^ < v

^ likes the smell of his own farts and poops,.....:poop: sniffer:huggy:
< needs some help here peeps! i'm almost out of smartass!
V please be more creative than this reply:shaking:
^ is not a very funny
< has the comic style of Johnny Carson
V stopped watching gay goat porn to respond to this thread
^ ran out of talent
< is almost out of coffee
v full of :poop:
^likes VT... and rainbows!
< Is kicking himself in ass cause he didnt replace lifters when rebuilding his damn 350!
v Never made it out of 2nd grade!
^ didn't make it out of 1st grade cause didn't think new lifters were necessary.
< has new lifters for his new motor
V thinks lifters are for his man bra


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^ Has his shit together...
< Needs to get his shit together!
v Has shit all over himself.
^ should try some shithooks to get all his shit together
< prefers solid lifters for the thrill and noise
v Once 4 wheeled in a Subaru wagon
^ is 100% correct about the Subaru.
< has to remove the cam bearings and get the block to the machine shop. Had he really had his shit together block would have been ready.
V is ready for a gay weekend because his shit is packed.
^ should hurry up w the motor, summer will be here soon
< wife had a Datsun B Three10 in 1986, easiest clutch I ever changed, about a half hour. I usually pack too much shit....... ( beer and food ) when traveling but my motto is "better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it"......... Am I a doomsdayer too?
V wheels a juicebox cause he can't shift...... or chew tobacco and spit
^ still would love a big tree and has yet to explain brokeback mtn
< dreams about his deep rootin' while sleepin with a pork chop in mouth :D
v is now lost...
^ new baby will have a full beard by 10 years old

< Is a baby if that means he likes milk and boobs

v is having tube steak for dinner.

***EDIT*** damn you posted while i was typing..... meant for beast
^ close, I might be having bologna....wifes pissed again:lol:
< needs to see the pics of the new 2012 Warbeast
V doesn't know how to make babies yet
^ Just look at WarBeast's avatar
< makes babies with scissors and construction paper (isn't that how everybody does it?)
V Silence! I keel you!
^ infadel
< needs to grab a beer
v needs to get off the computer and work on his junk so he can go wheelin
^ sets down to pee
< really wants tim camerons "showtime" buggy
v ties a steak around his neck so the dogs will play with him