There is talk of a MEET & GREET & EAT!!!!

dpg doesnt require a seat to ride around the place. you can walk to everything, just get yourself to the field and you can get to every obstacle on foot in under 5 minutes.

just thought i would clarify that..
I'd like to go but I have limited options. 1 is to run a stock rubicon I don't have spare parts for yet, follow you guys on the 4wheeler is allowed or ride shotty with someone. If someone has an open seat I'd love to tag along or ride the wheeler if permitted. Don't really want to tow a Jeep up there only to not have spare parts if and when it breaks
I have been pushed, begged, tormented and demanded that I must get my jeep running and back on the road / trails

so I just spent this week and last weeks extra paycheck on a new, better, hd bumper :D:D although I will be eating sandwiches and cereal without milk for the next two weeks, It is all good :D so I might be able to ride with you guys (although I have no clue where we are going and what to expect) All I have to do now is cross my fingers I don't pull work
Josh C said:
I'd like to go but I have limited options. 1 is to run a stock rubicon I don't have spare parts for yet, follow you guys on the 4wheeler is allowed or ride shotty with someone. If someone has an open seat I'd love to tag along or ride the wheeler if permitted. Don't really want to tow a Jeep up there only to not have spare parts if and when it breaks

if you can just get can watch all kinds of obstacles within walking distance...

and I'm sure you could catch a ride with anybody around...

DPG is really like a big open field, and all the obstacles are just around the border...kinda like everything at UNF piled into one spot...only supersized...

Yeah, it looks like it was supposed to be someone's farm, but they gave up when they started finding rocks bigger than the tractor. ;)
So..I just looked at the open ride pictures from DPG and it looks like a blast. This will only be my second run in the Jeep after the buildup. Only problem I'm pretty sure my rig can't handle half the stuff I saw, it is cool if we watch correct? I'll be happy to try whatever I can do but some of those rocks are HUGE!!
Diane said:
Have the Mud Devils officially OK'd this ?

I went to their site and asked for an official "yes" on this...they have been discussing it a little, mainly just seeing who's going to be around...

once a date is set, then we need to figure out time and food...

the date is set for sat the for the food we will supply the grill then it's everyone for themselves.
alright so once we get everything together we need someone to just set a time, date and who brings what and that way everyone will be on the sme page, I also think my gf will be joining me to dpg.
we will be there between 9-10am jan 14th. talk amongst yourselves about grub . austin will bring the big ass grill-o-matic. that was the last word I got anyway. the playground had a make over today it's now more "stock buggy friendly". lol .bring your rig out for a fun day, either to watch or ride . its a good time either way.
George brought a tractor trailer and a track hoe yesterday and we redesigned pretty much all of the obstacles. There have been new obstacles made and ones that were close to impossible have had rock added to them. The crack down in the corner looks nothing like it did before, I bet a semi-stocker on 33's or so could make it now with no body damage. We made the whole place a little more stocker friendly and added some really difficult lines for those who are tempted. We will have fire barrels in several spots throughout the area so all the onlookers (like myself) can stay warm and watch. The grill will be there and a large bonfire in the field, so come on out.
EaglesSJ said:
Would I be able to wheel this area in my Jeep or would I just get in the way all day?

there were some places you could wheel...and after the changes it sounds like were made, there are quite a few more...

yes then its a date then, im looking forward to it, is this a byom(meat), you bring it you cook it, or are we all just going to chip in some and get some burgers or whatnot?
I told the wife about this and she reminded me that our church has some kind of retreat set for that same day, a lot closer to home. Now I'm not sure which I'll be going to. Rats.

Looks like it'll depend more on the weather than anything else now, BUT I'd like to make it if I can. Figure I'm in unless I say different or just don't show.
George brought a tractor trailer and a track hoe yesterday and we redesigned pretty much all of the obstacles. There have been new obstacles made and ones that were close to impossible have had rock added to them. The crack down in the corner looks nothing like it did before, I bet a semi-stocker on 33's or so could make it now with no body damage. We made the whole place a little more stocker friendly and added some really difficult lines for those who are tempted. We will have fire barrels in several spots throughout the area so all the onlookers (like myself) can stay warm and watch. The grill will be there and a large bonfire in the field, so come on out.

BIGWOODY said: server crashed and took all our info with, we are still planning on Jan. 14 for meet, greet, wheel, and eat.

since the site has crashed, the directions are also gone (not sure if they're actually on this site, as I know people were usually re-directed to your site)...

I used this a couple times to show people where it was:

from that intersection, it's 1/4 mile or so South on Ross Wood'll see a field on the right, and possibly a Mud Devils sign up...

I should have the site back up tonight. we lost everything:mad: but we'll be back bigger and better! look for big changes next week!! anyone that was a member of our site please check back in with us and register again sometime sat. I'll get jim to post up the directions again . thanks
Thanks Scott for posting the directions again, sorry your site crashed