What have you done for your health today?

A good month of exercise especially considering it's the middle of winter.
Thats all good and all but you can sit at your desk and shake your phone to add miles too. :D Sorry, cold beers made me say it!
Lol I wish. Would be a lot easier to do it that way. I'm lucky I have a very active job no desk time and I walk during my breaks and lunch and always run after work.
Muscle is heavier than fat so hopefully you're bulking up a little and losing the fat.
I’m def going for lean muscle and strengthening instead of adding muscle mass, heavy low reps are my go to instead of light weight heavy rep count! Im trying to focus on key areas I know I’m lacking also, back, shoulders, core, legs mainly. My arm size/strength will come in good time while doing the other stuff as it did in the past (i hope) lol but I have a naturally lean muscle build at 6’3ish, I’m sure I’ll drop another 10 lbs before all said and done tho so I’ll be a lil quicker in theory..
My 1 mile straight is right at 7min now, my 2 mile is 15:18-15:45 so that’s increasing. I’ve been burning my legs up almost daily on bike, squats, deadlift so with good rest I may be able to pull a 2 mile 14min or less soon! First time since 2004!!! Time is short but I’ll be damned if physical fitness gets the best of me! My knees are taking a beating so I’m trying to save them as much as possible also easier said then done! Ive got a ruck setup sat for 6 miles with 55lbs hopefully I can get under 1 1/2 hours ,but I’ll have my youngest niece with me so it may be slowed down by a 16 year old taking pictures on the trail of pretty scenery!? Lol
Weight continues to decrease. Wednesday night was a heck of a workout with sumo deadlift high pulls/burpees/push press and a 100m run in 15m. Start at 2 reps of each and after each round add 2 reps. Got to the round of 14 and felt great. In the past, SDLHP would completely wreck my lower back to the point where I wouldn't be functional for the next couple days. These felt great and no issues whatsoever.

I'll be coaching saturday morning so I'm writing the workout today. If anyone wants to come, class starts at 9am and ends at 10am. Saturday's are free, all the movements can be modified. Right off highway 16/Belhaven blvd at Crossfit Mountain Island. Think F3 style workouts with barbells/dumbbells/wallballs etc.
Today’s F3 workout involved carrying concrete blocks, 5-gallon buckets full of river rocks, and burpees.
So You Want to be a Spartan…Or…How to Carry Heavy Objects Around a Parking Lot (A Beginner’s Guide) – F3 MeCa

This afternoon I ran a chainsaw and split wood for about 3 hours.

Any men in the Concord area, F3 bootcamp at 0700 Tomorrow at Afton Park. Pre-run at 0600. All running abilities welcome. I’m leaning toward just doing the run tomorrow. These workouts will make you a better off-roader; or at least make it easier to pull winch cable! Or so I hear.
Yesterday morning I hit the F3 Dads workout. The kids had a blast. They’d be all in if this was available every week. The group went out to breakfast afterwards and I managed to stay healthy. Skipped lunch and things went downhill for dinner.
We won a $50 gift certificate at an Italian restaurant and were nearby so decided to use it. Figured I should get my moneys worth and use my “cheat meal” for the week. Pasta with chicken, bacon, spinach, sundried tomatoes and alfredo sauce. I still feel the lump in my stomach. At least it had spinach and chicken in it.......
Will be back on schedule today.
Loved running the Short Track series when I lived down there. But the brews cracked in the woods while cheering usually negated the calories burned during the race haha.

I'm not a drinker, so it's all good. Weather was great today. Lots of kids have been coming this year, which has been awesome to see! Pic a buddies wife took

Weekly check-in
Stating Weight -318.2 (12/27)
Last Week - 293.4
This week - 293.8
Total loss: 24.4 lbs

Check on all goals.

The snapshot will actually show a .5 lb gain for the week. The first non loss since I started.
Diet was on point, however yesterday I had a planned off plan day and ate a ton of carbs (intentionally). Yesterday AM I was down 2.5 for the week. So the increased intake and the water absorption of the carbs make a convenient excuse. Should see significant progress next week or time to re-assess my process.
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14 men showed up to run this morning. We partnered up for a speed workout. Partner 1 runs clockwise around the block while Partner 2 runs counter clockwise. When you meet, you both turn and run the other way. When you meet again, you continue the same way. So every other time you meet you change directions so both partners get to experience the terrain.
This was my fastest pace yet.

By the way, Another F3 group challenged us to a canned food drive for the Harrisburg food pantry. After 1 week, we lead 1500 pounds to 950 pounds. But in the end, the Food Pantry and its clients win.

Week 6 update. I'm now halfway through my cut portion of our diet templates. Weight beginning was 227.2, current weight as of this morning was 215.1. I've been averaging 2.5lbs a week loss which is pretty optimal and that tells me that it is actually fat loss(not water loss/starvation etc). Food portions have remained roughly the same every meal. 35grams of protein, 3 cups of veggies, 15 grabs of carbs(after I workout). Gym has been consistent 6 days a week with an active recovery on Sunday. I feel stronger and can recover a lot faster from workouts that would floor me a few months ago. On a completely unrelated health note, the wife and i have noticed that our average remaining money at the end of every month is now a lot higher. I credit that to cooking all of our meals at home and not going how to eat at all(maybe 2-3 times since 1/1)