Lots of interesting news today

My fear is declaring someone dead, who was not in fact dead.
I went to a call where an elderly lady shot herself. Not very common for females to shoot themselves. (They usually use other means because they dont want to mess themselves up.) I was pronouncing her death, but I could get a faint rhythmic beat. Well, she had a pacemaker in her and it threw me off.
I went to a call where an elderly lady shot herself. Not very common for females to shoot themselves. (They usually use other means because they dont want to mess themselves up.) I was pronouncing her death, but I could get a faint rhythmic beat. Well, she had a pacemaker in her and it threw me off.
New fear unlocked. Talked about uncertainty
Franklin Co EMS did that probably 10yrs ago. Dude came alive in the body bag or the morgue, I can't remember. @CLRracer probably remembers it.
Franklin Co EMS did that probably 10yrs ago. Dude came alive in the body bag or the morgue, I can't remember. @CLRracer probably remembers it.
I remember it. Scary shit. Off duty paramedic said, “yeah that guy’s dead.” Crew didn’t verify. Off to the morgue he went.
I went to a call where an elderly lady shot herself. Not very common for females to shoot themselves. (They usually use other means because they dont want to mess themselves up.) I was pronouncing her death, but I could get a faint rhythmic beat. Well, she had a pacemaker in her and it threw me off.

Yea, those are no fun. Especially when you have to explain why theres a rhythm on the monitor, but theyre still dead.
Armed Florida man confronts squatter who took over house while he was overseas: police

Have seen several of these kind of stories lately. This shit is unbelievable and homeowners are having to fight them legally when the squatters claim to own the property? What the hell is wrong with this world?
A lot of it stems from shitty landlords. Im sure the squatter didnt clam to own it but to have a right to stay.
For years dirty landlords "slumlords" would rent a house for cash..if they got someone new willing to pay more they would go and evict a tenant and swear they never paid. It happened enough that tenant laws went into place which basically say if you own a property and someone isnt paying you notify the authorities - the tenant has X days to catch up or leave. In this case since dude wasnt local he didnt know someone was in his house so he didnt file...and it becomes a he said she said.

Shitty landlords give folks like @braxton357 a bad name.
A lot of it stems from shitty landlords. Im sure the squatter didnt clam to own it but to have a right to stay.
For years dirty landlords "slumlords" would rent a house for cash..if they got someone new willing to pay more they would go and evict a tenant and swear they never paid. It happened enough that tenant laws went into place which basically say if you own a property and someone isnt paying you notify the authorities - the tenant has X days to catch up or leave. In this case since dude wasnt local he didnt know someone was in his house so he didnt file...and it becomes a he said she said.

Shitty landlords give folks like @braxton357 a bad name.

Yeah, what he said.

I've had to boot a guy who looked just like that and his fatass girlfriend out of a house of mine that had electricity but being (slowly) remodeled. As far as I know they never returned but I should prob go check.