What have you done for your health today?

19 miles on the bicycle at 0500 this morning.
Next weekend is the 24 Hours of Booty cycling event in Charlotte. Looking forward to that, though I don’t feel I’m as prepared this year as I was last year.

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Down there close to the OG Carolina Rockshop!
I had the Q today at F3 Afton. I built a sled to drag weight around. Put 4 blocks on it and you’re dragging 150+ lbs.

I called this workout The Drag Show!

The Timer guy drags the sled backwards uphill to the other end of the parking lot and back while everyone else does an exercise. Then rotate.

The exercises were
Atomic crunches
tricep extensions
bent over rows
Run 1 lap
Carolina Dry Docks

This was then repeated a second round.

'nother core class done

Cute trainer decided to make us suffer. Instead of doing 45sec sessions with 30sec rest then repeat, we did:

45 sec core exercice
30 sec cardio
repeat 5x
rest for 1mn

repeat the whole thing 5 times

I was beat.

Went home and made some weird grilled cheese / avocado toast contraption. Was good. Next time I’ll add poached eggs on top.

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'nother core class done

Cute trainer decided to make us suffer. Instead of doing 45sec sessions with 30sec rest then repeat, we did:

45 sec core exercice
30 sec cardio
repeat 5x
rest for 1mn

repeat the whole thing 5 times

I was beat.

Went home and made some weird grilled cheese / avocado toast contraption. Was good. Next time I’ll add poached eggs on top.

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Dang, I like this idea. My hipster wife makes avocado toast all the time, but there's always too much avocado, and never enough bread and cheese. An egg busted on top is perfect gravy for that.
Since mid April I've bought some dumbells, workout mat, exercise ball, and a simple bench. I've been supplementing my PT exercises with push ups, crunches, many ground exercises I used in my old routine, and some steps from the Easy Strength program that others have recommended. I have cut back my beer tremendously and have lost over 20 lbs. 235-210. I also stopped eating out as much mainly because I'm tired of the drunks at my local spots but also staying away from all of the fried crap. I've lost a lot of gut and am seeing some definition in my arms now. Now that the heat is on outside I'll be sweating off more pounds with my daily outside work. I've all but stopped using my blood pressure meds because its stable, I check it every day.
Rode in the 24 Hours of Booty Friday night. Did 75 miles and then snuck away to join the family at the lake and got in some paddling time.
@VortecJeep was a stud and stayed for more miles.
I had to stop after 105 miles, my knee has been giving me issues the past couple weeks.
Great time though, I highly recommend everyone either do it next year, or at least come and drink beer on the side of the road, those rich folks in Myers Park know how to drink and hand out beer as us peasants pedal bikes on their roads.
Part time gardener, bee keeper, work and the wife deciding to diet has me down to 200 lbs and eating everything in site. We stopped buying little cups of fruit in juice, pop tarts, and anything resembling a sugar snack. She is cooking less carbs and starches and using some reduced fat products. She has lost 15 lbs. Currently she just gardens and does yard stuff. Now I am clearing, cheese sticks, sliced ham, peanut butter, Nutella, jars of pickles, loaves of home made bread mid morning and 9 pm snack. A couple beers every other night and still loosing weight. Breakfast is two pack of instant oatmeal or cereal. If I am feeling froggy it is two eggs, bread sliced times 2, and two chunks of sausage or liver mush. Substitute 4 slices of bacon if the other isn't prepped. Supper is normally a veggie and meat. Often salad or something made from squash or zucchini. Something is wrong with me....... my wife agrees.

I haven't been this weight since first year out of high school, my 34 waist pants literally hit the floor without a belt.