Alaska Off-Road Warriors

I just watched the latest episode, I laughed somewhat. When the brothers got stuck Brett said "I havn't seen a line this extreme since the 80s". Then ole mullet crying about the elevation. Why did the driver choose him? He said he cant pull cable b/c of an injury, he cries like a punk, freaked out when they blew a tire and is pretty much useless during trail repairs. I guess he is just the teams PR guy. Lastly Shey seems like a character out of a Quentin Tarantino movie to me. Not saying she isn't hot in a weird way but methinks her and her brother are a little "too" close just sayin. Its entertaining to me and my kid can watch it with me so at least its not animated.
I had another thought... When Super Heep's frame (as the narrator called it) broke, all I could think of was 88Jeeptards trampoline exocage. Because you welded it five years ago is not a valid excuse for the failure, you started with substandard material...

I wouldn't trust using the winch on it considering the "frame" is broken and they could loose the front end while going over a bump
Seems to me that some beadlocks and innertubes would be a good investment for this gang. Not to mention a front locker, geez.

It is pretty funny watching Mullet bounce everywhere and complain about almost getting thrown out, yet doesn't wear a belt. Duh.

I agree that as far as out-of-the-box vehicles go, the FJ should have this. Just needs some skids and halfway reasonable driving.
These guys are douches. Mullet's crying about how hard it is and he want's to go home. You're on a trip where you get to wheel for a month and get paid. Shut the hell up!! All these rigs look like ass. I'm pretty sure they found those 2 brothers in the 4runner behind the hardware store huffing paint between the dumpsters, gave em a vehicle, pointed to the horizon, and said "drive that way". Ass Clowns.
Neilsen is the "standard" for ratings, but service providers are able to collect so much more data over a broader spectrum. And while my provider may not have any interest in what I watch, they do have an interest in money (just look at my bill), and Im sure that data, w/o releasing personal info, is sold on the regular.... but I could be wrong.

You're right. Neilson was the standard... in the 70s.
Nielsen has been dead in the water for about the last 5 years. Internet streaming and now even Twitter followers are measured to determine shows staying power.

Community, Breaking Bad, Mad Men; none of these would have lasted as long if ONLY Neilson ratings were calculated.

Guessing neither of you actually read those articles. You just mined them for quotes that you thought defended your argument, huh? The conclusions of both articles back up what I've already said here.

It's clear that the way networks and advertisers track viewership is going to change dramatically over the next ten years, as viewing habits are transformed by technology. For now, though, little is likely to change. Americans spend more time than ever before watching basic cable and broadcast programming, at an average of 34 hours per week — an hour less than that maximum legal work week in France. Networks are happy with this. Advertisers are happy with this. Viewers, apparently, are still happy with this. When one of those three facts changes, so will the way ratings work.

Until then, take what little comfort you can from this: It probably wasn't your favorite show's terrible ratings that got it canceled.

It was your favorite show's ads' terrible ratings.

And that’s why, some day in the near future, a show’s tweetability may be just as crucial as the sheer size of its audience. It’s something that advertisers and networks already realize, albeit in a vague and unquantified way. But as Nielsen—and other analytics companies—race to capture a show’s true impact across all platforms, it will change the way those shows are valued. That’s good news for television that is worth talking about, watching again, chewing on, Tumbling over. It’s good news for all of us.
Guessing neither of you actually read those articles. You just mined them for quotes that you thought defended your argument, huh? The conclusions of both articles back up what I've already said here.

I read mine and I was correct in saying that your service provider and or DVR SP can, will, and does sell the information they collect on you. That was my point....
I read mine and I was correct in saying that your service provider and or DVR SP can, will, and does sell the information they collect on you. That was my point....

But that is demographics and background information. It's not used in any way to determine the viability of a show. It's just a way for service providers to make a little bit of money off of you, same as Verizon selling all your browsing data. Nielsen share determines ad pricing and renewal prospects.

I also took issue with a core premise from the Wired article -- "These shows have low share ratings, and would have been cancelled if they had been on the air 20 years ago. Thank Twitter that they weren't." -- which completely ignores the market fragmentation that has occurred in the last 10-15 years. There are a variety of reasons why Freaks and Geeks was cancelled. They've been explored thoroughly elsewhere. But it aired in a time when the top shows pulled 20%. There's nothing on TV today that gets anywhere near that. The best-rated comedies on TV are only 3 and 4 shares. The author's misunderstanding of the broadening of the TV market undercuts the rest of his argument.
The fat mullet guys "black out" was completely faked. Anyone with basic first aid knows loss of consciousness is a big deal. You don't just keep driving then when he "wakes up" say he is fine. Losing consciousness requires medical attention, period.

Blacking out after a blow to the head (looks like he didnt even hit anything) is a huge indicator of possible TBI. The shows medics would have halted everything if it was a real life event, not let the guy drive another half mile then just have old baldy wave his fingers infront of him and declare him good.
Ok how do the rigs get so clean between episodes if they are in the bush??
All i want to know is why dont anyone have lockers? Ive played around in worse crap just for the hell of it!
Carl and Rich ftw. Pete is a bitch and Shey is OK. It looks like the dooshers are back next week in another rig.

Yep, rooting for them just because they are the least whiney of the group, and as much as I love the Old Iron (war wagon) im really hoping they get knocked out soon.... oh wait..... knocked out of the race that is...
Ok how do the rigs get so clean between episodes if they are in the bush??

I was wondering how the people are so clean. I would be filthy in less than an hour and continue to add layers grime until the end.
Check out pirate sometime in Chit Chat. They've had a thread on there since the beginning. A few of the competitors are chiming in on how the whole thing was put together. However, there is also some spoilers so if you don't want to know don't go look. They don't give away the winner or anything but they do tell how it was filmed and how they all stayed somewhat "clean".