Hurricane Helene

Was able to get up into Burnsville with an "organized" group that was supposed to have local FD authorization and specific working area.. found a group of drunk/high dudes on sxs's playing search n' rescue mad max style.

Dropped them immediately and reported to South Toe FD with a just myself and 1 other to get orders for wellness checks/medical evals and supply shuttle to unreachable by truck areas. People are weary of help and don't want to be bombarded with 10 rigs of stuff being thrown at them for facebook cred.

-Burnsville is flooded with supplies, access roads are being built to get it where it needs to go. Local FD can use help with remote supply distribution.
-South Toe area is working through wellness checks and roads are being worked on. Remote supply drop help can be used.
-People in those affected areas are strong and independent, its important to give them the help they need.. not what we think they need.
-Contact the local FD directly and maintain the same respect/privacy you expect when people are on your doorstep.
Seemed to me like many folks came to joy ride.
Met a small group who came from farther West but had been effected very little. They were getting agitated and almost immediately voiced concerns that they needed to be doing more and was their to "save lives". They had zero heavy equipment and zero tools. Dressed smartly though and very stylish!

We signed in, took the immediate need with a smile and moved out. After about trip number three I guess we had earned trust or familiarity. Each additional task became a bit more challenging and required more work or awareness of the situation. Our next to last "visit" was to the very lady I help direct to the coordinator earlier that morning.
Timing or God I was grateful just to help and meet a need. Our last task was something we just did. During the day I got puzzled and remarked how earlier parking spots with easy access and departure got roped off. Poorly but effective and I noticed how it was bottling up traffic. Second to last remission at the Church I got my answer. They dropped a medium length conex right on that spot. Never mind that it was next to the pile of stuff we had been raiding for supplies. I also had commented in my brain how poorly that was being executed. I mean stuff in this supply heap wasn't going to last in one or two rain showers or over night laying around.
Our last work was organizing and loading the box. A very worn out retired man told us he needed supper and that was his last days work. We bent his ear enough and got every detail on how he needed it loaded and sorted. He left to eat and we went to work after he'd got settled. He insisted we had done enough already. We laughed and hoped he was blessed and surprised at what he came back too.
A thought on donations. The amount of things pouring in is unreal.
From here out a real effort needs to be made on what is sent and how it is sent. Pre plan, pre coordinate, and make sure it is usable items.
Here is why.
Departments and centers have so much and so little help to organise. Things are coming in so much in volume much may become waste or be lost to the environment.

Anything with cardboard or paper as an outer layer should be avoided. Macaroni, Rice, even some stuff like a flashlight in a cardboard package. Why? No storage space, no climate control, no place it can sit out of the morning and evening dew if it can't get squared in time. Canned goods in the hot sun even gets interesting. Quick examples of great stuff to have but it has to have a place to get in the hands of those who need it.
Local fire department have already emptied the bays of their trucks because the floor is covered in supplies.

Many are turning to yard sale set ups for storage and delivery in the area I traveled.
People getting turned away is going to be a reality if not planned. No space, and not enough manpower to move what is gonna become a bigger trash problem and burden because of the elements.

Link up with a immediate family, neighborhood, or call and take only what is requested.

Be specific.
The next big push on the grass roots missionary work is going to be small building teams and building materials. It will have to be planned and the last thing they need is truck loads of material hitting the ground because a company or group feels good about sending stuff. Likewise all things are great but everything in abundance becomes another burden.
A thought on donations. The amount of things pouring in is unreal.
From here out a real effort needs to be made on what is sent and how it is sent. Pre plan, pre coordinate, and make sure it is usable items.
Here is why.
Departments and centers have so much and so little help to organise. Things are coming in so much in volume much may become waste or be lost to the environment.

Anything with cardboard or paper as an outer layer should be avoided. Macaroni, Rice, even some stuff like a flashlight in a cardboard package. Why? No storage space, no climate control, no place it can sit out of the morning and evening dew if it can't get squared in time. Canned goods in the hot sun even gets interesting. Quick examples of great stuff to have but it has to have a place to get in the hands of those who need it.
Local fire department have already emptied the bays of their trucks because the floor is covered in supplies.

Many are turning to yard sale set ups for storage and delivery in the area I traveled.
People getting turned away is going to be a reality if not planned. No space, and not enough manpower to move what is gonna become a bigger trash problem and burden because of the elements.

Link up with a immediate family, neighborhood, or call and take only what is requested.

Be specific.
The next big push on the grass roots missionary work is going to be small building teams and building materials. It will have to be planned and the last thing they need is truck loads of material hitting the ground because a company or group feels good about sending stuff. Likewise all things are great but everything in abundance becomes another burden.
100% what I seen and think too
Found @jeepinmatt as soon as I got in town