My wife wanted a bench for the house to put just inside the garage entrance. I have never built anything out of wood other than nailing and screwing 2x4's etc together, so this was my first wood working project. I had absolutely no clue what I was doing. I actually thought I was going to go to Lowe's and buy some 2x whatever and build it. It did not take long before I realized that I needed real wood, and so I ended up at Wall Lumber up in Mayodan. Once I saw the state that raw lumber actually comes in, I almost left and bailed on the project, but I ended up coming home with some soft maple. I then proceeded to try and cut the stuff up with a circular saw because that is all that I had. It did not take long before I realized that I needed a table saw. I picked one up off Craigslist, figured out how to use it, and I was off and running. if I do anymore wood working, I will also buy a sliding compound miter saw. one of those would have really helped. Here is the final product.
The wood as bought from the mill. This is left over. I bought too much.
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