What have you done to your rig today?

Going to declare the welding/grinding on the passenger rail done. On to drivers side.


Drilled the driver side a little different.


Note the messy shop.
Hydraulic steering is getting a bit closer.

yes, it's made for a TJ however I am making it work on an XJ.

good fella to deal with.

I still have some securing of the hoses and some re routing. Waiting on a couple re usable hydraulic fittings. Thought you fellas would like to see some pics ofthe gear pump set up for my hydraulic steering.

I guess the gear pump does a better job of pulling the fluid?

I have the reservoir above the pump, so it's gravity fed, not sure of its pulling abilities, the factory vane pump will handle more RPM's. But the 4 speed TC and 4.7 stroker keeps my rpm lower, it fits my needs better. There is also bragging rights and kewl factor.
My current situation .......

View attachment 430483
Got tired of dealing with the small condom syndrome and put the old removable hard top on.
Problem was, back glass/door been gone for 4-5 years.
A trip to Lowes and some cutting and we installed a clear acrylic back.