01 Mounty on Tons!

with potential to derail at any given moment
This will probably fall on deaf ears, but I gotta say it anyway. You’re trying your hardest to run a legitimate business. You want your work and your work ethic to speak for itself. You really should limit yourself to professional type interactions online. You want potential customers to see your work, see you asking questions when you need help, and just being an overall “good dude”. Be personable, be humble, and resist the urge to exchange banter with trolls. What works for me is finding someone in your life to be your filter. I had a real problem with emails at work and may have dug a few holes in my career. A good friend gave me a checklist to go through before I sent an email. It’s saved me from a lot of one sided, closed door, type conversations you don’t wanna receive in the workplace. Long story short, your filter is bad and you need to find a new one.
This will probably fall on deaf ears, but I gotta say it anyway. You’re trying your hardest to run a legitimate business. You want your work and your work ethic to speak for itself. You really should limit yourself to professional type interactions online. You want potential customers to see your work, see you asking questions when you need help, and just being an overall “good dude”. Be personable, be humble, and resist the urge to exchange banter with trolls. What works for me is finding someone in your life to be your filter. I had a real problem with emails at work and may have dug a few holes in my career. A good friend gave me a checklist to go through before I sent an email. It’s saved me from a lot of one sided, closed door, type conversations you don’t wanna receive in the workplace. Long story short, your filter is bad and you need to find a new one.
I agree, for most part I keep my stuff pretty clean on here these days.
Plus let's face it, nobody from this board anyways would ever come to me for work, no matter how "good" I got...fact! And that's for many reasons, some worthy, most not, but I'm cool with that.
I agree, for most part I keep my stuff pretty clean on here these days.
Plus let's face it, nobody from this board anyways would ever come to me for work, no matter how "good" I got...fact! And that's for many reasons, some worthy, most not, but I'm cool with that.
ehhhit depends on the job in question.
Me and @jeepinmatt were talking this week - I wish you were closer actually. Ive got a job that I cant find time to get to, that Im confident you would knock out and do well and for a fair price. Just trans to and from you would kill the deal.
If you were closer Id def send some business your way.

I wouldnt (yet - today) use your fab skills, but I try to never say never...
Perks of being self employed: take my birthday off and work on my rig!! Sliders with boat sides coming along and got me a good deal on this so went with it. Change to rope later.
I'm not self employed. But I too take my birthday off to work on stuff. :huggy: Heard good things about those winches.
Passenger side done hooweyy
My new plasma cutter is freaking kick dagguumm butt lol. I'm building stuff in half the time it would take with the other one
I scored those sliders for $40...that's another birthday deal hehe
I agree, for most part I keep my stuff pretty clean on here these days.
Plus let's face it, nobody from this board anyways would ever come to me for work, no matter how "good" I got...fact! And that's for many reasons, some worthy, most not, but I'm cool with that.
Didn’t several recommend you to that guy asking for welding the other day?

My new plasma cutter is freaking kick dagguumm butt lol. I'm building stuff in half the time it would take with the other one
I want one too. My old one died a few years ago and was just too ragged to fix. I’m thinking the nice HF one is what I’m gonna get.
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Getting some steering done, fixing to get some serious hours in on this now till it's done woohoo. I'm taking a week off to finish it...
Fixing to get into some cool design right here
Finally got bumper done. Wow that took forever when I'm trying to be neat lol. I love it though.
I've never had a nice looking rig with neat work/parts and well, to see this end result of the front end, wow I'm super happy with the time I've put into it! This is a whole new level of "john fuller" rig lol