Because Race Shop - Left Eye Blind Racing

Another really cool piece...

This is a custom engraved center bolt wire loom from an Oldsmobile, bolted to Vortec center bolt valve covers on Pro-Filer heads

Very first truck through the pit last night (yay). It was was thick soup last night. First place pass in super street. Not overly happy with the two step set up at the moment, but not enough vacuum to foot brake it...

Science experiment based on mass...

Top Left is a 2.08" stainless d0ve valve. Bottom left is titanium 2.45" a460 valve coated in ceramic. As you can see, the a460 is about an inch longer, larger diameter...but lighter. Science...the more you know.

Del West?

Any concerns about fatigue? I assume this going in a race engine and not a daily driver, so it should never see that amount of run time?
I guess the ceramic coating probably helps with the high temp fatigue problems on the exhaust side.
Del West?

Any concerns about fatigue? I assume this going in a race engine and not a daily driver, so it should never see that amount of run time?
I guess the ceramic coating probably helps with the high temp fatigue problems on the exhaust side.

Exactly...the ceramic coated valves are going in a 553 pull truck stroker, that will be torn down and rebuilt every season. Less that 20 passes with no pass lasting longer than 10 seconds.
What you see here is the rat rod building process at LEB. Once GMB is removed from the bed, we'll clear coat it, and this magnificent rat rod truck thing can be yours for a steal at $25k.
