^ < v

^ Sounds like an offer???
<Needs garage to install sbc...
v Farts smell like latex and vaseline!!
^ needs to pay to use it
< has a tiny garage
V wants a bigger garage
^ knows what a man wants
< tells wife next garage will be 80x100 so she'll "settle" for 40x80.
V wants to live in my new garage
^ spends too much time in his garage
< would settle for a carport or just a concrete slab instead of the dirt and gravel I'm wrenching on now!
V parks his new Fiat in a garage
^ LOL wants a Soul
< Has rocked a few souls in his time
V Wants a Cube
^ Has his panties in a bunch over a parking issue

< Parks his junk in the back of the lot & walks

V Doesn't even own a trailer
^ is correct about the trailer
< bc i dont have a toyota
V lives in a van down by the river
^has me confused with the guy he buys his weed from
< has never smoked weed
V smokes too much weed

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^ Got me...
< Is wishing he had weed to help with sbc throw together...
v Has a sugar daddy that buys his weed for him!!
^ from hanging out with ^

< had to quit

V trades sex for crack
^doesnt know why a hooker is better than a crack dealer
< knows a hooker can wash her crack and re-sale it
v had a hooker tell him she had a headach.
^ still mad cause the last hooker he saw had a sign that read "must be at least this tall to ride" and told him to go away.
< laughing at his own joke
v laughing too
^ lol
< lol
v lol
^ Is quiet cause the same hooker told him the same
< Saw a hooker once, and she said "Don't even try it!"
v Is headed to Harper's II to get his Jeep washed........
^another one got rejected by hooker
<is pissed because he was supposed to sale his k5 today and A$$ WIPE didnt show up
v should tell < not to sell his rig
^Don't sell your rig. You'll regret it in minutes.
< Wouldn't sell his rig.
V Shouldn't sell his rig either.