Project dirt dobber

Yea man, if you want your kids names in them or something you want, let me know. Your not far from me. I have a guy wanting the materials list as well, so I'll be putting that uo,


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I was able to get some time in the shop and knocked out a turbo manifold, should be fine, I didn't have any room above the manifold, so it's mounted low and out of the way, still have some piping that's going to be tight but should work fine,
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Been working on suspension bridge going from play house to tree house, I am not connecting the 2 just using them to be the ends. I am supporting the front by 4x4s concerted in the ground 24" and running 45s to strengthen. It should be more then enough. I am using 1 4x4 at the tree house to support that end with metal brace holding the cable up and level. Using that to step down from tree house and a smooth transition for the bridge boards. Pics up will make since of this jabber.

This is where I am going to end the cable and loop around the eyes. The cable is double wrapped around one of the trees inline with 2x4s holding the wrapping away from the trunk as to allow tree growth, I know, maybe over board but I want this thing to last if I'm building it,
Been working on tree house and buggy. I'm moving pretty fast on the turbo! Trying to get slip accomplished every day. Making piping next . Boots and exhaust flange should be here soon and I'll be able to move on to the rest of the buggy


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I'm going to try 2 options for exhaust
1= race header as short as possible
2= full exhaust with muffler,

Here's what I'm coming up with for the race exhaust, going to see how loud it is...if it's obnoxious then I'll make another full exhaust to quiet it down. The white powder is dye testing. No leaks found
Be careful about really short exhausts like that and wb02. It can suck clean air up giving false readings. There are plenty of different ones out there now and most use the same sensors.
You think I should try this Or go with full exhaust while using wbo2?

I believe that the wb02 needs to be 12-18" from the end of the exhaust, and I think like 18" from the turbo. People do it closer to the turbo, but it can wear through sensors quicker. With yours not being a street car at all, you would probably be fine though for a while.
Was able to work on the suspension bridge for the tree house, decking boards are finished, now on to the rope railing and finish the railing on the tree house,


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Was able to get some things worked out on the turbo setup. Charge pipe is pretty well complete other then transition coupler. Had a hard time figuring out where to mount my mixer... Found a tiny spot under the power steering pump that'll work good. Only 1 45* coupler to mount it and I'll have enough room for my inlet to my water pump. Now waiting on the rest of t clamps and transitions I ordered last night.

Everyone I have ever talked to said blow thru always has a dead spot wich sucks for what we do I know snappy did a blow thru 22r turbo

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Got my head off and cleaned everything up for MLS head gasket and ARP head studs. Looks really clean and ready for some boost. I'm having more confidence in this ole girl to make some decent power. Here's how far I got tonight. Pulled exhaust , valve cover. Pulled rocker assembly and dizzy. Intake and head were let together and I pulled. I had enough room to pulled it as one piece. Not sure the procedure of installing head studs. If I have to install before the head then I'll have to make the cowl bar removable with flanges. But no biggie. Cleaned up top end and pulled and cleaned oil pan.
Next going to weld bung for oil return in oil pan. Build top end.


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My maf is pre turbo and it runs good but with my bov being post turbo and atmospheric it's letting out measured air when it opens causing a momentary rich situation which makes it want to die when I clutch in. Coasting with it in gear is no problem. If you can do the maf post turbo and between the bov and intake you should avoid any issues.
Another option would be to recirculate the bov
Yes I will have to recirculate the BOV if I decide to use it, not sure yet if that's going to happen... I hear it's hard on your turbo to not use a BOV but how I drive isn't going to be easy on it either, so we shall see. I don't thin it'll take long to make the BOV work with my setup.
Just my .02 so take it how you will.

You're making this entirely too complicated. Don't spend the money on extra muffler pipe and dump it short just below the frame or something, no muffler needed, you now have a turbo.

You don't need O2 sensors.
You're not going to gain much on a dyno tune with pane and a 22R.
You don't need a bov, it's not going to hurt anything without one.

I can probably get a good friend to post here if you're second guessing anything I've said. He has a bare naked 22R on pane building 15# or more boost. It will melt down his 42's on command and he's carrying 14 bolts F&R.
But you don't get any cool noises with no bov lol