I've went to all my neighbors and spoken to them, I live on a very busy street with semis passing constantly, across the street is a daycare with screaming kids, I've gotten bark collars on my pets. They don't bark excessively as I hate to hear them too. My next door neighbor has 3 large dogs that bark( this is in fact ass hats direct neighbor) I've been to speak to him and he won't answer the door. I left a polite note with my cell phone number requesting him to call me at any time they bother him. My dogs are in the house 95% of the day. If my dogs are out and the neighbor lets theirs out I will put mine up because they bark. Takes me 2 minutes and I can expect a police officer within a hour. I've given my number to all my neighbors to call me if they have a issue. Don't know how I can get more respectful than that witchdoctor. Had a cop show up after we put our then 10month old down to bed. He said they got a call for loud music at my address. The time for neighborly smiles and BS is long past. There's no other reason I can see but the fact that a trump sign went up and we started getting called in. We live here for a few years prior with no complaints. If anything they are much quieter now than they were before this started and had no complaints from others before. So I respectfully disagree with your assumption.