long enough in retirement.
But the one thing you never hear about, though, is the state retirement. My mom got paid for more years from the state retirement system than she taught (the full 30 years). State health plan for life, too (I don't think new teachers are getting that anymore, though).

Of course, that's only a great benefit if you live long enough in retirement.
New teachers are getting less benefits than some most good companies now. Insurance is basically Obama care under a group policy. Entry pay is fairly low for a grad student in other fields. Annual raises have been proportionally cut. Pension and extended health care insurance beyond service is out.
Average start is around 32k, raises and such would require 15 or so years of service to break 40 to 45k. Rough figures based only on convo with the wife.

If you are a driven intelligent person with most likely student debt would you do a Masters program for those numbers? It's why it must be a calling.

Many have double majors and are required like my wife to qualify through testing and other hoops to teach a relative subject. Most think summers are a vacation. Mine spent all of hers doing conferences, on line study and testing just to switch up subjects. All out of pocket.
My wife text me a few minutes ago wanting the link to the house we have booked next month for vacation. No problem, open the VRBO app and go to send it to her.... But I can't find it. Anywhere. I remember booking it, and I remember getting a message in the app confirming it as well as a message from host. It's all gone. Kinda getting paniced. We only had 2 weeks the whole summer that our work schedules lined up that we could go away and places are probably already full.

Then my dumb self had a thought, maybe I booked this one in Airbnb.... Yup. It's all there. I'm a moron 🤣
My favorite forum is feeding me bad ideas.

On another note I get the whole algorithm feeding add machine, but since this is a 4wd hangout why aren't the ads specifically selected to drive that market?
My favorite forum is feeding me bad ideas.
View attachment 419727

On another note I get the whole algorithm feeding add machine, but since this is a 4wd hangout why aren't the ads specifically selected to drive that market?
Because it feeds off of your search history and such. On that note I’d be scared what some of the ads are on some of these folks devices :flipoff2: :eek: :flipoff2:
Because it feeds off of your search history and such. On that note I’d be scared what some of the ads are on some of these folks devices :flipoff2: :eek: :flipoff2:
About to get some lizzo tour dates
A good friend down the street had a party a while ago. His gaming PC is in the living room. I of course had to take a moment to search for all kinds of crazy p0rn supplies on it just for this purpose....
F@&k this heat