What have you done to your rig today?

Bolted my tars and wheels on the rear, played around with the steering on the front. Did a quick alignment to get things close, only to find the ball joints are shot anyway, and I need to change the steering configuration around a bit. While it was mildly frustrating, it was quite motivating and I think I have a plan to actually get this thing drive able again.
While not as pimptastic as @Jody Treadway I DID score a set of beadlocks.

Took them from this:


To this:


to this:


then consulted the chart.....and added these:


Then test fit, before starting the trimming

Let me guess, they just started squeaking yesterday, didn't it? That's what my customers usually tell me.

I got my ZJ washed up a bit, got all the salt crap washed off from the snow.
I know right? By the time I get it going again, it will be the only rust free, sub 100k mile 2000 TJ left.
Will be worth $19,000.
Or 4 acres of land in NYC.
No shit...
I'll get a link from amazon. They do dim a bit but the hids I got are super bright so I was looking to tone it down
Aumo-mate 12 by 48 Inches Transparent Shiny Chameleon Car Headlight Film , Car Styling Fog LightsTint Vinyl Film , Self Adhesive Tail Lights Sticker Car Accessories Amazon.com: Aumo-mate 12 by 48 Inches Transparent Shiny Chameleon Car Headlight Film , Car Styling Fog LightsTint Vinyl Film , Self Adhesive Tail Lights Sticker Car Accessories: Automotive
Installed new MOOG U-Joints in the D44 for Project Tetanus Shot...can't do much between work/school/gym/wife's list.
Got some more help from @hurt4x4 with making the anti-wrap bar which was long overdue.
Installed my repaired @Oliver's shaft.
Replaced all the solenoids in my winch.
Got a new fancy yellow battery.
Rebuilt my leaf packs in the rear so it rides good mmmkay.
Changed the oil in the tow rig and jeep.

Did some donuts in the rain cause my leafs don't turn into a snake anymore.:burnout:
Oh and I played with the forklift cause when in Rome. :smokin:


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What did you take those pictures with, a potato?

Glad everything worked out. Now let's see if we can go a weekend without breaking it o_O
What did you take those pictures with, a potato?

Glad everything worked out. Now let's see if we can go a weekend without breaking it o_O

Haha we'll get some action shots at Harlan.
I'll let you use your potato.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well, not today, but last week I finally dug it out of the woods at my buddies house. It's at the shop now getting tires rotated and balanced and an alignment. After sitting for over two years it fired right up and ran. Still got an engine knock and a bad spartan locker but it's a start. I'll be happy just to get it back on the road.
Finished up adding clearance for my indexed T-case in the broncos floor, replacing the broken mounting studs, and correcting the rear pinion angle. Test drove it and no.kore vibrations or t-case slapping the floor.

Good to go for this season of offroading!
Don't laugh but as bad as I can't stand Ruff Country these lights look to be built pretty well for the price. A buddy bought some for under carriage lighting and they looked like they would fit nicely in my new bumper. They come with a full wiring harness, switch, and universal mounting brackets for mounting where every you want. Found on eBay for $39 bucks a couple weeks ago.

Edit: they are made out of an all aluminum housing also.

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