What have you done to your rig today?

Cam gear was off a few teeth. Had some trouble getting the timing chain on couple wks ago and had forgotten I had moved things around when I was installing it:rolleyes: Of course it was the one thing I didn't checko_O
Finally got to do a hand wash and assess the damage from Windrock. I knew the Barnes skid plate was bombproof (given) but these white knuckle offroad sliders and rustys bumpers are pretty Friggin awesome too. I was afraid the rustys would be sub par for the price but I bashed the hell out of the rear and just lost some paint. I now only have one unrashe'd wheel.
I hope I haven't lost my.mall crawler status though.


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Welder finally showed up! :bounce:

While I was at CFS off-road shop in Columbia I also picked up some YJ full soft doors, factory seat sliders/risers and snagged up the corbeau Baja JP seats from @Nosduj
Changed the oil and started taking the front off my ATV to install a winch. Charged the battery on my Traiblazer and drove it around the field for the first time in months.
Repaired my trail carnage from last week on RR. Tore the front brake hard line at the fitting on the hill climb near the end. Replaced the line and installed both front extended braided hoses. Pleasantly surprised to find a much better pedal now. I guess the stock hoses needed to go more than i realized.

Also found the PS rear brake line almost ripped off. Realized the upper sway bar link bolt grabbed the line when the tire was stuffed and nearly ripped the line off. Got lucky on this one. Cut the line, re-flared it and bent the line back in place. Good to go. Will be cutting the sway bar bolt down today.

Haven't done a double flare in 25 years and had to do two this week!
My cooling fan never came on while spooling cable onto the winch Friday night. Got to troubleshoot and rewire the controller plug Saturday morning instead of joining the URE workday as planned.

The power wire pulled out of the original crimp. Better in the driveway than on the trail.


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