I can appreciate your thoughts, I do and all this is nothing new to me.
Problem is everyone thinks I'm stupid or "born yesterday" on a lot of this "business stuff" including past employers and uhhm (won't say it). I don't mind if an employer tells me when we talk finances after 3.5 months of what they are willing to pay/invest in me after showing them who i am and giving them everything I got. Where things go down hill is when that employer feeds me bunch of crap like I'm stupid of "why" they can't or won't. )kinda hard for me to really say what I want without putting a specific name with the scenario(.
The only answer I keep getting from everyone is "hey dummy you forgot about business expenses"...(again like I was born yesterday). THERE IS SO MUCH MORE that I know for facts about what we're talking about but I can't get into those details without mentioning specific places I've worked which I don't cause I don't have the need to go there and put places/names out there.
Other big factor is "why would anyone believe me" over someone else who runs a backyard business in residential neighborhood no insurance/liability/business license (
@Ron you love to bring that up) just because the other people are "more known", "more popular" or "they make legitimate money"....that's crap
People act like they judge fairly but they don't. I did the same "business in Boone" as ............................. but yet I'm the illegal stupid one, while the other who has big success is ok. (riiiiight) and you wonder why I constantly get defensive on topics, that's why
I also didn't give specific example of Employer to employee relations/pay scale which would DRASTICALLY change if I actually got into the DETAILS where this is in discussion but again, I'm not trying to be specific with names of places rather just gave a broad example (which I suppose will make it very hard to probe my point without getting into those specific details).
very true, I give my commitment above and beyond but when an employer doesn't commit to me or care to invest in me, than they don't need me. They do just fine with hiring the regular shlobos off the street and continue with the overturn process most companies struggle with.
THIS is what gets me. Every company/business I've worked for in last 4 years (6 jobs, yikes) they complain so much "man good help is hard to find", "can't find nobody that's dedicated and wants to work", even "I need one or two employees that will really invest in this business that I can rely on and trust" blah blah blah
Then after 3-6months of showing them what I bring to their business (not just "skill), they tell me how "great" they think I am (blah blah) but I talk finances with them and ask for little better wage and what did I get from EVERY ONE OF THEM.....bunch of lies and bs of how they can't cause they make what I make and blah blah blah lies and talking to me like I'm stupid when clearly since I work for them, I can see and tell the real $ that they're bringing in, where it goes, and whose going home wealthy at the end of the day...(one stupid employer even shared with me "profits" one day....like really?? got all personal that morning, he was in "good" mood, then hours later was right back to "I make little money just like yall do"
SO yeah I know what goes on, I'm a lot smarter and aware of the earnings and spendings going on in pretty much every "small Private" business I've worked for.