What have you done for your health today?

30-30-30 is the best thing you can do for weight loss
working out gains weight (muscle)
the proper diet to maintain that muscle growth or new high activity lifestyle will cause the weight loss
"abs are made in the kitchen"
If you want to melt weight fast. and youre already working on "portion control". Within the first 30min of waking, consume 30g of digestible protein, and do 30min of light cardio not exceeding 135bpm. Daily. It will melt off.
i need to get motivated and try this. i already eat a egg for breakfast. just need to force myself to get up and get on the treadmill
Suspicious Monkey GIF by MOODMAN

Not sure that was the right face to make... :laughing:

If this were the garage I woulda probably said something along the lines of ‘my jeans always slide off for you big boy’…but since it’s not, I won’t.
i need to get motivated and try this. i already eat a egg for breakfast. just need to force myself to get up and get on the treadmill
Just one? Lol....I eat 3 and two slices of livermush often. A thick slice of homemade bread with butter and honey follows.

Edit: thorning was these egg muffin things the wife makes with pepper, two pack of instant oatmeal and a couple protein balls my wife makes....she says they are healthy but taste like a cookie to me.
I hit 300lbs on april 1.
Was embarrassed to let myself gain back so much.

Cut out the bullshit. Was 246 this am. 20 more to go.

Simultaneously been training to run a 5 k for my daughter in March. She said I couldn’t do it…game on.
I’m up to week 10 of a graduated training program. Running 3 days a week and lifting light two days a week.

My liquor intake has tripled and I started dipping again for the first time in 20 years. I can’t get it completely right.
30-30-30 is the best thing you can do for weight loss
working out gains weight (muscle)
the proper diet to maintain that muscle growth or new high activity lifestyle will cause the weight loss
"abs are made in the kitchen"
If you want to melt weight fast. and youre already working on "portion control". Within the first 30min of waking, consume 30g of digestible protein, and do 30min of light cardio not exceeding 135bpm. Daily. It will melt off.
i need to get motivated and try this. i already eat a egg for breakfast. just need to force myself to get up and get on the threadmill
Just one? Lol....I eat 3 and two slices of livermush often. A thick slice of homemade bread with butter and honey follows.

Edit: thorning was these egg muffin things the wife makes with pepper, two pack of instant oatmeal and a couple protein balls my wife makes....she says they are healthy but taste like a cookie to me.
I eat two soft boiled eggs and a banana everyday
I hit 300lbs on april 1.
Was embarrassed to let myself gain back so much.

Cut out the bullshit. Was 246 this am. 20 more to go.

Simultaneously been training to run a 5 k for my daughter in March. She said I couldn’t do it…game on.
I’m up to week 10 of a graduated training program. Running 3 days a week and lifting light two days a week.

My liquor intake has tripled and I started dipping again for the first time in 20 years. I can’t get it completely right.
Don’t let the chew get you down. (Not great by any means) but I’ve ran my 2 mile in sub 12 minutes with a fresh lip in. (Army days not now lol).

I’m still trying to figure out how to stop as I know it’s bad but swear to god I just love the taste of a fresh lip of cope snuff. Quit smoking years ago cold and only drink some beer. Food intake is solid and RARELY any processed or fast food. Guess if the worst bodily intake is some cope I’ll call it a wash.

I’m sure lots would call it a horrible thing but…..🤷🏼‍♂️
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i need to get motivated and try this. i already eat a egg for breakfast. just need to force myself to get up and get on the threadmill

I eat two soft boiled eggs and a banana everyday
Do an apple instead....the yellow boats are mostly a sugar carb source. It is the reason I will eat them . I need the sugar.
Don’t let the chew get you down. (Not great by any means) but I’ve ran my 2 mile in sub 12 minutes with a fresh lip in. (Army days not now lol).

I’m still trying to figure out how to stop as I know it’s bad but swear to god I just love the taste of a fresh lip of cope snuff. Quit smoking years ago cold and only some drink beer. Food intake is solid and RARELY any processed or fast food. Guess if the worst bodily intake is some cope I’ll call it a wash.

I’m sure lots would call it a horrible thing but…..🤷🏼‍♂️
I like tobacco period. Worst thing I ever tried and I've tried a lot.
I'm back on chew, cool weather, outdoors, sawdust.....it doesn't matter I just enjoy tobacco.
All the welding and smoking has really started to show up. I should get a physical haven't had one in 15 years or more.
i need to get motivated and try this. i already eat a egg for breakfast. just need to force myself to get up and get on the threadmill

I eat two soft boiled eggs and a banana everyday
If you have a source try duck eggs. Little bit bigger for the same cooking/boiling effort and way more packed in the omega3 and protein dept.
I like tobacco period. Worst thing I ever tried and I've tried a lot.
I'm back on chew, cool weather, outdoors, sawdust.....it doesn't matter I just enjoy tobacco.
All the welding and smoking has really started to show up. I should get a physical haven't had one in 15 years or more.
Smoking was a thing I picked up during the invasion of Iraq cause “everyone was doing it” snuff was since I was 13 and haven’t quit. Worst thing I ever did was start smoking. But I just did it cause it was a thing. Also you could slide out the door and grab a smoke, no one batted an eye, get caught with a lip in and they lost their mind (inside a govt building). Never really liked smoking nor did it have the same effect so I just stopped. Figured out how to put a lip in where it wasn’t as noticeable and never heard a word so just kept doing it. Sitting here typing I have a lip in lol.

Bad part on me is I don’t have a spitter and never have. Distended bowels here I come.
Did a 6 week challenge in the gym starting in May. Went from 15% body fat down to 7% in that time. Not long after that I started jiu-jitsu and have competed in two tournaments so far, placed 3rd in the second one. Also been doing some climbing again over the past 2 years. Just been staying away from processed foods as much as possible and trying to eat more protein don't look at the scale just in the mirror.


I like tobacco period.
This time of the year is the worst for former chewers or dippers.
I haven't chewed in 30+ years and still miss it.
And all these get togethers to eat ..... nothing like a big ol' chew, sittin' and spittin' off the front porch after a good meal.


Yes, yes it is Americas best chew!
i need to get motivated and try this. i already eat a egg for breakfast. just need to force myself to get up and get on the treadmill
a single egg is 6 grams protein and 5 grams of fat. (egg whites is 5g protein, 0 fat) Fat is the number one cause of eating too many calories in the American food system. 4 Calories per gram of Protein. 4 Calories per gram of carbz. 9*** calories per gram of fat.

Your typical macro split is going to be 40/40/20 - 40% protein, 40% carbz, 20% fat. On a typical 2000 calorie diet for a male trying to be sub 500 macros, to lose weight. That means only 400 calories can come from Fat (at 9g per g) which means you can only have 44 grams of fat per day. You will hit that from "sauces" and "cooking oils" alone - and sneaky fat grams in like in an egg. If you are doing hardboiled eggs drop the yolk when you eat, and if doing scrambled etc switch to egg whites. Yolks are healthy for you. I like to do 1-2 eggs with 4-6 more eggs equivalent of egg whites. Its all about moderation.

None of this is going into the realm of "clean" and ingredients that cause inflammation etc. Ive always said to clients in the past when i used to do this on the side - one change at a time. Ppl tend to fail because they try to make too big of a change at once. 2 weeks to form a new habit. I highly recommend your first step (combining with the 30-30-30) is to stop all processed foods. Limit yourself to one "go out to eat" or "take out" per week. Order less than you usually would. Let this meal act as a Refeed (better term, cheat meal is horrible on the mental state). Other than that let all your meals not be boxed or packaged.

Examples of not boxed or packaged. Do not buy frozen veggies or canned veggies. Consume only from the produce isle. No "pre cooked" items. No microwavables. No chips. Etc. Not including the spice aisle - if you really want to give it a real go do not shop anywhere in the store except the outside edges. A helpful note. Sometimes when people get to the step to really make sure they get in the right amount of protein they realize how much more food it is. No you dont get overweight from "too much" physical food. You get overweight from eating too many calories! Some people struggle with their stomach not being stretched enough, or some people have such poor gut health their metabolism is so slow. They cant finish their meals. This is where the protein shakes can really shine/help. On the american food system our bodies are so used to "small amounts" that are "high in calories". Take for example the Hardeez 2/3lb Monster Thickburger. I used to eat that and the coke and the fries. That burger can be fit in 2cup volume wise. And its 1300 calories alone. Thats 65% of your entire day's allotment of calories. Thats assuming your day is not a sedentary (office job, come home to boob tube, bed, repeat).

IF, youre going to have any sugar (a sweet, candy bar, etc) you should do it within 45min after your daily workout. This will allow this not-ideal food choice to actually do some good for you. Sugar spikes insulin. Insulin is the arch enemy of cortisol. Cortisol spikes during strees, workout, etc. Cortisol is catabolic on your muscles (aka build fat not muscle). Spiking your insulin ideally only during the timeframe before/after your workout is best. If you bought a "meal plan" from a fitness trainer who knows what they are doing - 70% or more of carbs are a preworkout meal.

The key to the 30-30-30 rule though, is that your body has protein in your belly to keep your body from robbing muscles when your glycogen stores deplete after the max 20min they can last. And the rate at which triglycerides (your fat) can convert into a usable energy is very little. So what is happening in the 30-30-30 format is:

-Within first 30min waking (the abstract principle here is fasted state)
-Consume 30g of protein (the point of it is to allow your body a fuel source other than your muscles when your glycogen levels deplete)
-Then, perform 30min of light cardio @135bpm max.

For most people. Your best bet in a protein choice to accomplish this would be "clear whey". Its essentially a whey protein hydrolysate, which is an enzymatic process that eats off all the dairy aspects and leaves only the protein molecule behind. It makes for a clear protein that is equivalent to lemonade as opposed to a "shake". SEEQ and NutraBio Clear are the two brands i like most for their flavors. NutraBio Clear Watermelon is 20g per scoop and tastes like watermelon jolly rancher with the drinkability of tea or lemonade.

As one guy above said. Never use a scale. Throw it out. Muscle weighs more than fat. Using a scale will constantly fuk with your head. Especially for women who *can be more sensitive in that area. My last female client I had dropped 2 pant sizes and a bra size in six months by just focusing on the food and only working out for 30 min 3 times a week. Even with all that success she fell off the wagon when she started using as scale again, when that success inspired her to do more workouts. Use a measuring tape if you want to track something other than pics. Otherwise just patiently wait for those "you look good" type comments when you visit family.

Sorry for keyboard diarrhea. Too passionate about the subject matter lol
a single egg is 6 grams protein and 5 grams of fat. (egg whites is 5g protein, 0 fat) Fat is the number one cause of eating too many calories in the American food system. 4 Calories per gram of Protein. 4 Calories per gram of carbz. 9*** calories per gram of fat.

Your typical macro split is going to be 40/40/20 - 40% protein, 40% carbz, 20% fat. On a typical 2000 calorie diet for a male trying to be sub 500 macros, to lose weight. That means only 400 calories can come from Fat (at 9g per g) which means you can only have 44 grams of fat per day. You will hit that from "sauces" and "cooking oils" alone - and sneaky fat grams in like in an egg. If you are doing hardboiled eggs drop the yolk when you eat, and if doing scrambled etc switch to egg whites. Yolks are healthy for you. I like to do 1-2 eggs with 4-6 more eggs equivalent of egg whites. Its all about moderation.

None of this is going into the realm of "clean" and ingredients that cause inflammation etc. Ive always said to clients in the past when i used to do this on the side - one change at a time. Ppl tend to fail because they try to make too big of a change at once. 2 weeks to form a new habit. I highly recommend your first step (combining with the 30-30-30) is to stop all processed foods. Limit yourself to one "go out to eat" or "take out" per week. Order less than you usually would. Let this meal act as a Refeed (better term, cheat meal is horrible on the mental state). Other than that let all your meals not be boxed or packaged.

Examples of not boxed or packaged. Do not buy frozen veggies or canned veggies. Consume only from the produce isle. No "pre cooked" items. No microwavables. No chips. Etc. Not including the spice aisle - if you really want to give it a real go do not shop anywhere in the store except the outside edges. A helpful note. Sometimes when people get to the step to really make sure they get in the right amount of protein they realize how much more food it is. No you dont get overweight from "too much" physical food. You get overweight from eating too many calories! Some people struggle with their stomach not being stretched enough, or some people have such poor gut health their metabolism is so slow. They cant finish their meals. This is where the protein shakes can really shine/help. On the american food system our bodies are so used to "small amounts" that are "high in calories". Take for example the Hardeez 2/3lb Monster Thickburger. I used to eat that and the coke and the fries. That burger can be fit in 2cup volume wise. And 00 calories alone. Thats 65% of your entire day's allotment of calories. Thats assuming your day is not a sedentary (office job, come home to boob tube, bed, repeat).

IF, youre going to have any sugar (a sweet, candy bar, etc) you should do it within 45min after your daily workout. This will allow this not-ideal food choice to actually do some good for you. Sugar spikes insulin. Insulin is the arch enemy of cortisol. Cortisol spikes during strees, workout, etc. Cortisol is catabolic on your muscles (aka build fat not muscle). Spiking your insulin ideally only during the timeframe before/after your workout is best. If you bought a "meal plan" from a fitness trainer who knows what they are doing - 70% or more of carbs are a preworkout meal.

The key to the 30-30-30 rule though, is that your body has protein in your belly to keep your body from robbing muscles when your glycogen stores deplete after the max 20min they can last. And the rate at which triglycerides (your fat) can convert into a usable energy is very little. So what is happening in the 30-30-30 format is:

-Within first 30min waking (the abstract principle here is fasted state)
-Consume 30g of protein (the point of it is to allow your body a fuel source other than your muscles when your glycogen levels deplete)
-Then, perform 30min of light cardio @135bpm max.

For most people. Your best bet in a protein choice to accomplish this would be "clear whey". Its essentially a whey protein hydrolysate, which is an enzymatic process that eats off all the dairy aspects and leaves only the protein molecule behind. It makes for a clear protein that is equivalent to lemonade as opposed to a "shake". SEEQ and NutraBio Clear are the two brands i like most for their flavors. NutraBio Clear Watermelon is 20g per scoop and tastes like watermelon jolly rancher with the drinkability of tea or lemonade.

As one guy above said. Never use a scale. Throw it out. Muscle weighs more than fat. Using a scale will constantly fuk with your head. Especially for women who *can be more sensitive in that area. My last female client I had dropped 2 pant sizes and a bra size in six months by just focusing on the food and only working out for 30 min 3 times a week. Even with all that success she fell off the wagon when she started using as scale again, when that success inspired her to do more workouts. Use a measuring tape if you want to track something other than pics. Otherwise just patiently wait for those "you look good" type comments when you visit family.

Sorry for keyboard diarrhea. Too passionate about the subject matter lol
Just out of curiosity, why would you avoid frozen/canned foods? My understanding is they're harvested at peak season so the nutrient profile should be similar to fresh produce. I understand avoiding those with additives, salt, & sugar but I think they can be a great, cost-effective way to include fruits & veggies.
Just out of curiosity, why would you avoid frozen/canned foods? My understanding is they're harvested at peak season so the nutrient profile should be similar to fresh produce. I understand avoiding those with additives, salt, & sugar but I think they can be a great, cost-effective way to include fruits & veggies.

There are certainly some frozen brands that do not have salt/sugar and other materials added for preservation or flavor profile marketing. In my experience, what has always been the most daunting and biggest hurtle for people is sorting through all the variables - the lack of knowledge to say yay/nay etc. I always promote orienting your tasks around your goal. If your goal is to lose weight - dont pile on a lifestyle change on top of the goal. If people let go of the packages, it will indubitedly get them into lower calorie foods with less inflammatories, and (here is the key word) *introduce* them to an alternate way of eating

Ppl who get put on a low sodium diet after a heart event, usually end up graduating to a very overall healthier lifestyle. but they **start** with the low sodium diet only. They see the benefits from that alone. Snow ball effect. Same concept. Start with a strong limitation. This limitation will naturally force you to explore some more cooking methods, or more joint date night cooking in the kitchen. etc. (Dont jump into meal prep). You love quiche! So dont get rid of it, now we are going to get the spinach from the produce aisle, swap out most of the eggs for egg whites, make a quick crust instead of buying a premade crust. Etc.

Me personally: I dont like plastic stored items because of the phytoestrogens, glues, ink/dyes leeching into the food, among other things. I dont like foil wrapped foods for the aluminum heavy metal leeching into the food. I dont do canned goods because of the metal leeching and the lining leeching - besides the massive levels of salt as a preservative. The number one cause of heart disease is salt. Etc etc etc. I dont preach this because the moment i do I am a hypocrite (i still buy starbucks...). They are just my preferences alone for my specific journey. EDIT: Yes egg white container is hardly different than frozen veggies plastic.
I've been Monster Energy Drink free since 11/23.

That's a big one for me, I've been pounding those cans like they owe me money for years. Was at the point of drinking 2 per day, sometimes 3, for the last 5 years. ( I was drinking around $150-175/month worth)

Switched to coffee.
I've been Monster Energy Drink free since 11/23.

That's a big one for me, I've been pounding those cans like they owe me money for years. Was at the point of drinking 2 per day, sometimes 3, for the last 5 years. ( I was drinking around $150-175/month worth)

Switched to coffee.
Are we talking 11/1/23, or 11/30/23? :laughing:
lol, 11/23/23. :)

One week baby!
That's awesome! Don't start caffeine until 90 minutes after you wake up (I just wait until 9am, which is longer but it suits my schedule) and none after 2pm, you'll sleep better and feel better.
It's all downhill.
And frustrating as heck!
Coupla weeks ago had a Pulmonary appt.
Among all else that's going on he says I have PTSD from being sick with the long haul covid.
Me and my wife were looking at each other like WTF??!!??!!

As time goes by, my wife tells me she's about ready to agree with him.
The Pulmonology specialist is also on board with UNCMed ..... "It's time to consider this is just the way it going to be from now on".

Yesterday, went to see the Neurologist ..... He agrees on both parts with the Pulmonologist.
He's also saying the only thing he sees helping is activity, so we're looking at getting a treadmill.
But even at that it's a slow process. Work at one level until I can do it with no issue, then increase by 5%. That is a years long process.
Then he had no answers on why I'm losing fine motor skills.
I've got to the point I can't do morse code on the ham radio ...... it's just all beeps & blops and sending is suffering from the fine motor skills issue.
Also messing up when playing the bass at church because I just forget!
And these are song I've been playing without a sheet for years.

The only bright spot ....... He did say he wants me to kick my metabolism up .....
He told me to drink real coffee instead of haf-caf and to drink 2 cups a day compared to one cup of the haf-caf ......
YEE-HAA! look out world, here I come!
What does the PTDS diagnosis mean, as far as treatment?

Keep at it. I'm praying for you.

Curious; did you every get the shot?
What does the PTDS diagnosis mean, as far as treatment?

Keep at it. I'm praying for you.

Curious; did you every get the shot?

I’m not really sure. I guess it keeps my stress levels up and stress makes the symptoms worse.
Never had a shot. Had a friend whi
Needed a surgical procedure done and drs. Said he had to have one of the shots or they could not do it. He got the shot and 2 days later had Covid, two days after that he was hospitalized and was in for 3 months.