Uwharrie 4x4Cross Questions & Answers - Old Thread

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Why would crawl ratio be an issue in a speed event?

My thought was that by using crawl ratio you can have any combination in the case or axle and stay in a group.
The part that will move a lot up is the axle ratios. Almost every Jeep with tires in the 33-35 range has changed axle ratios.
How will you check each axle for a locker, posi and so on?
You are talking a lot of rigs that you will need to check in class A and class B for lockers to make sure then anyone in the money will you make them do a tear down to prove no lockers were used or posi. I would want to make sure. For now the Class B "Rubicon" you can even run a Rubicon, can you?
What about the IFS that they turn up bars, will you measure them or is that why you are giving 2" lift in stock class A?

5: Original Axles and R&Ps ONLY – Smiley

I want to see you pull the covers and look at all of them.....
Sounds like NASCAR now
I think Chevy had 5 or 6 gears that could be had in my k5......
another thought....
Having a bone stock class is going to draw a driver with possibly less experience. This could lead to crashes and increased liability.
If you allow mods. The level of rigs is going to go up, but with that the drivers ability should go up too. In a perfect world it would.
160 participants, starting every 7 minutes = 18+ hrs of time.. and taht's only going ONCE per rig.

Don't forget about the hours of down time during the event to remove the broken wrecks out of the way. There will be major carnage throughout the day. I anticipate broken steering knuckles, links etc making vehicles VERY difficult to move. This will be one of the most difficult obstacles to overcome for this event. Capable crews with their recovery vehicles will need to be staged through out the course.
just want clarification on these rules to know if I have to get a new ride for this event, or if I can run one that I already have. I don't care what class I end up in, but I only pay entrance fees once.
These are all great questions, and we will discuss all of them and more ata the meeting.

After the meeting, we should have it all ironed out(classes anyway) So once we ''come up with the rules'' we will post them and that will be that. Any tweeking will be for the next event, next year.(as long as this one is succesful)

I just hope that once its all ironed out, everyone of you will participate by either competeing, or showing up to watch.

Ricky (jrraw) is going to print questions and worthy comments
off the forum, so we will have it all right there.

Wish us luck....please....this probably wont be easy!
The only reason I haven't signed up already is the "not set in stone" comment. When everything is locked in, I will pay up. I find it hard to believe that people have paid already when rules and classes are still in limbo (except unlimiteds).
How are you going to get past the NFS rules that govern the use of the forest to operate a business. There are clubs that face this issue and makes no profit in order to satisfy the NFS rules. How you gonna get past that?

How is this treading lightly?

Is Deborah Walker onboard?
These are all great questions, and we will discuss all of them and more ata the meeting.
After the meeting, we should have it all ironed out(classes anyway) So once we ''come up with the rules'' we will post them and that will be that. Any tweeking will be for the next event, next year.(as long as this one is succesful)
I just hope that once its all ironed out, everyone of you will participate by either competeing, or showing up to watch.
Ricky (jrraw) is going to print questions and worthy comments
off the forum, so we will have it all right there.
Wish us luck....please....this probably wont be easy!


Make sure you get all your questions in as soon as possible, I'm gonna compile as much as i can tonight fromt the three threads we have and tommorow around noon i will do one final check for any new questions after that your out of luck . . .

Lastly, this is a timed race. You will not be penalized for stops or breakage. As long as you do not go over the set amount of time between you and the next racer and don’t go outside of the markers, you won’t be disqualified. You and your Spotter will have to work in sync as time is of the essence. No other points will be awarded. It’s you against the finish line. All tools at your disposal are allowed, but a stop watch is probably the most important one.
I guess I'm not really understanding what the actual event is. Its kind of been asked in these threads, but I havent seen any definite answers. Is this a balls-to-the wall, go as fast as possible run from point A to B, best 5 times do it again on Sunday? Or as the above quote kind of suggests, some sort of rally-type action. If its a true race, how can I not be penalized for stops or breakage?
As long as you do not go over the set amount of time between you and the next racer
set amount of time between you and the next racer

Every seven minutes (I think) someone else takes off........That is what I am gathering.......... You have to be out of his/her way or you get penalized.
set amount of time between you and the next racer
Every seven minutes (I think) someone else takes off........That is what I am gathering.......... You have to be out of his/her way or you get penalized.

yeah, what happens if I catch the guy in front of me and pass him?
I keep hearing the 160 x 7 min = 18 hrs... remember guys, this thing is from may 9-11.
yeah, the dates and times are on the website.
Originally Posted by R Q
For you guys going to the meeting tomorrow; If insurance for the event is not inplace yet, then make no plans until it is written in stone.
If the dude can't show a policy then there is no reason to proceed.

I agree with you, BUT, I dont ask to see a resturants insurance policy before I eat there, or any other policy for that matter(except in some sub-contracting work) I never ask to see a policy for any business I buy from.
While Im on this subject....Most of the inside business affairs of this event/company will never be know to this, or any other forum. I am not trying to be an ass, but some of these questions are/could be a private matter to be known only to the owners/promoter. I am quite possitive that those details
are to be worked out amongst ins. company/UNF/American Wheeler. As probably will the money/profit/investment part of the deal. Meaning: if I go to a nascar race at Charlotte, I dont get to talk with Humpy about the ins/profit/risk/investments.
I simply buy my ticket and have some fun. Same should apply here.imo

For those of us going to the meeting, we should all know.....
The meetings intent is to Focus on a few questions and topics. Especially vehicle classes. We will be asking and going over questions from this forum, but only those topics that we as a forum could lend some help and ideas to. Yes, we will try to learn as much as we can, and gather as much info as we can. No..we wont demand answers to questions that are none of our buisness. Hopefully, after the meeting, we will be able to post this in the 'upcoming events section', and those of us attending the meeting will all be able to post up about what we have learned. Once that happens, you all will decide to jump on or not. And if its ''all good'' then we all take part, in one form or another, and help make this an event to be proud of.
Here’s my thinking, for whatever it’s worth:

I truly believe that TIRE SIZE, more than any other single thing, should be the primary consideration when deciding a given vehicle’s class – However, I am NOT saying that a vehicle’s tire size should be the ONLY determining factor.

In my case, due to the level of modifications on my rig, I’m willing to accept that my 32” tires, by themselves, should not automatically qualify me for A Class – obviously it is too ‘built’ for that. --- But by the same token, since absolutely every other thing on the entire vehicle DOES qualify it for either A or B Class, it is totally nuts to bump it up to C Class just because it has a set of aftermarket transfer case gears; particularly when the new gear ratio still isn’t as low as a bone stock Rubicon’s.

As much as possible, the vehicles need to be grouped together: Apples with Apples – Oranges with Oranges – Grapefruits with Grapefruits – Watermelons with Watermelons… otherwise there’s gonna be some mighty Sour Grapes (and/or Gripes).

Here’s another Monkey Wrench for ya:
In which Class would you place a completely stock-height IFS rig, with 33” tires, a welded rear dif, and a 3/4-elliptical rear suspension?

I ask because I know someone with just such a vehicle, and they are very interested in participating in this event – however, they would be far less inclined to do so if their ‘low rider’ is considered a C Class vehicle, based solely on that rear suspension set-up… I mean, hell; there’s only about 6 to 8 hours worth of fab-work invested in the 2 mods that prevent it from being an A Class rig.

OK, I’m gonna hop off the old soapbox now.
I look forward to hearing the results of that meeting!

Ironing out the classes will be tough and I think the more general they are, the better. I think the main thing we need to look at is performance improvers: tire size, traction aids, suspension design, and possibly motor mods/swaps. You absolutely cannot please everyone with this. There will be people who will be bumped up a class because of something and complain about the classes because their tires aren't as big as everyone else. Smiley, I'm not saying this is going to be the case with your friend, but some people will be excluded from a lower class based on using an "advanced" modification on an otherwise basic vehicle. It will be impossible to avoid this IMO. I think some rigs (like your friend's) could possibly be handled on a case-by-case basis by the event cordinator. IMO, a 3/4 elliptical suspension alone would not be enough to bump him up to C class (or he could be asked to lock it out somehow). However, I am not the event cordinator ;). The rigs in each class (especially C & D) will be set up differently, so I think the rules need to be set up to keep each class fairly even as far as CAPABILITY is concerned. Hence, the classes should be governed by more general guidelines.
Just checking in,will register for this after I read what goes on today at UNF.

Gotta represent the IFS guys and gals
So, tech question here. Me and a buddy are thinking about doing stock class. Can I take a 90's toyota pickup and strip every body panel off of it(hood, fenders, doors, bed), run 32's or whatever the stock class tire size ends up being and give it hell?
So, tech question here. Me and a buddy are thinking about doing stock class. Can I take a 90's toyota pickup and strip every body panel off of it(hood, fenders, doors, bed), run 32's or whatever the stock class tire size ends up being and give it hell?
Removing the fenders might violate the 3. No Large cut-outs. rule, which I'm kind of reading as minimal fender trimming. Who knows though, we'll see how the class definition goes at tonight's meeting. :popcorn:
My question..

the forrest rangers state the trails will not be blocked or close, and others not involved in race will be allowed on the trails.. ( i called and aksed this morning)

I have been on trails before and had a ATV or dirt bike come around a corner and end up in the woods because they were going to fast.. if I meet a buggy or Jeep speeding down the trails and they hit me.. someone will end up HURT BAD..

so is this gonna be wheel at your own risk and do it as fast as possible.. because if you tell people it is a RACE someone will get hurt.. DO you have atleast a Million Dollar insurance coverage.. I hope so?

I am just mainly worried about by stands and people there to wheel not involved in the race and there safety..

every PRO race werock, uroc event I have been to they never allow spectators within 100 feet of the action..and they sure do not allow others on the trails or course at sametime. How do you plan to handle this?
Also if a person not involved in the race shows up and goes wheeling and a buggy comes up on his ass at 50mph and then is yelling to get out of the wayso he can get buy.. it is gonna put a bad impression on us and could make our sport look like a bunch of ass holes
SO I suggest you ask the rangers for a permit to close the trails for the day.. it will help with Safety A LOT
My question..
the forrest rangers state the trails will not be blocked or close, and others not involved in race will be allowed on the trails.. ( i called and aksed this morning)
I have been on trails before and had a ATV or dirt bike come around a corner and end up in the woods because they were going to fast.. if I meet a buggy or Jeep speeding down the trails and they hit me.. someone will end up HURT BAD..
so is this gonna be wheel at your own risk and do it as fast as possible.. because if you tell people it is a RACE someone will get hurt.. DO you have atleast a Million Dollar insurance coverage.. I hope so?
I am just mainly worried about by stands and people there to wheel not involved in the race and there safety..
every PRO race werock, uroc event I have been to they never allow spectators within 100 feet of the action..and they sure do not allow others on the trails or course at sametime. How do you plan to handle this?

X2. NEVER question safety... Seen a woman killed before. Not a pretty sight!:shaking:
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