the hundred push ups training program

those shoulder injuries are rough wont even know it's an injury until you go to the doc..rotator cup stuff anint no laughing matter. You might wanna get that checked out.
I have had rotator cuff surgery on my right shoulder twice (once in 2000 and again in 2004), so I am familiar with that pain. I think this is more along the lines of not being used in a long time and needing to ease into the program instead of pushing myself too much, too soon. If the pain continues, I will go back to see what the heck is going on now.
Dylan, I am not sure your math is correct...or I did an extra set I was not supposed to on the sit ups I managed 95 :flipoff2:
Dylan, I am not sure your math is correct...or I did an extra set I was not supposed to on the sit ups I managed 95 :flipoff2:

You're right..I did do 95 and just cant count worth a crap.

Thats impressive to me..not bragging, but sit ups suck and I am proud to be able...err willing to do that many.

Sheesh, I thought I was all bad and all doing I'm really stoked with

Thanks Steve!
I almost forgot to post.

I took a 5 min. break between push-ups and sit-ups tonight. So it took me around 20 mins or so.

14-16-12-12-maxed 20=2 over push-ups

21-24-18-18-maxed 28 =2 over sit-ups(the last few are awful)

74 push-ups and 109 sit-ups...This must be working, cause each workout day, I am able to do more than I could during the last workout day.
Last night. This is getting harder, but I am still in the game
14 16 12 12 18
21 24 18 18 28
I did 100 pushups!

I'm feeling a lot better about this than end of last week. This is my 4th week, 3rd week attempting wk3 column 3.

14-18-14-14-20 =80 total
20-25-15-15-15(min25) =90 total
22-30-20-20-15(min28) =107 total

I didnt pass the min on the final sets Wed or Fri, so I guess I'll repeat wk3 column 3 again.
Got my push ups no problem, well, it was hard, but did them on time everytime.
16-17-14-14- max-21

Sit ups was a different story...maybe I ate to much for supper and desert, or drank to much water, or am just wimping out, but I was not able to hit the numbers'' on time''
I made it through set 3 and had to stop several time in set 4, I didnt even start the final set...

So with that said...I am punishing/helping myself by completely starting over at week 1 day one on the situps. ..or maybe just drop back a couple of days anyway.
Last night for me was the end of week 4

23-28-23-23-min 33 ( I squeeked out 35)

35 is how many I did on the initial test. now I can do 97 push ups divided in sets before pushing out another 35. Cool program, I just might have to do the Sit up program as well.
Last night for me was the end of week 4

23-28-23-23-min 33 ( I squeeked out 35)

35 is how many I did on the initial test. now I can do 97 push ups divided in sets before pushing out another 35. Cool program, I just might have to do the Sit up program as well.

I ran into a snafu last night on the sit up program. I just couldnt finish. Maybe too much supper, but I might have been in the wrong class. I am going back and redoing sit-ups.