Yagers in your thoughts

Very Cool. Keep the Updates coming. Thanks Kevin & Everyone else for your support!!
Thanks for organizing this Kev.
That's awesome! The 4x4 community reminds me so much of the military! The commradary is freakin awesome!!! Doesn't matter what happens, we ban together and help out in any way possible. This thread is proof!!

Sent from my microwave using a teleportation device.
Nice Job!
Donation sent. Old boy's in ours thoughts.

Shawn and I went up to see Mike tonight, and give him the iPad.

Mike is improving by the day, he's got a few more words and more movement, is able to walk unassisted. Still some right side issues, but it's improving.

We brought out the iPad and he was pretty taken. We went over a few of the simple things, the text to voice app, and a few others. We downloaded Skype ( not active yet, I bumbled something ) , and he has Facetime for those who have that on an iThing.

All the info seemed to over whelm him a bit, but in time, he'll get it all worked out. HE was doing much better in the few days since I'd last seen him

Val ( mike's wife ) said possibly a 6-9 month time frame to get back to relatively normal is what the Dr's are saying at this time.
Oh Man,I just heard about this today.I am sorry as I can be about it,Mike's a good dude.I remember going over to pick up a laptop and staying for 2 hours chatting about Projects while my wife waited in the truck.:D I'll send a donation when I get in the office next week,but I will also send out a group mail to my customers asking for interested people to contribute what they can.See what I can round up.Sending Prayers along for a speedy recovery as well
Kevin, Ken, everybody who had a hand in getting the iPad - nice work! Love the background... And really nice hearing about Mike improving and getting some dexterity back. Just gotta get back on the trails, back in the shop, and back to normal (or at least as normal as, well, normal)! :)
Keep waiting to bring this up with a post from the man himself, it's been 2 weeks right? It's about time for the new "direction" that Yager wants to take....
Well I went and saw Mike this evening at the hospital..

He looks good and is making great progress everyday..
I sat and talked with him and Val for little over 1 hr and it was great to just hang out and see his smile.
He can understand everything and can communicate back ok but his mouth and brain do not get along right now.. but they are getting there.

He is using the Ipad and doing a lot of therapy..

So all in due time he will get it all back..but it will be a while..so the best thing to do is be patient and he will respond to us all soon..

Again thanks to all that donated and are helping in anyway possible.
Nice....work Mike. Keeping the prayers going.

Once again Kudos to all the folks involved in the assistance to Mike and wifey...
Saw Mikey a little while this afternoon. One thing he has not lost is his sense of humor, he laughed at me, he laughed at himself we both laughed at him, it was great.:D We talked a while then went down and got a couple of hot dogs form the cafeteria. His hospital meal wasn't terribly appetizing looking so we snuck him out to get some junk food.
He's doing a lot of PT but not enough in Mikes opinion, he's ready to get it done and move on. Keep the good thoughts coming, I know Mike appreciates it.
well went and saw Yager again last night.

he is getting better everyday.. he looks great and his speech sure is improving..

if he could I am sure he would be at home.. but docs want to keep watching and helping him with recovery