What have you done to your rig today?

Picked up a 73-91 Chevy 3/4 ton front end to replace the torsion bar setup in the 62.

And now the dilemma starts...
If I'm replacing one body mount, I should replace all of them.
And if I'm replacing all of them, I'll have the cab loose.
And if I have the cab loose, I should fix that oil leak.
And if I have the cab off and the motor exposed, I should "bulletproof" it.
And if I bulletproof it, I should put a new converter on the trans.
And if I have a bulletproofed engine with a good converter, I should turn it up more.
And if I turn it up more, I should get better turbos...

Guess I'll just replace that one body mount...
So I decided to go with the single body mount replacement approach. Amazingly enough the Advance Auto on South Boulevard had a Dorman Ford OEM body mount in stock which looked to be an online only part, judging by stock status everywhere else. I was able to get it for fifty bucks for the whole assembly thanks to coupon codes (which is about half the price of what they are from Ford) and it's still rubber instead of polyurethane.
Here's a before pic:

Worth noting the metal cup was actually resting on the frame...

I did some Preparatory reading on the internet forums and learned the following:
1. They are a pain to get off and you need to spray them with penetrating oil repeatedly for several weeks before removal
2. The captive nut will spin
3. You have to remove the carpet or cut a slot to get to the captive nut
4. Removing the carpet entails removing the rear seat
5. You have to take ALL the body mount bolts loose on the same side of the vehicle
6. The front bolts at the radiator support require removing the bumper
7. Several other fearful things I can't remember

So being the good, direction following engineer that i am, I ignored all of that and hit the thing with an impact. It didn't budge, so I got out the breaker bar and got it to turn. It loosened up enough that the captive nut began spinning, so then I took a prybar and pryed down on the body mount while hitting the bolt with an impact. Bolt came right out! I then moved up to the two body mounts in front of it. Hit them with the impact, and they came right out! There are only four on each side, so I left the radiator support location tight and in place. I then took a jack and a block of wood and jacked up the rear corner of the body. Right as it started to get tight I had just enough clearance to get the new body mount in. I did reuse the old bolt because the new one for some reason was about 2 inches longer. I was amazed at how much the body mount compressed. As you'll see from the pictures below it's significantly longer than the old one and even on top of that it compressed another 2 inches just from the weight of the cab. Overall I have less than 20 minutes in this job, which is the rare exception to how things usually go. Must be my lucky day!



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Made an attempt at getting a few hours in after work today to get the crossember finished, painted and installed. I did get the np205 torque mount done, and the painting. On reinstall, just as I get the last bolt in, the bottom (the one in the sky) falls out. And now I'm frantically throwing around tools and screaming "Abandon ship!!!"
I ran over my tail gate on the tow rig yesterday. We were in a hurry to evac a dirtbiker with busted up leg off the 8 mile loop around my friends land. Friend didnt close all the way and it fell open and bounced off since only one strap holding it. Ooops.
Holy crap, finally got around to it? lol
Haha, yep finally had a free weenkend and was tired of it sitting in the garage. Still got a couple tjings to finish up before itd ready.

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Didn't bother to clean it I see.

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Plan was to pressure wash it. Each night it kept getting to late on me to do it and not wake the kids. Was going to do it Saturday morning. Then my help showed up and it wasn't done yet. Was going to do it right quick before we put it in. Then I said f*&# it I don't want water dripping all over us. So nope didn't get washed.

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