What have you done for your health today?

I’m going to be disowned by @Jody Treadway but damn this thing is fun!

First ride today on it.


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I've been Monster Energy Drink free since 11/23/23.

That's a big one for me, I've been pounding those cans like they owe me money for years. Was at the point of drinking 2 per day, sometimes 3, for the last 5 years. ( I was drinking around $150-175/month worth)

Switched to coffee.

Still Monster free!

Gained a few ounces in my wallet from it.
I’m going to be disowned by @Jody Treadway but damn this thing is fun!

First ride today on it.
I'll admit that emtb's have changed my life. Life being busy with three teenage kids, its really nice to be able to bang out 10-15 miles after work quickly and easily. They have turned an exercise into something I look forward to do. You still get plenty of workout on one, I'm living proof.
I'll admit that emtb's have changed my life. Life being busy with three teenage kids, its really nice to be able to bang out 10-15 miles after work quickly and easily. They have turned an exercise into something I look forward to do. You still get plenty of workout on one, I'm living proof.

Same here. It's hard to get the time to do a really long ride. It limits my training ability also to go ride some of the bigger stuff that I wish I could because I don't have quite enough time to get my legs to that level. It is really damn fun too. I have been eyeing them for years, and finally found a really good deal that I jumped on it. I'll still keep my analog bike, I ride that a lot with my dog, but we are mile limited with him when we ride. This also is something I can do when closer to home when I'm not wanting to drive the 3 hours (or have the time) to ride my dirt bike.
I’m going to be disowned by @Jody Treadway but damn this thing is fun!

First ride today on it.
Man, your description really makes me think hard about how i feel about those bikes. I feel the exact same way with not having the time to keep up my endurance to ride long, but really want to ride longer distances.
Man, your description really makes me think hard about how i feel about those bikes. I feel the exact same way with not having the time to keep up my endurance to ride long, but really want to ride longer distances.

It’s perfect for that. Hopefully the nfs will allow ebikes at some point in nc.

there are some good deals out there right now also with the bike industry hurting.
Man, your description really makes me think hard about how i feel about those bikes. I feel the exact same way with not having the time to keep up my endurance to ride long, but really want to ride longer distances.
I just started riding mountain bikes this year. My wife and I picked up a couple cheap bikes off facebook marketplace hoping to find an exercise we didn’t hate.

Started riding local places and found we liked it pretty good. Then we did something stupid and rented e-bikes. That was all it took. We were hooked. Now we ride 100-200 miles a month consistently. I can 100% say without a doubt that my wife would have never stuck with it on an analog bike. Hell, there’s a good possibility I wouldn’t have. The ebike makes it so fun you want to ride every chance you get. The skills and endurance come with riding.

I don’t understand the hate with e-bikes. Anyone who says they’re “cheating” or not exercise has never ridden one. I ride just as hard on my ebike, just longer and faster.
I just started riding mountain bikes this year. My wife and I picked up a couple cheap bikes off facebook marketplace hoping to find an exercise we didn’t hate.

Started riding local places and found we liked it pretty good. Then we did something stupid and rented e-bikes. That was all it took. We were hooked. Now we ride 100-200 miles a month consistently. I can 100% say without a doubt that my wife would have never stuck with it on an analog bike. Hell, there’s a good possibility I wouldn’t have. The ebike makes it so fun you want to ride every chance you get. The skills and endurance come with riding.

I don’t understand the hate with e-bikes. Anyone who says they’re “cheating” or not exercise has never ridden one. I ride just as hard on my ebike, just longer and faster.
It's like an automatic transmission 🤷‍♂️
I just started riding mountain bikes this year. My wife and I picked up a couple cheap bikes off facebook marketplace hoping to find an exercise we didn’t hate.

Started riding local places and found we liked it pretty good. Then we did something stupid and rented e-bikes. That was all it took. We were hooked. Now we ride 100-200 miles a month consistently. I can 100% say without a doubt that my wife would have never stuck with it on an analog bike. Hell, there’s a good possibility I wouldn’t have. The ebike makes it so fun you want to ride every chance you get. The skills and endurance come with riding.

I don’t understand the hate with e-bikes. Anyone who says they’re “cheating” or not exercise has never ridden one. I ride just as hard on my ebike, just longer and faster.
Honestly, the hate from me comes from someone on an ebike bombing thru the trail close to running me over. That can happen with an analog bike too, with how fast some of the guys are. It just puta bad taste in my mouth.
I hit 300lbs on april 1.
Was embarrassed to let myself gain back so much.

Cut out the bullshit. Was 246 this am. 20 more to go.

Simultaneously been training to run a 5 k for my daughter in March. She said I couldn’t do it…game on.
I’m up to week 10 of a graduated training program. Running 3 days a week and lifting light two days a week.

My liquor intake has tripled and I started dipping again for the first time in 20 years. I can’t get it completely right.
Still on the grind and even pushed through the holidays.

Checked in at 234 this morning. Rolled my ankle and it got cold and I got wimpy so I havent ran in 4 weeks. Going to walk 5 this afternoon to get the juices flowing again, and back to running (actually jogging) on Wednesday.

In a related note. When I started losing 42 waist pants were getting tight and 44 seemed like a bridge too far (for some reason).
In my preferred Wrangler jeans I'm comfortably wearing a 36 now...I managed to button a 34 in the dressing room just to say I did for the first time since 5th grade...but...yeah no one wants to see that look.

What I have learned the last 6 months is I'm officially old. As Ive lost weight I now have a bit of turkey neck skin. And what has been weird AF is the pockets that aren't giving up their fat. I have full vascularity in my shoulders. Visible standing veins at rest and you can see muscle striations if I flex despite not working my shoulders at all. Yet I still have considerable gut pudge and "love handles"...grrr.

Then again Im still 40lbs over what the BMI chart says I should be. But I dont see me going there. I'm reaching the fat content level where things are starting to flame up for me. Skin issues and thermal regulation issues. Having blood work in a few weeks to check thyroid response and such. But I feel good and look better (there is only so much you can do with a face like this)
Still on the grind and even pushed through the holidays.

Checked in at 234 this morning. Rolled my ankle and it got cold and I got wimpy so I havent ran in 4 weeks. Going to walk 5 this afternoon to get the juices flowing again, and back to running (actually jogging) on Wednesday.

In a related note. When I started losing 42 waist pants were getting tight and 44 seemed like a bridge too far (for some reason).
In my preferred Wrangler jeans I'm comfortably wearing a 36 now...I managed to button a 34 in the dressing room just to say I did for the first time since 5th grade...but...yeah no one wants to see that look.

What I have learned the last 6 months is I'm officially old. As Ive lost weight I now have a bit of turkey neck skin. And what has been weird AF is the pockets that aren't giving up their fat. I have full vascularity in my shoulders. Visible standing veins at rest and you can see muscle striations if I flex despite not working my shoulders at all. Yet I still have considerable gut pudge and "love handles"...grrr.

Then again Im still 40lbs over what the BMI chart says I should be. But I dont see me going there. I'm reaching the fat content level where things are starting to flame up for me. Skin issues and thermal regulation issues. Having blood work in a few weeks to check thyroid response and such. But I feel good and look better (there is only so much you can do with a face like this)

Keep this up and you're gonna catch me!

But the BMI charts are the correct and final answer. If you are not within your weight range on the BMI chart, you will surely die. Especially if you are a short dude.
My 13 yr old daughter decided she wanted to start lifting with me a few weeks ago. We’re doing the StrongLifts 5x5 program. She decided last week that she needed to test her 1RM in deadlift and bench because, you know, gotta have those starting numbers to look back on and deadlift and bench “are the only ones that count”. :laughing: She surprised me when she pulled a 150 on deadlift though!
Being overweight, I Hate the BMI charts, & actually had one Doctor agree with me. We agreed, the chart is an average of thousands of people, if not more. It's a starting point, or goal, but doesn't account for different frame or bone sizes.
Today I made my first visit to Therapy. I was under the impression from my Pain Management Doctor, I was going for a Massage! My main pain site now [has been for years] is the Lumbar, & they say my muscles are super Tight! When I was getting the Trial & the Actually Nerve block, I was told the same thing. My muscles were too tight. So I was Surprised when the cute lady therapist, told me No Massage. Dang, I put New under ware on! LOL We ran through a few test, & then she said for me to work on my Core strength. Showed me what to do. No, it's not crunches. She said Crunches are wrong & don't work. ?Ok? So when I left there I went nearly across the road to the Y. Went in & pedaled the stationary bicycle for 30 minutes. I usually do an hour, When I go, but I was already sore, & it was close to lunch time! LOL . So I go back home, eat a light lunch, & rest in front of the tv for a couple hours. Then I head to Lowes, & load 6 bags of concrete mix. Damn things are 60# each! I thought they had 40#ers. [working my core!] I've had a problem with a drainage ditch, where the pipe dumps out into the dirt ditch. I did a temporary fix, before this last rain, which worked well, but needed Reinforcement. Ditch already had some fair size rocks, slate, & a piece of concrete that washed out from the end of the pipe. I pulled some of that up, spread some concrete, replaced the old piece, rocks & slate. Then covered it all with concrete. O, & I had pulled about 75' of water hose out there to dampen it all down. The dirt was still damp too, & I dampened the base before I replaced the rocks. I probably have 8 - 12 hours, before any of the coming rain & storm hits. I think it will hold. It'd Better! [strengthen my core; shit, Why are my Lumbar muscles so tight?] LOL


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I hate the Govt almost as bad as I do covid.
I've been fighting Social Security for a year and a half all because some idiot googled printing and got a picture of a t-shirt press!
Not to mention, everything the govt does takes 30-50% longer than they say.
---- You'll know when you need us ---- Timothy Welborn, lawyer
FINALLY got a favorable judgement 2 weeks ago .... now just got to wait for 2-3 months to find out what the award is.
Then, just to make things fun, the disability insurance company ramps up efforts to stop paying my disability.

All this while nearing the end of 10 months of therapy that is doing absolutely nothing but causing pain while giving me "minimal improvement".

Not to mention some things are getting worse and after a year of multiple docs and multiple visits with each, they are right back to where they were a year ago.
Trying to control pain and manage ( medicate ) symptoms.

Other than that .... 2024 has been a great year!
well I’ve started taking Jiujitsu again after a 9 year hiatus. It’s good for some cardio and with being in Greenville, NC, you get to toss around college kids, lol.
Novemeber and December were a blur. Lots of work related stresses and little time for activity. It was expected and was simply a season to go through.
Wanting to get back in the shape and condition I was earlier last year, I started eating primarily plant based on Jan 1. More than anything, it's sticking to unprocessed foods to reduce inflammation and promote better gut health. I did an initial weigh-in and appear to be 10-11 lb down.
I'll reintroduce clean animal protein in a month or so. Clean meaning from local farms and local butcher shops and not from industrial sources.
Still doing and eating the same things I have been doing for years. Yesterday I did 4 sets of walking lunges superset with 3 sets of crunches in the morning when I woke up, then rode the stationary bike for 35 minutes during my lunch break. Today will be a back workout during lunch. About a month ago I decided I wanted to make my abs more visible, so I dropped about 5-7 lbs, and have been doing more ab work. I've been fluctuating between about 199-202 lately, and like the leaner look of my core, but I've lost a little muscle mass. For the past many years I use to mostly hover between 205-208 lbs.