If you look back and check out your rig in the parking lot 3 times or more before getting to the door....... Yo boss, you might be a mall crawler.
If you have taken a picture of your bad ass JK flexed out on a tree stump....... Youuuuuu are probably a poser.
If you have a 2 foot or longer stinger on your 4x4....... No doubt, you are one of us brah.
If you have 4 or more aftermarket lights and have never done a night wheeling trip....... Yep, you're a broseph.
If you have an energy drink sticker on your Bronco or S10 and haven't received $10k or more from said drink company....... Yeah homie, you're a mall crawler.
So I'm calling you out..................
MALL CRAWLERS........ RISE!!!!!!
Be a part of the Mall Crawler movement

Here is the new design:
- Men's T-shirt = $16.50 + shipping
- Women's t-shirt (V-Neck) = $18.75 + s
- Toddler T-shirt = $14.50 + s
- Youth t-shirt = $14.50 + s
- Hoodie = $27.00 + s
- Beanie = $13.75 + s
- Stickers = $2.00
REDLYNER Racing stickers for this year! These will just be the red and white tach & hash (no black). It will be a press and peel design to lay perfect on whatever surface. Stickers are on a 3"x3" square.
Shipping is going in the $6 flat rate boxes via USPS. Add another $2 for a hoodie box.
Paypal is
jwcalla@yahoo.com, when you paypal, list the item:
- Type
- Size
- Quantity
- Your screenname
- What forum you ordered from
Example: I just paypal'ed:
1 XL Hoodie, 1 S Womens T, 2 L Mens T, 1 Beanie, 1 Sticker, REDLYNER, NC4x4
That way way I can keep up with everyone.
I'm pumped about the swag, it's my favorite part of the build up to the race!!!