Bad seller: Studnuts

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that thing was never steam cleaned. It was propane powerplant though...if that had anything to do with it.

I think what voodoo was saying was if the head was cracked and leaked a tiny amount of coolant into that cylinder, it would have automatically cleaned it out.. not that YOU steam cleaned it.. ;)
Where I'm from people end up with concrete shoes for doing shit like that...:rolleyes:

Bitch please... You're German, not Italian :flipoff2:
Just me thinking here but if it was me, I showed this post to a friend that is a lawyer and he said he would sue for slander,calling out side people (work) Web postings, it fits all the points. Also he said extortion, because you want him to make it right and this can go all away.
What you got was a motor, and it was "as is" and that was 2 year ago no court or person will go with you as to him needing to do anything for you because FACT it has been 2 years ago and the FACT that it was sold "AS IS".
The only thing this is doing is making you look bad and going to make people not want to deal with you at all. Don't know what is going on in your life that gave you a case of the big balls to bring this out in the public and not just deal with it like it should have been done 2 years ago. Maybe you are falling under hard times or you got family problems, maybe, if you let something like this get at you for 2 years and just now deal with it you got more problems that need to be dealt with and should get greater help then you will find on this web board ..... And before you call me a FUCK tard or something like that I'm not at your level I'm above it so I don't know what it is or what your talking about. I hope you can get over it and learn from this, You did not get it from Wal-mart, you can not play with it for two years and get your money back and its not Burger-King, your not always going to get it your way.
I think what voodoo was saying was if the head was cracked and leaked a tiny amount of coolant into that cylinder, it would have automatically cleaned it out.. not that YOU steam cleaned it.. ;)

Yep I will look for the pic of my 5.9 CTD that looked like a NEW piston and it had 90 k on it when the head gasket went that cyl looked better then new. If he does not know that then maybe needs not play with motors......If the clean Cyl is what he is going off saying it never fired.....My honda had 2 that looked new and two dark, the HG went between 34... that was in the 80's....
I still want someone to start a poll in the garage over who is winning....advantatge Nuts

Um - did you see my poll? Currently there are 0% in favor of Scarface. Hm.
this the character of the person ya'll are dealing with.
...completely softheaded piss sucker.
it's funnay when your high on booze, but sad as hell in real life:shaking:

you commenting on someone else's character makes me laugh.
I like the Burger-King remark. I think I will add to it...

This is not Burger King....
You do not get it your way,
You get it my way.
Or you don't get the damn thing.
i still cant believe anyone would piss on their cigs and smoke em...never been to that point...:shaking::shaking:
Joel got booted for is BS with a mod...then suddenly this crap appears....
why the clean cyl? I think your showing how little you know about engines. The only thing that pic show me is that its got new +.040 pistons. Unless the motor was bagged its hard to say. A good pressure washing would easily push that much water in.
Ok, So I do know Bill and Joel, I know a lot of people that can do a lot of things, and many of them I would not take an engine to. And what would I need to ask them ? Verify that it took 4 people to take the motor apart ?
I personally think you took this to far and need to make a few phone calls. 1 to 4WP and straighten some shit out and 1 to Jon to tell him your sorry and you own him a few beers.... That's what I think.. And I think that until that happens your gonna look like the biggest asshat around and nothing will change that. Where I'm from people end up with concrete shoes for doing shit like that...:rolleyes:

Fuck you
I will say for the last time. I never expected him to do anything, i offered it yes, but look back at the beginning.

I am through people have stated what i said is correct, ie. cracked head..steam cleaned cyl, oily water. If he didnt know then we are both wrong, but i will always feel that he did and needed the money so reassured me it was fine.

Your ops manager never called me back....i quess i could let it die
This thread makes me not want to sell anything ever again to someone I dont know personally.
Will, thats a shame.. there a lot of good buyers sellers here.

Personally, I'll never do business with scarface after reading this.
"Your ops manager never called me back... i guess i could let it die"

uhh, yeah... idiot
That will really help you get what you want.
Does it work with your wife and family to?

Like I said before

Don't know what is going on in your life......... and you should get greater help then you will find on this web board .....

Maybe someone will look up one of the help lines or one of the homes for troubled people it looks as if you could use their service.
Have a blessed day....
famous LAST words:shaking:
me thinks you might also get the boot
Me thinks he should get the boot. This board don't need this type of $h!t
The interweb is fun!

This thread is like a fun soap opera that keeps me entertained through final exams...63 hours and still going...a few hours of half-ass sleep here and there...keep up the action...I got to finish another project by Monday...

Two years gone by? Shoot...I'll warranty something out of the parking lot...:lol:
I love this!:popcorn: Right out with problems for ALL the judges. LOL Mind if I log my wife on here sometime?:lol:

My take:
1. I've learned a few lessons on buying used motors. First thing I do without even hesitation is check the dipstick? Look at it, smell it and give it the drip test. Seems that would have prevented all this mess...
2. Brand spankin new Jasper Motors are only warrented for 2 years / 20,000. I couldn't make a stink 2 years down the road on anything used. Just my character. Would definately chalk that one up for an eat.
3. I think both parties had some extremely childish responses in this. I feel this probably hurt both characters in the long run by not being played out with alot more cuth... Engage the brain before opening mouth. When mad, set down and think all angles. Play all three shoes, yours, the opposing person and the neutral third person looking both ways. THEN play it out like an adult.

I lean towards Studnuts on this even though I feel his responses definately hurt his character... He could have came out smelling like a rose if he'd played this out differently.
The interweb is fun!
This thread is like a fun soap opera that keeps me entertained through final exams...63 hours and still going...a few hours of half-ass sleep here and there...keep up the action...I got to finish another project by Monday...
Two years gone by? Shoot...I'll warranty something out of the parking lot...:lol:

You dealt with me indirectly, how did the Longfeild thing end?
That was a case of buyer being wrong about something right?
Ban him, I don't think anyone volunteering their time for free (Mods) should have to deal with this BS.

Just having this thread on the forum makes us all look like clowns.
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