I killed 2 pitbull dogs in my old neighborhood a few years ago. They killed my daughter’s cat in my yard right in front of her. They carried it off back to their own yard and my wife went down there to talk to the neighbor. My wife was cussed out and called a liar even after animal control came and retrieved our cat from her back yard. This was on a Thursday.
It wasn’t the first time they’d been out, she always claimed they escaped but the neighbor across the street from her confirmed she was letting them out. They had been terrorizing the street, the family was a pimple on an otherwise great community.
Sunday morning I heard a ruckus and went out on the back porch to see them trying to get through my fence to get at my 2 JRTs (who as you know have zero fear). I stepped inside, retrieved my bedside SBR and killed them both with 5.56 softpoints.
I went inside, unloaded and cleared the rifle and called the popo.
It was all good once the animal control guy showed up and told the cops how many times he’d been down there and warned them. I was charged with discharging a firearm in the city limits which was later dismissed (shift sergeant made the officers charge me

I can confirm a softpoint at 30’ makes a damn mess of their heart and lungs.
We are SO GLAD we have moved to our farm for good now. Nothing but good old farm dogs around here and neighbors are all as good as family.