Random Thoughts.....

Dodge tow mirrors are like getting eye glasses for the first time: " Damn I look like a frigging dork! But fawk me I can see everything!!!."

I like seeing very well.
Being a dork. I'm used to it.
Are there telescoping dodge mirrors??? I flipped mine out on the new truck and they were ridiculously far out, but I swear not as far as some I've seen.
No, thats the big flaw of the dodge mirrors. When folded down, the orientation of the mirror is useless. When folded out, the orientation is right, but the truck looks stoopid. Pretty sure thats why GM and Ford both just keep them oriented vertically and telescope them in and out. Also, if I understand correctly, they don't have a power fold out option either, so I really don't blame the dodge guys for not walking around the truck just to flip the mirror in. On my Ford I can just push a button and watch it go in and out (thats what she said).
No, thats the big flaw of the dodge mirrors. When folded down, the orientation of the mirror is useless. When folded out, the orientation is right, but the truck looks stoopid. Pretty sure thats why GM and Ford both just keep them oriented vertically and telescope them in and out. Also, if I understand correctly, they don't have a power fold out option either, so I really don't blame the dodge guys for not walking around the truck just to flip the mirror in. On my Ford I can just push a button and watch it go in and out (thats what she said).
Esp when you throw in manual adjust too. Mine tows 50% of the time is driven. Not worth adjusting mirrors for 5 min everytime i drive it.
I prefer my mirrors flipped down. I see more of what I want to see with them like that. Only time i flip them out is if I'm pulling a wide trailer.
Not sure what's ironic about it? At least in the usual definition.

It's been a huge problem up here. Baltimore and a lot of MD is struggling w/ heroin and ODs from Fentanyl lacing have skyrocketed. One can say, "well that's a problem that will cure itself in time once they all OD", but the problem is that the dealers aren't the users, and there's lots of folks who are just trying to get by w/ "maintenance levels" on the road to recovery and don't know their getting a huge hit instead.
By this definition: an outcome of events contrary to what was, or might have been, expected.

Typically, you see a PSA about drugs, you expect it to be something along the lines of 'drugs are bad mmmkay, so don't take drugs'. Not, we've conceded to the expectation of people taking drugs, but drugs laced with drugs are even more worser, so be careful while taking your drugs.
This laced mess nearly killed a cashier at a bank down our way. She was handling money with traces on it. Over dosed on the spot right in the bank.
I hate it when I'm filling out a google review for a restaurant somewhere and one of the questions is "do they serve small plates or tapas?" Because first of all, that sounds stupid.
Somehow, I did not know that there was a Revenge of the Nerds 3.
Last night I had the "honor" of watching it, and learning it is absolutely terrible. The only thing that made that worse, was being followed by #4, which was even worse.
Somehow, I did not know that there was a Revenge of the Nerds 3.
Last night I had the "honor" of watching it, and learning it is absolutely terrible. The only thing that made that worse, was being followed by #4, which was even worse.

Revenge of the Nerds is not a movie one typically watches for the Plot, so safe to assume by 'terrible' it wasn't even comically bad??? Sometimes I'll watch a bad movie for the sole purpose of laughing at how terrible it is.
When do babies start "sleeping like a baby".
I vote to change the saying. It should be "sleep like a bored 16yo, who has just smoked a bowl and started watching Up in smoke for the 50th time."

I still don't know how that movie ends.

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Buy solid front axle Ford truck (OBS F-350, SD F-2/350, '78 older), no lift, throw portal boxes on the axles, buy bigger tires, wheel it.

Why not?
Leaf springs. Portal boxes will multiply the twist put on the springs significantly, somewhere in the neighborhood of 3-8 times I would guess.

Though with traction bars, it might work out ok. I'd certainly drive it.
When do babies start "sleeping like a baby".
I vote to change the saying. It should be "sleep like a bored 16yo, who has just smoked a bowl and started watching Up in smoke for the 50th time."

I still don't know how that movie ends.

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My first kid slept great and through the night almost right away. We thought that was normal. Then the second kid came and it was literally a year before we had a good nights sleep. If the order had been reversed we would have stopped at one kid.