^ doesn't know some of the girls I know who throw better than some men.
< needs to do something productive.
v probably hasn't done anything productive today either.
^ spends too much time in his garage
< would settle for a carport or just a concrete slab instead of the dirt and gravel I'm wrenching on now!
V parks his new Fiat in a garage
^ still mad cause the last hooker he saw had a sign that read "must be at least this tall to ride" and told him to go away.
< laughing at his own joke
v laughing too
^ Is quiet cause the same hooker told him the same
< Saw a hooker once, and she said "Don't even try it!"
v Is headed to Harper's II to get his Jeep washed........
^another one got rejected by hooker
<is pissed because he was supposed to sale his k5 today and A$$ WIPE didnt show up
v should tell < not to sell his rig
^ knows the difference between "sell" & "sale"
< appreciates that
v will probably be a smart ass and make a make a comment about wanting to sale something.