Hardbody SAS

Looks good!
Looks great!

That second picture makes the truck look narrow, what was the messurment from mounting surface to surface on those axles? (wide or narrow waggy?)
front waggy is 63" wms to wms, and tires are 39s, i think there a little too big, they dont allow for much flex. So if anyones intrested in trading for some 37s let me know. I will post them in the swap meet also
I bet that thing sounds like a buzz saw going down the road with those tires on it. haha! Lookin' good though. I'd look to trade for some 38-40" creepies or mtrs if you could. You get that welder you were wanting from the post above?

my 2 cents. I would leave the bed. just shorten it like the yota boys do. it's nice to see a hardbody not all cut up...or you could build sides like Chris at MarsFab did with his s10 truggy.

You need those dana 44 5.13 gears yet? :)
I bet that thing sounds like a buzz saw going down the road with those tires on it. haha! Lookin' good though. I'd look to trade for some 38-40" creepies or mtrs if you could. You get that welder you were wanting from the post above?
my 2 cents. I would leave the bed. just shorten it like the yota boys do. it's nice to see a hardbody not all cut up...or you could build sides like Chris at MarsFab did with his s10 truggy.
You need those dana 44 5.13 gears yet? :)
haha yea its pretty loud. and yea i did get a welder just gotta get the house wired right and i can start fabing stuff up and the truck will be 4x4 in no time :driver:
i would post pics of the welder but i dont want to get ridiculed about it being a cheep welder lol, Its a harbor frieght 171 dual mig. It will weld it wil almost weld 1/2 inch with lincoln flux from what ive heard, but its rated for 3/8 with flux wire that comes with it. Ive read reviews from a bunch of different sources and heard mostly good things about it but ill just have to wait and see for myself :popcorn:.
Ive always liked flat tube beds but i will toss the idea of skins for the truggy around, thanks!
And if i get this new job i will for sure get those gears off yah with the first pay check.
So i got my welder wired this week and I decided to try it out, I found some old shackels they're 1/8" thick. The pics are layed out from first weld to last weld of the night. This is the first time ive ever welded so they arent great by any means.


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yea i figure after a lot more scrap practice, ima build a go cart with a buddy of mine and then start taking on projects for my rig
Ok so today no progress on the truck but i just practice my welding. This is the 3rd time ive usedthe welder and i have no complaints, just wish i had the gas hooked up so the welds would look better. I did 6 fillet welds, There in order of how i did them, the first one i was getting the heat and wire speed setup, the next couple i focused on getting the torch angle right, and then on the last ones i tried making even puddles. I think im doing pretty well for a beginner. What do you guys think i should practice more on and give me tips and tricks if you will. Thanks.
and heres some side pics, they're really close to perpedicular. Im not sure on what the penetration of a weld is supposed to be but here is a pic. Feel free to give constructive criticism. Thanks
i got started on the transmision crossmember today, got the main part tacked, and tomorrow or sunday im going to add some 3/16 1" sopports to it and weld it up.
as it started..
tried to finish up the crossmember to day...but who would have thought my harbor freight welder would blow up.:rolleyes: So i take it back to exchange it and those welders are discontinued so the gave me this b.s. http://www.harborfreight.com/180-Am...-F841-E111-BD1F-001B2163195C&mr:referralID=NA , no wheels, smaller but still heavy, can only weld up to 3/16" (as far as the chart on the welder itself says), it comes with a plug installed and the plug doesnt match the outlet. SO im taking this one back to get my money, and im on the market for a welder again. Im never buying a cheep tool again, lesson learned. Looks like Ima have to stall this truck even longer. On a good note i did get all the gussets cut for the crossmember.
My new welder arrived today, its a lincoln 180 power mig. This is a great little welder but i found its a lot harder to weld with then my chicago electric was, but with a little practice i figured it out. Also i need to get a cart for it cause as you can see im using a office chair.
I also burned in the cross member, this thing is strong! i added 10 gussets over all so im sure that had a big effect on the strength:rolleyes:
Hopefully i can get my 39s sold so i can buy a 14 bolt from a guy off the fourm, it has 5.13s and a welded diff. that way when i get my 5.13s for the front off 95yjjeep i can just throw some driveshafts in there and be 4x4 again.:driver:
But ive also decided to not try to four link the rear yet because theres no way ima have the funds with going to NTI in July so im go with 63 chevys and a double shackle set up. And I'm going to get a one piece rear driveshaft. And as soon as i get the money the body lift will be coming off and ill be droping the rock sliders and either making a new front bumper or modifying it, ill probly get rid of the rear bumper and bob the bed.
....I'm about to change the name of this thread to money pit :shaking:
I got the body lift off now time to make new bumper mounts and weld the sliders back on. I picked up a dana 44 rear, out of a isuzu, off of ncjeepers. Iwant be putting this in untill i get the moeny to re-gear and get a drive shaft made.


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Ok alittle progess today, not only was is beautiful outside i had a great day! It started at pull-a-part, i went searching for some 63" chevys. There are a bunch to choose from, so naturely i started take off the first decent pair i found but after 20 minutes of hittin these bolts with a three pound hammer, i figured id look around and come back if i didnt find any thing better. So on the last row of GMs i found a chevy that the bed had been taken off. It took me about 5-10 minutes to get these off, what a blessing! Honestly that made my day, i figured i would be there for hours with the fit the first pair was giving me.

But anyways, when i got home i started working on the truck and for the first day in two weeks I didnt feel like the truck was fighting me, so that was nice. Today I just got the sliders tacked but i felt like i acomplished something for only 3 hours of work. Also last weekend i picked up an Isuzu dana 44 thanks to ncjeepers. I've got a lot of work to do this weekend.

Plans for the weekend:
-take out gas tank
-fully weld the sliders
-set up the 63 chevys and dubble shackle
-weld the perches on the rear 44
-hopefully pick up some rollers and 14" spal fan
-and if time allows, build mounts for front bumper
-also I'm goin to move my front axle forward an 1"

Plans For near furture:
-Put the bed back on (possibley bob it?)
-5.13s for front off of 95yjjeep
-spool, and install kit for front from ECGS
-spool, 5.13s, and install kit for rear from ECGS
-Im going to build my own front driveshaft out of square tubing (probly 2" .25wall and 1.5" .25wall)
-and if needed one piece rear driveshaft from Universal Automotive( probly have to build a new crossmember for that to.:shaking:)
-some sort of 35-37" tire

I might be missing something but after alllllll that she should be 4x4 again.:D

well i got a little work done this weekend but not nearly enough, I was hoping to reuse the stock spring hangers for the 63 chevy setup but nissan is weird and turns out i couldnt use them. so i made some out of 1/4" plate, they look pretty good for being cut with a cut of wheel. I didnt get the sliders burned in cause i ran out of wire, but i did get the spring hangers tacked up and i got one of them drilled.

A huge thanks to TheWarBeast for letting me borrow some rollers, great guy!

some pics: ( in the last one im holding the hanger a little crooked:rolleyes: )

From a fellow Nissan wheeler, looks good.
Glad to see another 'Datsun' that will hit the trails!
From a fellow Nissan wheeler, looks good.
Glad to see another 'Datsun' that will hit the trails!
Thanks man, i cant wait to get out there again, i havent been wheeling in 2 years ever sence i started the SAS, it sucks!
You have a SAS hardbody too, right?
Not much progress today, i burned the spring hangers in, drilled the bolt wholes and started mock up.
I feel like i got SOME decent looking welds out of my power mig, well decent for flux wire.Hopefully ill get the spring hangers tacked in tomorrow.
