Hurricane Helene

I was planning to go to Creston on Friday. Was going to unload HMMWV at a parking lot in Todd and drive it from there. I don't really have any donations to take at the moment. I was planning on taking saws and fuel and doing whatever they tell me to do. If someone has donation stuff, feel free to contact me
Call me 3362550099
Are they looking to move supplies or people? Considering taking the XJ up for transport of supplies. Really only a 2 seater back seat is ok for short ride and small people due to the cage. Would prefer to trailer it up then drive locally.
To my knowledge, they’re trying to move supplies mostly. Best bet is probably to hook up with the Sheriffs office and see where they can use the help. It seems a few collection points were also looking for volunteers to organize and help with distribution.

The convo I had yesterday with a local revolved around how dirt-poor a lot of these people are and how many have nowhere to go. They’ll hunker down and try to survive winter in houses with no heat that should probably now be condemned and bulldozed.
To my knowledge, they’re trying to move supplies mostly. Best bet is probably to hook up with the Sheriffs office and see where they can use the help. It seems a few collection points were also looking for volunteers to organize and help with distribution.

The convo I had yesterday with a local revolved around how dirt-poor a lot of these people are and how many have nowhere to go. They’ll hunker down and try to survive winter in houses with no heat that should probably now be condemned and bulldozed.
I was thinking last night that wood stoves will be a necessity if the greenies will stay out of the way.
if the greenies will stay out of the way.
I'm sure the Asheville libtards will suspend their morals and climate change agenda to stay warm :laughing:

My Buddy Neil went to Spruce Pine and here is his update (With all the pics of destruction, I'm glad to see smiling faces and people who need help, getting it):

I’m not going to show the damage and destruction that is everywhere in this county, I’m going to tell you that this entire county has only 300 people w power, the two towns of Bakersville and Spruce Pine has lost their entire water treatment center-it’s gone!!! The power company is saying 3-4 months to get power. Maybe 20% power in a couple of weeks! There are tens if not hundreds of thousands trees that are down on the ground. Fiber optic lines are severed -they are gone. The mountain folk are resilient and they need help but they are going to need help for quite some time and with winter quickly approaching it’s only going to make recovery more difficult. I’ll be back with another load to try to help all I can.
On another note I’d like to thank everyone for all the donations both with supplies and money. We had discussed for a couple of days how to distribute the supplies but as soon as I made my first stop to check on my aunt and uncle we started a distribution right on the side of the road. People were just stopping and so grateful to get anything. We went to people’s homes to deliver supplies and generators. Just an amazing group of folks that I’m surrounded by and I couldn’t be any more blessed of a man to have them with me. Please continue to help the people affected by this terrible storm and let’s get them back to a new normal.

The convo I had yesterday with a local revolved around how dirt-poor a lot of these people are and how many have nowhere to go. They’ll hunker down and try to survive winter in houses with no heat that should probably now be condemned and bulldozed.

Add to that - no homeowners insurance and no money coming from the feds. A lot of folks literally don't have any other options.
I havent hardly been effected by this flooding but i know 3 years ago the ONLY people that were coming door to door and helping cleanup and helping get aid to our community was Samaritan's purse. Red cross came into town and did a press conference and then left. So anyone looking to help or donate try and find where they are setting up.
80% of the people affected dont have flood insurance.
And why WOULD they? Logically one would think that living in the MOUNTAINS you wouldn't need it 🤷‍♂️ That logic went out the window 6 days ago (at least for the generation that will remember this event)
And why WOULD they? Logically one would think that living in the MOUNTAINS you wouldn't need it 🤷‍♂️ That logic went out the window 6 days ago (at least for the generation that will remember this event)
It is truly unreal... and i haven't even scratched the surface trying to help friends and family. And then coming up to work..... and seeing people playing golf and tennis like nothing has happened. At least most of the people here are humble and have opened their checkbooks wanting to help, we are close to a million already and just in this community. we sent out the email to ALL 36 of his communities around the world. We are going to help everyone we can with this money.
And why WOULD they? Logically one would think that living in the MOUNTAINS you wouldn't need it 🤷‍♂️ That logic went out the window 6 days ago (at least for the generation that will remember this event)
It's worse than that.
According to my insurance agent a standard exclusion of all available HO policies are floods above the century record mark.
Even if they had flood insurance the insurance wouldnt cover this. And FEMA cap is $250k total.

Lots of folks are screwed and worse than they even realize it now. And it will soon be a political hot button with one side rushing to forgive bankruptcies and mortgages that arent covered....I just dont know which side yet
For the small communities around WNC, where is the best place to send some funds to help with supplies? I don't have a lot, but I want what I can send to be put to good use. We are helping as much as we can for Washington County and Greene County where we live, but I want to at least try to send some help to WNC since it is hard to be physically present.
For the small communities around WNC, where is the best place to send some funds to help with supplies? I don't have a lot, but I want what I can send to be put to good use. We are helping as much as we can for Washington County and Greene County where we live, but I want to at least try to send some help to WNC since it is hard to be physically present.
Samaritans purse. 100% of donations will be used in wnc
It is truly unreal... and i haven't even scratched the surface trying to help friends and family. And then coming up to work..... and seeing people playing golf and tennis like nothing has happened. At least most of the people here are humble and have opened their checkbooks wanting to help, we are close to a million already and just in this community. we sent out the email to ALL 36 of his communities around the world. We are going to help everyone we can with this money.
That has been the weirdest part for me. Hickory got some damage, but not as bad as everywhere else, and it's weird seeing people walking dogs and playing golf and stuff. Now I get you can have too many people in the damaged areas, especially if they are not qualified to be there, and that creates other hazards, but just something I have been wrapping my head around. Listening to the stories here at work with people still without power and water coming in have been wild. I work in distribution for big box retailer, they have majorly been stepping up to help the workers affected which has been awesome.
I am super proud to say my company is donating $75,000 between Samaritan’s Purse, Appalachian State Disaster Relief Recovery Fund and others.
To anyone who is up there or going up there: if you see or experience something that hits you in the feels a certain kinda way then please do not hesitate or be afraid to reach out and talk to someone! It is not big and tough to push that down and not deal with it. I know several first responders up there and they're saying it is some of the worst things they have ever seen. If you need someone to talk to I am always available, and my wife is very active in the CISD and Peer Support community so we can get you in touch with someone if you need or want to.

That has been the weirdest part for me. Hickory got some damage, but not as bad as everywhere else, and it's weird seeing people walking dogs and playing golf and stuff. Now I get you can have too many people in the damaged areas, especially if they are not qualified to be there, and that creates other hazards, but just something I have been wrapping my head around. Listening to the stories here at work with people still without power and water coming in have been wild. I work in distribution for big box retailer, they have majorly been stepping up to help the workers affected which has been awesome.
Yeah, I have been at our office in NW Charlotte all week, and you would never know anything happened. There are a number of us who live closer to all the damage, and are coming into the office due to lack of utilities, but noone else "locally" seems to be talking about any of it. I have gotten plenty of calls from teammates around the country asking, because they saw a clip on the news somewhere, but noone really understands the extent of the damage.
Finally heard from my friend Chance in spruce pine. Him and his family are okay but he said it's a mess up there with roads closed and only allowing rescue teams in. He said there are a lot of deceased people up there. I asked him to let me know what is needed and where we can take it to. Hoping to get some more stuff up there this weekend after work.
Got home from work yesterday and saw a couple trucks pulling goosenecks loaded down with skidloaders, generators, fuel tanks, totes that looked to be full of water hauling ass by my house on 52 in GQ. Hopefully they make it alright; was it anybody on here?

Anyone got any specifics about clothing donation? Echoing a couple of posts above, it's warm out now but winter is around the corner. I've got a few coats and things like that I could donate, wish I could do more but what little I'm able to contribute will help someone.