88 XJ..." The Abomination"

A Durango box is going to give you a little better steering but with the welded front its not gonna help a ton. 10 in wheels are gonna keep your tire from ballooning and the centers wearing out faster than the edges, this can still happen on off road only stuff also the offset is a lot better than stock wheels in most cases. The rears I don't think the shackles are your limiting factor. Just changing to larger shackles aren't going to let the leaf springs flex any better. You can remove some springs to give it more flex and make up the loss in lift with a shackle or a block, or you can build a bastard pack. Plenty of info floating around for a good set up that way.
^^^that's the issue though. i have a bastard pack and it sucks (like they all do) and i've tested the flex on my ramp at home and it is the shackle cause it only goes so far then the shackle angle lines up with the leafs and it's done but I've seen guys run shackles where at ride height they are sitting at a backward 45 so it has way more travel to reach parallel with leafs when fully drooped (hope i'm making sense). and i had a block but when i swapped rear ends, i was reminded why lift blocks suck..both center pins in the blocks were broke off and just the u-bolts holding them so i don't do blocks anymore...I'd rather have leafs combined than go blocks cause when blocks break....everything breaks and it's a good way to ruin my nice 29spline $50 8.25 lol!!
-on the steering, i've modified the pump and added big cooler which turns the wheels pretty dam good already but many have said the Durango boxes alone will steer up to 35s locked easy as a cheaper/smaller hydro assist ram so i'm just trying to get someone who has done it to confirm this personally. the only time it don't steer too well is real sharp turns at slower speeds (like all the turns the Green trails have LOL connecting each other) so i figured the Durango box would surely give me enough considering it does pretty good already and it's half the cost of ram setup plus lifetime warranty! everyone on Pirate says these gearboxes are "beast" on the XJ but haven't heard of them talked about on here much.
You can have hydro assist for under $142. Like @Loganwayne said, that box won't help a welded front. If you want better steering, buy one of my tie rods and install hydro assist.

Big difference between a locked axle and a welded one in terms of steering effort and needed mods.
anyone use "RockAuto" parts place...someone told me about it but after looking through, the prices SCARE me with being so so cheap the parts surely can't be that good...Motor mounts $6???ball joints $11 WHAT, anyone buy anything from this place with results
You can have hydro assist for under $142. Like @Loganwayne said, that box won't help a welded front. If you want better steering, buy one of my tie rods and install hydro assist.

Big difference between a locked axle and a welded one in terms of steering effort and needed mods.
WOW dude, you have hydro assist for 142.00? uhhh how do i go about getting this done, i have the money for that already.
Google the following:
Jeep XJ DIY hydro assist

Ram will be $80 wish, 2 hoses will be $20-30 and $20 misc fittings.

You can weld good enough and I'm sure you can drill and tap 2 holes.
Big difference between a locked axle and a welded one in terms of steering effort and needed mods.
alright this is REALLY new news to me so help me understand here. i never knew or thought there was a difference.
Google the following:
Jeep XJ DIY hydro assist

Ram will be $80 wish, 2 hoses will be $20-30 and $20 misc fittings.

You can weld good enough and I'm sure you can drill and tap 2 holes.
ahh dam i was afraid you'd say that...i'm stupid when it comes to doing crap like that but i guess you guys are here to guide me. gonna go look it up right now. thank you. and what steering rod do you sell that i would benefit from with this hydro assist setup
Rockauto makes there money on shipping form personal experience it is close to auto parts store prices once you figure in shipping
gotcha thank you
Welder never unlocks itself most lockers either unlock during a turn or you disable the locker if its a selectable then it acts similar to an open did.
but i always thought full detroit lockers and stuff were fully locked but ur saying lockers have some give to em at full turn?
but i always thought full detroit lockers and stuff were fully locked but ur saying lockers have some give to em at full turn?
Then they would be spools, which they aren't.
Lockers, not welded or spooled diff's, are generally open when coasting or off the throttle, but locked when torque is applied.
The exception to this is air, cable or electronically controlled lockers.
well dang learn something new everyday.
Hey i just claimed a 1.5" Ram 8" long stroke, whatever that means, from a guy on here so can someone chime in with what and where to buy stuff and mind you Boone SUCKS for parts places..anyone near boone wanna do a house call to drill tap, install this stupid thing...i'll pay some, supply beer and BBQ!!
Then they would be spools, which they aren't.
Lockers, not welded or spooled diff's, are generally open when coasting or off the throttle, but locked when torque is applied.
The exception to this is air, cable or electronically controlled lockers.
ahh, i was getting mixed up with those "spool" thingies. hey Jody do you have lines and fitting and such i need for this ram i am buying form a member here selling it...it's a 1.5" 8"stroke i think but no other hardware and Boone sucks for stores man...if you had them i could have my buddy pick them up next week when he goes to ashevilee to get the Ram.
Northern Tool has all of the lines you need.
You need to see what size fittings the ram has before you buy some.
Honestly, Google the subject I gave you. It's all there in front of you.
Find an auto parts store that makes hydrologic lines boom done they will make the lines to the length you want and put fittings drill out the stuff on the steering box and add the fittings you need weld on some tabs to the axle and steering done(FYI I haven't done this so I don't know the right steps to take) but I will say the stock Dana 30 steering stuff isn't gonna hold up long
@IronManAndy sells a nice rear shackle that will allow more flex, but you'll have to have a SYE or you'll start dropping the driveshaft out on the trail.
this is what i'm buying and figured for $25 it's probably stupid to not buy it. I'm already gonna sleeve the tie rod with DOM or equivalent (whatever steel shop has to fit snug over it) and would a Farm Tractor/Kubota supply sale store carry this kinda fittings, cause we do have one of those and a Lowes of course but i don't know about Lowes. We only have Advanced and Napa. Lots of researching tomorrow i guess. whew i 'm overwhelmed already with just this steering upgrade stuff...
Any of those places except lowes should be able to make or know where to get it made. If you have a friend in asheville, Asheville hose will have and can make anything you need
well nevermind...i thought the guy selling it was in Asheville but he's the other direction lol. I'm dumb. looks like this week i'm on the hunt for parts. can anyone tell by looking at it what hoses and such i need or do i have to wait until i get it (at least friday, seller is out of town) and just bring it with me for the store to match up fittings and lines.
@Loganwayne what steering components are u referring to that will get lot of added stress from doing this ram assist? i was under the impression this was going to help it all not hurt it LOL but looks like i'm going to be dropping some more money into steering than i anticipated.

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