What have you done for your health today?

Rode bikes with the better half

I forgot about this rear delt exercise. I like to do them MUCH slower than the guy in this video. These are really good at activating the rear delt and getting a stretch in it at the bottom.

Monday! International chest day!

- 8 sets of incline dumbbell bench
- 8 sets of flat dumbbell bench
Monday! International chest day!

- 8 sets of incline dumbbell bench
- 8 sets of flat dumbbell bench
Chest day in SC as well.
6 sets flat bench pyramid style
4 sets machine flys, heavy
4 sets of super set skull crushers and single arm tri overhead extensions.
4 sets of cable tri pushdowns heavy super set with light cable "reverse curl" extensions.

Time crunch today so had to hit it hard and roll quick...all done in about 40 minutes. What rest?!
Chest day in SC as well.
6 sets flat bench pyramid style
4 sets machine flys, heavy
4 sets of super set skull crushers and single arm tri overhead extensions.
4 sets of cable tri pushdowns heavy super set with light cable "reverse curl" extensions.

Time crunch today so had to hit it hard and roll quick...all done in about 40 minutes. What rest?!

Dang, you were moving! I use a 2 minute timer between sets, plus I have to add and remove plates on my WalMart ACME threaded dumbbells, which takes time, LOL.

Swole is the goal, size is the prize. It's GAINZ O'Clock!!!
worked on clean and jerk technique with a complex. 1 hang power clean, 1 full power clean, 1 full power clean and jerk. Worked up to 185. Felt pretty good.

Today's workout was 21-15-9 of wallballs and burpees with a 200m, 300m, and 400m run sprinkled in between each "set". It was hot and humid as hell but it was a good workout.
40 minute walk
4 sets of squats
Back day
- 6 sets of pull-ups
- 6 sets of hanging monkey bar rows
- 4 sets of leg lifts
Today was shoulders.
3 sets of seated duumbell military press supersetted with dumbell front raises
3 sets of dumbell side raises super setted with a seated bent over rear delt attempt raise.
4 sets of cable front raise and cross raise (man these get the burn by the end and its a I wanna cry burn not a hurst so good burn)
3 sets of rear delt cable extension/raises things @drkelly showed video of above

3 sets of heeavy dumbell shrugs supersetted with a cable shrug exercise I quasi invented myself...

Finished off with 5 x 1 minute exhaustions on the battle ropes....

All done fasted. Then I drank a large glass of tumeric, ginger and pepper tea because my wife wants to try this anti-inflammation kick...but thats probably not ideal following a work out now that I type that out...D'oh!
Yesterday we worked up to a heavy push press single. I hit 205 but failed 215. Im happy with that number. For the next 8 weeks, that number should go up steadily. Yesterdays workout was fun. 3 rounds for time of 50 double unders, 12 pushups, 3 heavy squat cleans at 205.

Finished around 8 mins. The squat cleans at 205 started off bad but quickly got a hell of a lot better.

Today's strength will be 3x5 of deadlift at 60%, 70%,80%. So I start off at 235, 275, and end at 325. Should be fun...

Edit: Workout was a fun partner 15m AMRAP of: 200m run, 2 rope climbs, 15 overhead squats, 2 ring muscleups/10 pullups, 15 DB Snatch, 2 Dball over the shoulder.

Pulled 325 for 5 without a belt. Felt pretty easy
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40 minute bike ride through the hood this morning.

Well they moved the speed radar to a different speed limit sign in the neighborhood. The slope leading up to it is maybe a little longer but very shallow. It caught me off guard this morning as I went past it at 17 mph. I do not see myself hitting 32 mph where it is positioned, but I'm going to make a run at it on my next ride.
I didn't have to take my son to my In-laws today during lunch, so I banged out 8 sets of low incline flat dumbbell bench with strict 60 second rest between sets.
Dumbbell app (not updating here everyday). Shoulders today.

Gonna add rucking to the mix. I hate running. Started today with 20lbs for 20 minutes at 3.5 mph on the treadmill. I feel like I could have done more, but I think it’s best to ease into it. I didn’t do that with the dumbbells and payed for it.
- 6 sets of side raises
- 6 sets of rear delts
- 6 sets of seated dumbbell OHP
- 4 sets of leg lifts
Went for a little over an hour walk this morning.

I'm down 3 lbs since the start of this cut a week ago. 207.6 lbs this morning.
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Up at 445 this am to ride Big Rock and catch the sunrise with some friends.
Solid start to the day
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I took the Hambulance to DuPont last weekend to ride. I did Big Rock at the end of the day, so maybe my memory is skewed, but F going up Cedar Rock first thing in the morning. (I'm assuming that's the way you went)
I took the Hambulance to DuPont last weekend to ride. I did Big Rock at the end of the day, so maybe my memory is skewed, but F going up Cedar Rock first thing in the morning. (I'm assuming that's the way you went)

Yeah, that's how we went up. We do that route pretty frequently.
Next time you're up, lemme know. We'll hit some trails.