What have you done for your health today?

I'm back to within 5 lbs of my first year out of high school. I mark that year because of a 20 lb gain right out of school. It was the growth spurt I always wanted and was all muscle.

I can say its from not stress eating and not eating like I was in general (mostly because I make a lot less money so food is more selective). Outside that I maintain habits that get me more sleep and work is still work. I don't have a desk job. No hobby exercise routine just more manual type gardening.
Currently holding around 194. Started Squatober Oct 1st and plan to finish it again this year. First few days were rough as I haven't squatted or lifted weights at all in a long time. Strength is coming back which is nice and I've got that good sore feeling instead of the painful, everything hurts etc.

Planning on racing a 12hr MTB relay race on the 22nd at the Whitewater Center. I thought I had a team lined up but everyone bailed, anybody here want to come ride?

My work finally did away with the draconian restrictions for using the gym, so I am back in the gym every day during my lunch hour like pre-covid days. I didn't realize how much I missed having the variety of equipment to use. I did a lot of cycling in my neighborhood over the past 2.5 yrs that I was working from home, and don’t want to give that up, so I started bringing my bike to work and riding on the Bicentennial trail occasionally during lunch (7 minute drive from my work). I went out there today, and as I was pulling into the parking lot, another guy was setting off. The goal was immediately set to try and catch him. About 2/3 way through my ride out, I finally got sight of him as I was about 75% of the way up this long steep hill. I lost sight of him after I crested the hill (downhill with curves), then finally caught back up to him near my turn around point. It was nice to have someone to chase because my legs were suffering from too many squats on Monday.
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Posted to a F3 group. Ruck yesterday. Thought this ain't so bad other then being active at before the sun thirty!

Posted today at another AO same PAX and did a bootcamp something another trying to kill be snott blowing nearly puking work out......Geeeeeeze I'm out of shape.
Posted to a F3 group. Ruck yesterday. Thought this ain't so bad other then being active at before the sun thirty!

Posted today at another AO same PAX and did a bootcamp something another trying to kill be snott blowing nearly puking work out......Geeeeeeze I'm out of shape.
That’s great, keep going! You will be amazed at how quickly things that were difficult today become less difficult.
By the way, if you puke during a workout we call it “spilling the merlot.”
Went for a ride with my wife and son up on the New River Trail. Hit a new section of Chesnut Creek and part of the usual section for 26 miles. It was perfect weather and beautiful fall colors.

Chesnut Creek Falls:
Went for a ride with my wife and son up on the New River Trail. Hit a new section of Chesnut Creek and part of the usual section for 26 miles. It was perfect weather and beautiful fall colors.

Chesnut Creek Falls:
View attachment 382829
Greenway type trail?
Yep. Crushed gravel, not paved. It is an old railroad.
And not the Virginia Creeper Trail. My wife can handle this without tearing her shoulder again.
5k ruck with 30lbs, with "resupply" in the last half or third to carry an extra sand bag of fun on back to start. 0530 kickoff.
officially signed up for the 12hr MTB race at Whitewater Center. It's this coming Saturday, should be lots of fun. Sitting around 192 this morning with no major diet changes. Still riding the bike/peloton. Will probably start lifting again soon.
Team race? Or you on the pedals for 12 hrs or you die?
@WARRIORWELDING team race. Right now, we have 3 guys including myself. Max of 4 per team. Still not too late to sign up. 5 different loops ranging from 2 miles up to 12. Points awarded based on loops/difficulty rating.

I think the strategy right now is to hit the big long loops at first to get the most points on the board and then cycle the shorter loops for time/additional points.

@WARRIORWELDING team race. Right now, we have 3 guys including myself. Max of 4 per team. Still not too late to sign up. 5 different loops ranging from 2 miles up to 12. Points awarded based on loops/difficulty rating.

I think the strategy right now is to hit the big long loops at first to get the most points on the board and then cycle the shorter loops for time/additional points.

its late but you should try Dave at Oliver's. Man is very humble but can flat ride. My neighbor would have been excellent but I don't know about a late notice.
Led an F3 kettlebell workout this morning that went like this:

Round 1, do 10 reps of each:

Kettlebell swings



American Hammers

tricep extensions

Lunges (each leg)

Atomic Crunches

Chest Press

Calf Raises
Follow that by a round of Welsh Dragons (Bear crawl 4 paces, push-up, shoulder taps, plank Jack, repeat for about 50 feet)

Rinse and repeat with different # of reps in each round always followed by Welsh Dragon.

Round 2: 15 reps

Round 3: 20 reps

Round 4: 15 reps

Round 5: 10 reps
Went and got another dose of F3. Did a lot of stadium stuff, stairs, snot and cooler air.
Unlike @VortecJeep I can't possibly remember what we did....to much sucking wind while trying not to plant my face in the concrete steps.
Went and got another dose of F3. Did a lot of stadium stuff, stairs, snot and cooler air.
Unlike @VortecJeep I can't possibly remember what we did....to much sucking wind while trying not to plant my face in the concrete steps.
I can’t remember it, but I had it written down because I Q’d it.

This morning’s workout was a lot of reps with concrete blocks, with some running thrown in there as a timer.
@UTfball68 you still plugging away over there?

Yes ma’am…thanks for checking in. Deviated a smidge for my sisters wedding this weekend, but down another 5lbs overall for the last week, sitting somewhere between 25-30lbs lost overall. Edit…I’m 13lbs away from the weight I was when I started my current job 4.5years ago…and I’m 45lbs below my all time peak over the last 4.5yrs.
Yes ma’am…thanks for checking in. Deviated a smidge for my sisters wedding this weekend, but down another 5lbs overall for the last week, sitting somewhere between 25-30lbs lost overall. Edit…I’m 13lbs away from the weight I was when I started my current job 4.5years ago…and I’m 45lbs below my all time peak over the last 4.5yrs.
That's freaking awesome, keep it up!!!!
Those doing F3, what's the deal. I need some motivation and a group setting would help. I turn 42 in about a month & a half, and am not happy with my fitness since I left the army 12 years ago.
pm in bound shortly just had a customer pull in
but f3 has a really decent website. little salesmanship involved but it is a brand sort of...
Those doing F3, what's the deal. I need some motivation and a group setting would help. I turn 42 in about a month & a half, and am not happy with my fitness since I left the army 12 years ago.