Part time gardener, bee keeper, work and the wife deciding to diet has me down to 200 lbs and eating everything in site. We stopped buying little cups of fruit in juice, pop tarts, and anything resembling a sugar snack. She is cooking less carbs and starches and using some reduced fat products. She has lost 15 lbs. Currently she just gardens and does yard stuff. Now I am clearing, cheese sticks, sliced ham, peanut butter, Nutella, jars of pickles, loaves of home made bread mid morning and 9 pm snack. A couple beers every other night and still loosing weight. Breakfast is two pack of instant oatmeal or cereal. If I am feeling froggy it is two eggs, bread sliced times 2, and two chunks of sausage or liver mush. Substitute 4 slices of bacon if the other isn't prepped. Supper is normally a veggie and meat. Often salad or something made from squash or zucchini. Something is wrong with me....... my wife agrees.
I haven't been this weight since first year out of high school, my 34 waist pants literally hit the floor without a belt.