Random Thoughts.....

I was switchin channels on the tv, missed and landed on a show called "crazy ex girlfriend" ....................

......I thought to my self is their really any other type of ex girlfriend :confused:
I like where I work. We work hard but we play hard too.

Today was dubbed Guns and Grub day. We shut the office down at noon, grilled burgers and dogs, had a pot luck lunch then went to Shane's skeet shooting for the afternoon.

To top it off I got to pick out 2 free pair of Costa sunglasses today. I love our client list!

I happen to be in the "great" job market, just saying.
I fully support background checks. Anything that could cause this much heartache and devastation should be controlled!! Yes I said it, I fully support background checks on JB Weld!!
Like but splices are any better?

Now Id tape those boogers up so they couldnt vibrate free...but not ashamed to admit ive done it in a pinch.

Yes, butt splices are better. I hate them, but they're actually designed to be used with stranded wire. I'd still rather use uninsulated butt splices and heat shrink (if you're going to use butt splices), because then you can inspect the crimp without having to worry about the insulation affecting the crimp quality on the pre-insulated ones.

Wire nuts are designed for solid conductor wire, are not designed for vibration, and will loosen and fail on stranded wire. If you use them on a vehicle, you deserve whatever weird electrical stuff happens to you. Also, you lose any right to make fun of Fuller.

If you want something quick and dirty, crimp caps (closed end crimp terminals) work just as well as butt splices but are faster because you only make one crimp. They're the fast weapon of choice for radio harness adapters for most shops, and they help to fold a harness in half to get it out of the way behind the dash..
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FYI it was mainly intended as a joke between me and Kevin.

I agree with most everything you said. except the no wire nuts on stranded wire...they are actually designed and listed (ul) for use on stranded but you have to know wtf you are doing for them to work right.

Of yeah and for all the non elecTricians you are required of make a mechanical connection before sealing with a wire nut. meaning you twist the wires first .
Me and jake were at the grocery store earlier,while standing in line he was lookin at some mag that was about lost history.One of the items they were callin lost history were the 18 mins of tape from Nixon.We checked out and were headed home when he ask me,if,in the future,they would look back and call Hillary's 33,000 deleted emails lost history?? I'm an opinionated asshole but I really didn't know how to answer that.
Just spent the last 3 days in eastern NC ripping out floors, drywall etc. on flooded houses of people who had little and lost everything.
I am beyond blessed.
Clean up after tornado one time.
Me and jake were at the grocery store earlier,while standing in line he was lookin at some mag that was about lost history.One of the items they were callin lost history were the 18 mins of tape from Nixon.We checked out and were headed home when he ask me,if,in the future,they would look back and call Hillary's 33,000 deleted emails lost history?? I'm an opinionated asshole but I really didn't know how to answer that.
Lost truth maybe unless she usurps the throne and simply redacts history.
So what if all the political hate ads are right, and all candidates really are as terrible as the other says?
Is there any doubt?

So what if all the political hate ads are right, and all candidates really are as terrible as the other says?
I'm not sure where the question is here.
is there someway we can collect all the tears of crying liberals and pour them on the forest fires? okay, maybe not all, don't want to cause a flood.
The temperature over the last 24 hours has fluctuated a whopping 2 degrees.
Same here, was supposed to hit 48, went to 42 from 40, but dropping now. Supposed to hit 32 tonight, guess I need to break out the pizza cooker, errr shop heater.

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Same here, was supposed to hit 48, went to 42 from 40, but dropping now. Supposed to hit 32 tonight, guess I need to break out the pizza cooker, errr shop heater.

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Here was 42-44 and may actually warm up tonight. The rain has me cooking inside tonight and with all the fresh dry wood I've got now, I'm hating this. I was planning ribs for tonight since last Thursday.
You going to RBD?

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