What have you done for your health today?

Eating and regular exercise has been going well. Haven't seen much on the scale, however I'm seeing a lot in the mirror and in my clothes.

New issue I want to resolve is my shear lack of motivation to do anything productive other than the 9-5 and going to the gym 4-5 times a week. I have projects and hobbies that I miss dearly, but don't have the motivation to accomplish or even start. So I am going to make it a point to spend at least 30min 3 times a week working on a project. I may just look at it for 30min, but I will spend time with it. I think this will be a good thing for my moral and productivity. Today will either be looking at the jeep or modifying the dresser I picked up last night into a fully single-matic booger flicker work station.
Got an annual physical this morning. Dunno why, but I drew the short straw for the "super-dooper-more-complete-and-invasive-than-the-TSA" exam. Blood, piss, bendover, ekg, chest xray, etc.

And then the all-important "you're fat" lecture.

Everythings good...but gotta do a stress test and another colonoscopy.
I joke some in this thread but me and wife have been at the gym 4-5 times per week since I've been able to start back after the knee surgery. I'm drinking less for some reason. And getting really busy at work so whether I'm ready or not the cardio and all day strenuous work begins! I'm trying to screw off some but I'm too busy! lol
Been fighting some pretty bad foot pain since my race last week...
Tendinitis in my right foot and a possibility of losing a toe nail. I did drain the toe a minute ago and got some pretty sweet blood/juice out.
My Altra running shoes are apparently undersized compared to the previous model. I noticed the pain around mile 13, but with 2.5 to go, I wasn't about to stop.
Oh well, gonna do lots of hiking this weekend and let my foot rest a bit.
Hope your foot gets better. I run into problems sometimes with blisters and stuff. But I use no special shoes. Just new balance or Nike straight from show show.
Hope your foot gets better. I run into problems sometimes with blisters and stuff. But I use no special shoes. Just new balance or Nike straight from show show.

Thanks man
I've worn Altras for years now. But they changed their sizing system since I last bought a pair.
No biggie. Size 14s are on the way and will be broken in shortly!
Less than 2 months until my first Spartan race. I really need to work on upper body strength.
I’ve been under the weather this week, so I haven’t done much. But I did get this pull-up bar. I know I could have gotten out cheaper hanging a bar in the garage, but I knew if I had to walk down the stairs just to do pull-ups, I probably wouldn’t. Where it’s at, I pass it every time I walk from the living room to the kitchen, so I can just do some every time I pass it.
Right now I can do 2 pull-ups and 2 chin-ups consecutively. Hopefully I greatly increase that number in the next 2 months.

Less than 2 months until my first Spartan race. I really need to work on upper body strength.
I’ve been under the weather this week, so I haven’t done much. But I did get this pull-up bar. I know I could have gotten out cheaper hanging a bar in the garage, but I knew if I had to walk down the stairs just to do pull-ups, I probably wouldn’t. Where it’s at, I pass it every time I walk from the living room to the kitchen, so I can just do some every time I pass it.
Right now I can do 2 pull-ups and 2 chin-ups consecutively. Hopefully I greatly increase that number in the next 2 months.

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Hey you are 2+2 ahead of me...rockon
The last couple days have been rough. Went home early on Wednesday feeling like crap. By Wednesday night I had the full blown flu. Temp spikes to 102.5 off/on for Thursday. Friday saw me a bit better and today I feel pretty good. My kidneys feel like they've been used as punching bags and my back hurts from coughing so damn much. My appetite has been nonexistent and I've just been trying to stay hydrated. Missed the gym since Wednesday which is probably the longest time I've gone without doing some form of exercise. I guess the only upside is I'm down another 2.5lbs which I contribute to the flu...Hopefully by tomorrow I should be able to resume normal activities.
From the bottom to the top. Caving to the top of the tower.


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Spent 2 days in SC getting absolutely worked by a stacked 30+ B class at the first Full Gas Sprint Enduro of the year. Felt awesome on the bike and was much stronger through the whoops and chop than back in December, but that damn clock is humbling to say the least. It’s not like a 2-3hr hare scramble where I can make up time from mistake.

Let’s play a game called: “spot where Stretch sampled the dirt in 3rd gear”
Still hanging in there.
Yesterday after my daughter's volleyball tourney finished early and I knocded about 1.5 of the 2,876,546 things off the need to get done list between the car projects, the house, the business and the farm....I looked at my kids and said...I need break. Lets go shoot something. So 2 cases of clays and a few box of shotgun shells and...hey it helped my MENTAL health.

Until my damn gas gun jammed on me. First time ever. Then I got to tear it apart and clean the ever loving piss out of it at night. Long overdue. Now I have to test my cleaning. Have to shoot again this week!

Anyway...still on the diet wagon. Exercising when I can...but mostly just living and eating "right"

Stating Weight -318.2 (12/27)
Last Week - 293.8
This week - 290.2
Total loss: 28 lbs

Which means I am nearly at my nd of Feb weight goal and roughly 1/3 of my way to my current target.
Back to feeling a lot better from the flu. Worked a bit around the house and on the jeep on Sunday and didn't have any issues. Going back to the gym today. Weight as of this morning was 209.4 for a total weight loss of 17.7lbs. I haven't been under 200lbs since high school...
Still eating much better and very little cheating. Basically fresh meats, frozen veggies, and salads with little carbs. Some cheese mixed in too. Have had 2 beers in the last month or so. I'm not really sure when I started. Not getting the exercise that I want at this point. Only running a few miles a week. But eating better and only drinking water has me down from 182 to 170. Kind of crazy. My stomach has been much better as well. Funny though, I used to take 3 dumps a day and now I'm down to 1. I guess my body can use up the food I'm eating better. Soccer for my kids starts up next week, so I'll be running on the field with them a couple times a week coaching.