Rutherfordton Nc Ford 8n retrieval and Resurrection. I hope!

Can't put my finger on it, but looks familiar


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Then on to carb and fuel and tune up parts.
Do yourself a HUGE favor *assuming it's the OE Marvel Schebler* and rebuild it versus the cheap Chineeseum variety...
Mine came with junk, runs, but not well... finally got the original carb from the PO and it's in the to-do lineup before spring garden/bushhog work begins
Do yourself a HUGE favor *assuming it's the OE Marvel Schebler* and rebuild it versus the cheap Chineeseum variety...
Mine came with junk, runs, but not well... finally got the original carb from the PO and it's in the to-do lineup before spring garden/bushhog work begins
This one had no carb. When I go looking for a rim tire I'll see if I can get one to rebuild that isn't Chinese junk. In an effort to get it running though I choose the cheap stuff on fleebay.
So the valve is free it’s the lifter in the block. Any suggestions on how to unstuck it?


I’ve sprayed pb blaster on it and tried to pry it gently down. Bumped it over too.
And we got her to run as long as I pump fuel from a boat gas tank. That freed up the exhaust valve. Idk if these will work but here goes.


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I just love resurrection threads. Keep going!
I am. I ordered the intake/exhaust gasket last night. I need to clean the tank. Any suggestions? I need to figure out what bolts size and length to mount the hood. I need to source a tire. Helms Farm Machinery is who my neighbor said was close by. Farm Machinery Supplier | Sumter, SC Incedently he was down here in his sons xj yesterday helping and was the one who suggested to just run it Might knock it loose. Getting excited. She aint purdy but she is running sort of....
@ghost This FB group is full of folks that grew up on (used when new) them... While a few shitheads ("opinionated" ala Pirate4x4) , the majority are pretty helpful.
You may even find the parts (rim/tire, etc.)

@ghost This FB group is full of folks that grew up on (used when new) them... While a few shitheads ("opinionated" ala Pirate4x4) , the majority are pretty helpful.
You may even find the parts (rim/tire, etc.)

Thanks. Had to go to Hartsville today so I made a trip out to Helms on the way back. He spent a good bit of time with me. Looked at pictures and gave me some good info. He thinks I have a 51- or 52m 8n with a Ferguson rear end. Explains the brake difference on mine. I'll do some more research. He has a tire rim and center. I'll probably buy it from him since he was so helpful but it was more than I expected. $250.00 I was hoping to find one for $100 - $150. That said you can't pay enough for the kind of knowledge this guy has especially when they share it free with a stranger.
So I decided to go looking For numbers.
That is probably a TO-20 Ferguson rear end, the TO-20 are basically the same tractor, the handshake agreement between Henry Ford was during the 2n and onto the 9n, then Henry Ford died and Henry Ford ll came to be in charge and ended the agreement and made the 8n but still using Ferguson designed 3 point hitch, Ferguson designed the TO-20 as competition for the 8n, they both are very very similar tractors
Block serial says 1950 and side-dizzy says mid-year... nice!
Yea that is what I thought 1950. Researched the rear a little last night. the linkages to the brakes are missing. It has only one pedal up front but a pedal for each side on that side. @JNO thanks for that info. I'll look for that rear. I was just searching TO-4024-A and it was giving me tractor info.
I pulled the tank and washed it today planing to paint it with POR 15. Found this weird black stuff on it. Pressure washed most of it off. I think it was a tank fix. Tank has a hole.
The age old question: Do I... attempt DIY "repairs vs. having it "professionally" boiled/coated vs. wholesale replacement?
While there are a couple decent suppliers that've been discussed on the various forums/sites... there appear to be double (triple?) that number of junk/Chiwanesse sources.
The age old question: Do I... attempt DIY "repairs vs. having it "professionally" boiled/coated vs. wholesale replacement?
While there are a couple decent suppliers that've been discussed on the various forums/sites... there appear to be double (triple?) that number of junk/Chiwanesse sources.
Yes I talked to Jimmy at helm's tractor today. I don't want a new tank but it's out so why not. I'd rather have a reliable fuel system than a headache. He has my tire ready. Might have this thing moving by the end of the week. Might.
@ghost This FB group is full of folks that grew up on (used when new) them... While a few shitheads ("opinionated" ala Pirate4x4) , the majority are pretty helpful.
You may even find the parts (rim/tire, etc.)

Im in that group as well as several others. I have a 49 8N.
Tank and tire acquired. Tire is full of liquid. I can’t even slide it in my bed. Ugh.