Random Thoughts.....

Did I fail him?
Were you unapologetically Ron?

Then no

A true friend loves you for who you are. Those that call you friend are well aware of what they signed up for. Being fake isn't your best quality. In fact, I'm not sure you capable of it. Withholding your true opinion isn't being fake either...that's just using your judgement for the situation.

But again...if you were the friend he needed, then you didn't fail him.

I'm sorry for your loss brother. It was simply the cards that were dealt
Explaining male and female electrical connections to a 7yr old is tricky. Kinda had to divert the conversation when he started asking more in depth questions about gendered plugs and how they interact and why we call them what we do.
"This is gonna make a lot more sense in about 6 years."
"This is gonna make a lot more sense in about 6 years."
Naw, more like the mechanics of it all makes perfect sense. Either is still gonna seem like black magic, dangerous, and give you that tingly feeling you'll either chase or avoid the rest of your life.
If the .gov wanted to actually be useful, there should be some sort of deep dive investigation into all these vape shops. They have to be some sort of money laundering operation. Back in the day when 3 out of 4 people smoked real cigs, everyone bought them at the gas station. Not some standalone cigarette store, except JRs. There has to be something going on, there aren't enough people sucking on doucheflutes to keep all these shops open
If the .gov wanted to actually be useful, there should be some sort of deep dive investigation into all these vape shops. They have to be some sort of money laundering operation. Back in the day when 3 out of 4 people smoked real cigs, everyone bought them at the gas station. Not some standalone cigarette store, except JRs. There has to be something going on, there aren't enough people sucking on doucheflutes to keep all these shops open
Quit! Don’t think about how a legal weed shop will pop up once it’s legal
If the .gov wanted to actually be useful, there should be some sort of deep dive investigation into all these vape shops. They have to be some sort of money laundering operation. Back in the day when 3 out of 4 people smoked real cigs, everyone bought them at the gas station. Not some standalone cigarette store, except JRs. There has to be something going on, there aren't enough people sucking on doucheflutes to keep all these shops open
I bet hands downs more people hide and vape than cigarettes by a large number. With all the delivery devices and unless it's overly flavored most can't tell your hitting the device. Been shocked at how many 20 somethings I've came across in blue collar fields vaping all sorts of stuff. I don't disagree that many are probably a front as well.
No (not recently) just commenting on @awheelterd talking on the vape situation. I personally think they are equal to or a greater health threat than just smoking…
Agree one hundred percent. My fear is it's much more unhealthy. Finely dispersed droplets laced with synthetic flavors, and chemicals. Huge draws and unlimited hits compared to relighting a cigarette. Something about the delivery and efficiency of the particulate vs burning a tobacco in a way that isn't so raw you loose flavor seems worse. Maybe I'm weird but I want my smoke more natural.

My wife stopped smoking after about 18years of cigs. She went to a vape after many other failures. Complete replacement, not an attempt to do it less.

The combination of the years she still sounds like a smoker. Little throat clearing, tickle, cough. I can't see it's any better long term.

I don't allow her to vape heavy in the car with me or ever without the windows opened. I still prefer any of my smoke to be natural.
I bet hands downs more people hide and vape than cigarettes by a large number. With all the delivery devices and unless it's overly flavored most can't tell your hitting the device. Been shocked at how many 20 somethings I've came across in blue collar fields vaping all sorts of stuff. I don't disagree that many are probably a front as well.

Agree one hundred percent. My fear is it's much more unhealthy. Finely dispersed droplets laced with synthetic flavors, and chemicals. Huge draws and unlimited hits compared to relighting a cigarette. Something about the delivery and efficiency of the particulate vs burning a tobacco in a way that isn't so raw you loose flavor seems worse. Maybe I'm weird but I want my smoke more natural.

My wife stopped smoking after about 18years of cigs. She went to a vape after many other failures. Complete replacement, not an attempt to do it less.

The combination of the years she still sounds like a smoker. Little throat clearing, tickle, cough. I can't see it's any better long term.

I don't allow her to vape heavy in the car with me or ever without the windows opened. I still prefer any of my smoke to be natural.
10-20 years from now (or maybe a lot less) it will be the next big health crisis.
If I could go back in time I'd tell the Founding Fathers they should consider giving ol' King the FU letter in, say, early May or mid September so that the outdoor parties could be that much more enjoyable...

Ya gotta think about things things ahead of time guys, come on!
Warning: Accurate dark humor.

Grief isn't something you handle or process to a value. It's to be experienced and that experience is always in direct correlation to the integrity of the relationship.
An average of about one every eight days a country is celebrating it's independence from the United Kingdom. 48 of us out there.
I have seen more bees this year than I ever remember, of all varieties. Honey bees, dirt daubers, wasps, yellow jackets, hornets, all of em. Don't know why, but I've now found 3 different yellow jacket nests around the yard.
If you have interest in family history there is a series of journals out that you can get on Amazon. They are titled “Dad, tell me your story” or mom or grandma or XYZ…. It has all sorts of entry pages for family tree, memories, and so on so the story lives on. Thought it was pretty cool so I got the respective ones for my mom and dad. Unfortunately all I have left is my mom’s mom and she is not in a mental state to fill one out.
Thought I’d pass it along as I believe we as a society have lost touch with family history and it is a real damn shame.
My wife and I talk about this kinda stuff often. We always joke that historians used to look through letters, and now they are gonna have to look through text and email, which is gonna be a real shitshow!
Boy oh boy, if historians come across NC4x4 after we’re all gone. We might get our own place in time. Something along the lines of “The Web Wheeling Twisted Assholes Time Period”. Maybe “The Off-road Asshole Era”. Someone with a better imagination could come up with a good name.
Due to the factory-mandated rust on old Toyotas, there's a pound of brown dust on the garage floor every time I have to work on something.
I think of it like a feature, not a bug - unlike every other car, the power to weight ratio is always improving.
Due to the factory-mandated rust on old Toyotas, there's a pound of brown dust on the garage floor every time I have to work on something.
I think of it like a feature, not a bug - unlike every other car, the power to weight ratio is always improving.
Which is the exact opposite of AMCs factory mandated anti rust mechanism which is simply the 258 and D300 slinging oil everywhere.
Still didn’t fix the poor craftsmanship on the assembly line though :(
Much like dodge transmissions. They were made to break quickly in order to keep wear and tear off of the rest of the vehicle. Ax me how I know.
Teamwork has never made the dream work, and whoever said that was probably one of those leaches who takes credit for everyone else’s work. :stirthepot:

Idk man. If it wasn't for my wife, how would I ever know all the stuff I do wrong? Somebody has to have the hard job of always being right!