Lots of interesting news today

why is it always the one's you didn't want to see nekkid.....
Because the ones you DO have figured out how to make guys pay $8 a week to see it

This is not just Tesla. We rented a Jeep Wagoner. I have turned off active lane management and it still pushes the steering wheel. The braking and acceleration also have a mind of their own.
Fuck vinfast and fuck any politician or anyone else who supports eminent domain for a business. "Economic development" is a cheap cover for corporate welfare. I hope it crashes and burns and nothing gets built on that site. I hope vinfast is the new foxconn

Fuck vinfast and fuck any politician or anyone else who supports eminent domain for a business. "Economic development" is a cheap cover for corporate welfare. I hope it crashes and burns and nothing gets built on that site. I hope vinfast is the new foxconn

Pay wall fail.

Permitting and inspections are mere money grabs from the county. They don't care about how well your home is constructed and there are no repercussions for when they don't do qha you paid them for. All we can hope for is that they excerpt the same level of care for the new vinfast plant.

Permitting and inspections are mere money grabs from the county. They don't care about how well your home is constructed and there are no repercussions for when they don't do qha you paid them for. All we can hope for is that they excerpt the same level of care for the new vinfast plant.

From what I’ve read on this board it’s more about the corruption of the inspectors than a money grab by the gov. How many times has it been said to know their favorite drink etc.

Permitting and inspections are mere money grabs from the county. They don't care about how well your home is constructed and there are no repercussions for when they don't do qha you paid them for. All we can hope for is that they excerpt the same level of care for the new vinfast plant.
Stuff like this is why I'm so jaded and cynical.
From what I’ve read on this board it’s more about the corruption of the inspectors than a money grab by the gov. How many times has it been said to know their favorite drink etc.

more Idiots
Aw man. That's probably my favorite thing to come out of the covid nonsense. I see groups of them doing this here and there and I love it. Shenanigans, hilarity, and sticking it to the man.

I'll take them over bicycle riders any day.

more Idiots
"Police said if you find yourself in this situation, do not take matters into your own hands. Let them have the roadway, call 911 and try to get the license plate number of any vehicles blocking them in."

What in the communist-report-your-neighbor-bullshit is this?!?!
How bout let's setup a fund for vehicle repairs for anyone who takes them out and collect tag numbers for that? OR let's stop with tags, insurance, speed limits, directions of travel, running redlights, driving on sidewalks, inspections, etc. and quit wasting the general populations effort and dollars on these things and the bureaucracies that support them if they are not necessary :rolleyes:
Solution for this is a series of water balloon launchers randomly scattered around and firing at random times. Adds a little excitement for everyone, no real bother to people in cars, even a little free washing ;-).