Yagers in your thoughts

I went and saw Mike today, He looks good !!

Mike is improving everyday, currently he is walking ( with aid of a cane/walker type thing ) he is VERY alert and aware. he is trying to talk, some things are coming out, others, you can see he is struggling.

His right side has some paralysis, you can see it in his face, and he doesn't have much use of his right arm/hand at this time. it's coming, but it'll take awhile.

We took a walk around the nurses station this afternoon, he does seem to get along ok, slow, but ok.

They are supposed to start Acute Therapy this coming week and I was told it may be at a different hospital. don't and won't know until later in the week.

I called his phone today thinking his wife would answer, but Mike did, he didn't say much, but I was very glad to hear his voice. I think he was glad to hear from the outside world as well.

If you have his number, it may not get answered but DO leave a message of encouragement ! he needs to hear from more people on the phone ( he may not talk to you, but he'll sure as hell try ) DO IDENTIFY yourself ( screen name helps too )

Mike is pretty damn bored, nothing on TV, the nurses are average at best to look at ( at least the ones I saw today ) he's got a pile of cards and pictures, which he does enjoy seeing. this has helped a lot !!!

His wife is somewhat astounded, " he's getting mail from Canada !!, who does he know there ? "

She's pretty awestruck by all his imaginary internet friends !!

We called Gavan and talked to him for about 45minutes on speaker phone, talked about Gavan's CJ10 and how he just fragged the trans ( this kinda brought a grin to Mikes face, the whole conversation ) then we picked on mike for a bit told him we needed him to at least be able to stand and watch us finish the Jeep and the Ambulance so he could sell them :flipoff2: ..... he knew we were yanking his chain, but it got the reaction we had hoped.

I took my iPod up to see if he was interested in some of the games, or could work them. the iPod is too small, an iPad would be much more suitable, especially for one handed operation. His wife tried to give him his laptop, but it's cumbersome and bulky to operate one handed, he got frustrated by it pretty quickly.

there are a ton of apps and games that require thought and some dexterity, I started him out on Simple Physics, he's interested, but trying to work the small screen was pretty tough.

also tried to have him write with Note Pad, again, he wants too, but the screen isn't large enough to tap out the letters easily.

The games available on iPad or other will be of benefit, some will require thought process, others some dexterity and skill, and then there is just the plain, while away the boredom while being laid up.

That being said, If anyone is up for it, I think a collection for an iPad would be a cool thing.

HE said no, but then again, he is pretty freak'n modest and generally won't ask for help, and play it down if you do. ( But he is one of the first to help someone else out when needed and able !! )
Mike went out and bought a couple Aloe plants and brought them to my house when I was going thru radiation treatment a few years ago. ( radiation burns SUCK BTW )
I was pretty blown away by this.

Anyway, Mike's wife Val is aware of this and said it will probably make him mad ( and it probably will at first ), she's also pretty modest about things like this.

I told her he has hundreds of folks who want to do SOMETHING, this is a small thing, but should be helpful in getting his mind working ( on something other than boredom ) .

I have set up a PayPal account


is the address, select personal and "gift"

this same address can be used to gift iTunes as well.

once there is enough to purchase iPad, I will create an iTunes account in Mike or Val's name purchase the iPad install a few apps to get them ( him ) started and then transfer all power of the paypal, gmail and iTunes accounts over to them so they can purchase apps using the PP account.

The nice part about the iPad, you don't have to have a computer to download apps, or updates.
just a good wifi connection. ( i will suggest any updates/purchases be done on the home wifi server, not the hospital public wifi )

this will also allow him to surf and possibly do some creative bench racing during his down time.

all I have for now
Just saw this...Mike does look better than I had pictured. I have his number..prolly to late to call tonight though...maybe a text..?

Anyways, thanks for this update.
Just saw this...Mike does look better than I had pictured. I have his number..prolly to late to call tonight though...maybe a text..?

Anyways, thanks for this update.

don't expect a response from the text, unless Val does it. He's having a time with small buttons and letters

That being said, I'd wait until tomorrow to text, he gets enough interruptions during the night ( the vampires come every 4hours )
Sent donation, it's not much but it's a start.

Thanks for posting that.
Get well Mike..

don't expect a response from the text, unless Val does it. He's having a time with small buttons and letters

That being said, I'd wait until tomorrow to text, he gets enough interruptions during the night ( the vampires come every 4hours )
I get what you're saying. I dont expect a response, just hope he gets to read my words of encouragement.
I'll probably take a chance and call tomorrow.
THATS yager?!? Looks like such a hipster with those glasses!! :p Glad to hear he's making such strides. Hope everything continues on this pace!
Lots more - Google "stroke recovery ipad" (without the quotes)

Ralph, I had absolutely no idea,

I knew that anything to get the mind and motor skills functioning is a good thing, the iPod seemed like a small logical chioce, is why I brought it with me, if it worked I was going to go out and buy one for him and load up some of the games I have.

once I saw that the iPod was really to small, I figured the iPad might be a better choice, is why I made the suggestion ( I can't quite poop out $500 without a little effort ) and asked for support.

I had NO CLUE the iPad was used in stroke recovery.

You guys are AWESOME !! there are a few accessories that will be helpful as well when the time comes.

NC4X4 and Pirate 4X4 ROCK !!
I don't really know the difference but my wife just bought herself a Kindle Fire off Amazon for $199. The kids play all kind of games on that thing and it works off wifi also. I've just heard the IPads are over rated and over priced but what do I know.
I don't know much about the Kindle, other than it is a little smaller than the iPad.

I don't think the Kindle has the app following and structure that the iPad or the other tablets have, it was more designed to be a " reader" the Fire is supposed to bring these features, but the apps aren't there yet.

Apple is good at a few things, Marketing it one of them, they brought the tablet market to the world that didn't know they needed it. the rest are trying to play catch up.
Really encouraging news, he's in my familys prayers everyday. The Ipad idea sounds great, I will make a donation when I get home from work today.
how bout a fund raiser ride at ure? That will get some profit generated quick.

this is quite possible, but that will take some time to put together, what we are doing now can ( and will ) happen rather quickly, and it's possible he could have it in hand by end of the week.
Ralph, I had absolutely no idea

Me neither until recently - we've had 3-4 folks at work with strokes, plus one neighbor, and one's family discovered their use. I hadn't actually seen any until I Googled it myself. I don't know the whole theory, but apparently these apps help rebuild portions of the brain (or rather bypass the damaged parts and find new pathways) that we normally develop in childhood. Hence, the "game" aspect of some of them. Probably any hand/eye coordination activity helps, but the apps/games help concentrate the activity. Particularly when the patient isn't very mobile otherwise.

Hope it helps!
I went and saw Mike today, He looks good !!

Mike is improving everyday...

Great to hear! Thanks for the update, Kevin. I was thinking that I would try to call or text Val once we were back from URE today (passing through Asheboro just now), glad to know that's ok to do.

I have set up a PayPal account


is the address, select personal and "gift"...

all I have for now

Great idea! Paypal sent... glad to be able to do *something* to help. :)
Donation sent last night. This seems the easiest, & best way. [PayPal] With in a couple of days, everyone, should know. +, there's tons more people on here, than could make a Ride.
Thanks for the update, Big Kev.
Sent a small donation!
Thanks for keeping the updates coming & setting up the Paypal acct. Donation sent & will support any future efforts to help out.
Thanks for the update, Big Kev.
Sent a small donation!

Hollywood !! thanks for that ! we'll be able to place order very soon. and we're only 20hrs in !!!

I'm just astounded !!