What have you done for your health today?

Weekly group ride was a success. Spencer and Fletcher loop in Mills River. Our own @Shreddinlettuce is in there somewhere.
Ortho specialist told me I need 2 new knees.
He also told me that my BMI was to high.
That's just a nice way of saying I'm fat!
So the quest has started to loose enough weight to get surgery .... down 5 lbs since last Monday.
I hope it's real weight loss and not just because I took a good dump before leaving the house.
Another core class.
Trainer was in a mood. We suffered.
Somehow I was able to make it all the way without stopping once. I felt good.

She's going back to MI next month, so I invited for some home made linguini in a few. I believe a 1:1 core session is in my future.

Not gonna lie...thought this was the gun porn thread, and was gonna ask when Criterion started doing a CQB class.
Wife and I worked out together for the first time in 17 months. With the kitchen remodel, we used the garage to store anything and everything. Finally got the garage gym back open and useable over the weekend.

It sucked. Big time. My hamstrings are screaming at me. I've missed this kind of soreness. Back at it again tonight
Had one of the best climbing sessions of my life yesterday.
I am pretty stressed and got a lot of shit going on, so I didn't workout for the past 2 weeks.
Felt like I had to go back.

Holy shit I was needing this.

Led my first 5.11 and was able to climb a super sketchy V5 (traverse on a big volume 10ft up).
For both the game wasn't physical it was all in my head. Scared of the fall.
Very interesting the difference between when you're going about it with your "normal" outlook and when you "want it, bad".

I need to transfer more of this in my day to day life.
Finished the first week(4 day workouts) yesterday. Overall soreness is down a lot. It will get better as we get back into it.

Swapped out my normal breakfast of a C4 and a breakfast burrito from QT for a protein shake with fruits/greens etc all week. Started cutting back on a lot of processed foods as well. Already feel a lot better. Also cut out alcohol, so far no issues, no real cravings.

Got a full weekend outlined with the inlaws in town to spend time with the girls. For me, I'll be dragging/cutting/stacking a good amount of oak in the back so there should be a good amount of physical fitness happening.
I finally made the big leap from elastic bands to 3 lb. dumbbells.
yay ...... progress.
I wish I could find some of my old sheets from when I was doing free weight drop sets.
I was into the danger zone of being to much weight to sling alone.
That caused injuries, which caused me to stop to heal ..... took so long I never really got by into.
finally consistently back in the gym. with a good motivator. so was able to start back on the juice again #eatbiggetbig
You know you are good and beaten down when you pull muscle just standing up.
Bumping this back up.

I've been on and off in September / October. House shit and other excuses that shouldn't matter.

Back at it 100% for November.

Cute instructor has moved on from the gym so no more early core classes. Sad face.

That said, I've got a new goal with the November 100 push-up per day challenge. Got a good group of coworkers participating, which will help to keep the momentum going.

Started yesterday with a simple but good :

- half mile run
- 30 sec cool down
- 15 push-ups
- 30 sec break
- 15 push-ups
- 30 sec break

Repeat 4x

Do you look like a group of psychopaths when you and your friends hop in-between the treadmills to do some pushups ?
Yes you do. But it's a fun moment to see all heads turn and laugh.

Ended up doing 120 push-ups so I've got 20 banked for a rest day.

Woke up this morning, did a 20mn core workout and 20 more push-ups. Going climbing tonight so the plan is going to be :

- climb a route successfully
- 10 push-ups

Repeat 8x at least to get me to 100. Ideally I'd like to get to 120 to bank those 20.

Also, since September 1st I haven't touched a soda or an energy drink. Plan to keep this going.
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Time to hop on that yo yo again. Luckily, this time I didn't peak at a higher weight. Dropped 60, slowly added back 30, been eating clean again for 2 weeks...haven't hopped on a scale but the wedding band and jeans are starting to slide off again.
30-30-30 is the best thing you can do for weight loss
working out gains weight (muscle)
the proper diet to maintain that muscle growth or new high activity lifestyle will cause the weight loss
"abs are made in the kitchen"
If you want to melt weight fast. and youre already working on "portion control". Within the first 30min of waking, consume 30g of digestible protein, and do 30min of light cardio not exceeding 135bpm. Daily. It will melt off.