Random Thoughts.....

So I haven't really seen the big deal in Trumps 'sexist' comments. But a text from one of my buddies today reads 'I'd drag my dick through a parking lot full of broken glass to hear her fart through a walkie talkie'...so it got me to wondering if I'm desensitized or if the left is making it a bigger deal than it needs to be.
Are you or your buddy running for President?
That's the difference.

Basically you can be all the douchenozzle you wanna be, but once you vouch to want to be the representative of the country to the rest of the world, people's standards change a little.
I do not like hoop cheese
Are you or your buddy running for President?
That's the difference.

Basically you can be all the douchenozzle you wanna be, but once you vouch to want to be the representative of the country to the rest of the world, people's standards change a little.

Don't get me wrong...not advocating trump or what he said in any way...but everyone keeps saying politicians are so out of touch and they want to see more of a real person. I get it, context, held to a higher standard, blah blah blah...I just think it's a god awful platform to brow beat.
Most of the shit guys talk only among men.......... at the bar, locker room, golf course, parties, while fishing etc. is half true or purely bravado and that is understood by most men.
So I haven't really seen the big deal in Trumps 'sexist' comments. But a text from one of my buddies today reads 'I'd drag my dick through a parking lot full of broken glass to hear her fart through a walkie talkie'...so it got me to wondering if I'm desensitized or if the left is making it a bigger deal than it needs to be.

It is not just the democrats. Many Republican congressmen are pulling their support and some are even requesting that Trump step aside. The problem is it isnt just talk from Trump. He actually does it.
Most of the shit guys talk only among men.......... at the bar, locker room, golf course, parties, while fishing etc. is half true or purely bravado and that is understood by most men.
But you Forget we are a country that has forgotten which restroom to use....much less correct or incorrect speech pathologies we must now align ourselves too. I for one don't give a flying flipp flipper flop ( was that any better? ) to what he has said about something as trivial as a blunt expression for a vagina. At least he clearly does not possess an identity crisis and doesn't give two ffff's for the established horrible status quo in DC.

And I add as and edit: is truly why it doesn't set well with anybody...
I do not like hoop cheese
When you buy hoop cheese get it thin as possible, then when you get into your truck, car , rig , etc turn on the defrost and put the cheese on the dash like a grilled cheese without bread
It is not just the democrats. Many Republican congressmen are pulling their support and some are even requesting that Trump step aside. The problem is it isnt just talk from Trump. He actually does it.
I'm not directing this @drkelly specifically,but sayin he did step down, then what??? Less than a month away from the election who would they put in for him,Pence?? Then what about a VP?? I like Pence but at this late hour he has less of a chance than Trump.
if this election were really about moral character neither clinton nor trump would have made it this far. america doesn't pick it's favorites based on moral character. if they did there would likely be a totally different make up of congress, most followed movie stars, musicians, athletes. the media and politicians need to quit shoveling the bull shit. the media wouldn't give a damn if it was hillary talking about huma, in fact they would probably celebrate it. trump is a pig, no doubt about it. she is a crooked corrupt uncharged felon, no doubt about it. pick one.
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I'm not directing this @drkelly specifically,but sayin he did step down, then what??? Less than a month away from the election who would they put in for him,Pence?? Then what about a VP?? I like Pence but at this late hour he has less of a chance than Trump.

It is too late to replace Trump with someone else. The Republicans have lost this election. Trump never should have been the Republican nominee. Some of the other Republican candidates are looking a lot better now aren't they? The Republicans need to start planning for 2020. I'm not a pessimist, I am just a realist.
To the six Hispanic dudes riding around in the work van singing and dancing to "Listen to your harrrrr...." Thanks for the laugh.
It is too late to replace Trump with someone else. The Republicans have lost this election. Trump never should have been the Republican nominee. Some of the other Republican candidates are looking a lot better now aren't they? The Republicans need to start planning for 2020. I'm not a pessimist, I am just a realist.
I voted Carson myself.
It is too late to replace Trump with someone else. The Republicans have lost this election. Trump never should have been the Republican nominee. Some of the other Republican candidates are looking a lot better now aren't they? The Republicans need to start planning for 2020. I'm not a pessimist, I am just a realist.

I agree, the 2016 election has already been lost for the GOP. I think the problem is that the GOP pandered to the wrong part of their voter base. They pandered to the fringe radical far right who would have voted republican whether they were pandered to or not. Instead they should have focused on the republicans who were not as far right on the scale and who would have wanted to see a real republican candidate who represented their party's core platform instead of the circus that is and always has been Donald Trump. If the party is gonna ever come back from this in future elections, they are gonna have to re-evaluate their approach and realize that you can't put all your focus on the radicals unless you want to end up with another Donald Trump campaign. Even though I am an evil democrat and should revel in the fact that the republicans have blown their chance at the white house this time, it still saddens me to see this kind of insanity going on within a political party.
Are you or your buddy running for President?
That's the difference.

Basically you can be all the douchenozzle you wanna be, but once you vouch to want to be the representative of the country to the rest of the world, people's standards change a little.
True but keep in mind, was he running in the 90s? Did he get a child rapist off the hook? I dont like him but the media is so biased that it has more BS than my cow pasture!!!
I think I'm fawked no matter who wins the election, so rather than be accused of wasting my vote I'll sell it to the highest bidder. At least that way I get something positive out of the whole thing.

Random thought here, this would be the funniest ebay auction ever.
It is too late to replace Trump with someone else. The Republicans have lost this election. Trump never should have been the Republican nominee. Some of the other Republican candidates are looking a lot better now aren't they? The Republicans need to start planning for 2020. I'm not a pessimist, I am just a realist.

What I don't get is why so many of the republican nominees had already dropped out of the race by the time the North Caroline primary election (as though North Carolina is inconsequential in terms of the electoral college) , but now all the sudden North Carolina is a "swing state" and everyone and their brother is campaigning here on a weekly basis.

I wish they would have the primaries all at once. I don't understand why it has to be set up the way it is where the first states to have primaries seem to have the most pull in the election process. I don't care who the douchenozzles in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada choose for their candidate.... I'd have liked to have been able to vote for Mike Huckabee, but he had already dropped out of the race by the time our primary came.
I wish they would have the primaries all at once. I don't understand why it has to be set up the way it is where the first states to have primaries seem to have the most pull in the election process. I don't care who the douchenozzles in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada choose for their candidate....

This is a pretty good random thought.
Most of the shit guys talk only among men.......... at the bar, locker room, golf course, parties, while fishing etc. is half true or purely bravado and that is understood by most men.
What cracks me up is after Trump said "Locker room talk", what does the media do? They go interview a bunch of professional sports athletes & ask if Trumps' comments are anything like what they say in the locker room. First, it's a figurative description. Second LIKE THEY'RE GOING TO SAY "HELLZ YA BIOTCH!"
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