Yagers in your thoughts

Thoughts and prayers to Mike and his family.
Prayer sent up for both Val and Mike. Be strong brother, and I pray and hope for recovery. I wish I were closer if nothing else to give Val a shoulder to lean on. I am sure she is about wiped out.
This little reply message cant begin to say how much I hate hearing this. Mike has a lot of friends and we will help out in anyway we can. Lots of thoughts and prayers headed your way Yager!
Very sad to hear. Prayers and thoughts out to Mike and his family.
Hate to hear about something like this. Hope Yager gets well soon.
Hate to hear about something like this. Hope Yager gets well soon.
Oh my, praying for sure!! So sorry to hear this, hope you get better soon.
wow just saw this. so sad to hear. good luck to mike and his wife. prayers for both of them. :(
Sad to hear this, Best wishes to Mike & family.
holler if yall need anything
Steve Scott
Praying for speedy recovery Mike. You and Val have our thoughts and prayers.
I heard from Kevin Michael (blkvoodoo) a little while ago. He spoke to Eric (Mike's twin). Eric and their dad are in town now. They're going to the house later today to take care of errands and that sort of thing.

Said that Mike was working in the garage on Sat PM. Val went out to check on him, and he was laying in the floor. Looked at her, but didn't really respond. They weren't sure if he'd hit his head, inhaled something nasty, etc. So it was a few hours before they determined he'd definitely had a stroke and began treatment.

The clot-busting drugs are still working, so it will be ~48hrs before they know for sure what the extent of the damage/recovery will be. Mike is responsive, and they've been having him do some basic motor skills stuff to assess his condition.
thanks for update Shawn.. please keep us posted on any other news.. or if they need anything call anytime
update I just got from his brother on facebook:
Mike just ate some apple sauce by himself. Motor skills are improving very quickly.. this is very good!!!
man...you take for granted how precious life is and how easily it could slip away at any moment. Glad he is making improvements, and i hope he continues to do so.
update I just got from his brother on facebook:

Mike just ate some apple sauce by himself. Motor skills are improving very quickly.. this is very good!!!

That's great news. That's already a significant improvement from when I left the hospital at 4:00am Sunday. Mike is certainly strong-willed enough to pull through. Keep Val in your prayers too; as She's got a lot on her plate at the moment.
Darlene & I wanted to send Mike a get-well card so I called the hospital for info. This is the info I was given...

Edit: Shawn removed Mike's contact info at Val's request.
Trying not to speak out of place, I personally would limit contact to cards and such; at least until he gets out of the ICU. Mike does have family down and Vals' covered up coordinating medical efforts on two fronts (both Duke and UNC), so there is just a lot going on down there at the moment.