^ < v

^ keeps fucking up the rotation with his little arrow... "puff puff give mofo" comes to mind
<gotta get his crap together for Windrock this weekend
v watching Orange is the new Black instead of wheeling this weekend
^ Glad that Orange something something new Black came out on Netflix so he can throw OITNB sleepover parties.
< Stuck web wheelin for now
V hoping I would screw up the V
^ did screw up the v because it was upper case

< screws up a V every time he has sex

v will screw something up
^cant screw up the V with a little weewee.
<about to screw up a toilet in the Wendy's bathroom.
vEats from a toilet in the Wendy's bathroom.
^ where do you think they get their chili you just ate
< once got busy in a Burger King bathroom
v herpes test came back positive
^should be more worried about Gonnoria simplex 7.
<not eating Mexican food for a while
v Hecho en Mexico
^ the Tequila I'm drinking tonight, Cazadores Blanco
< would order the senorita if it was on the menu and the wife didn't mind
V dropped the chalupa
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^ yup he's right
< proud to run the Nerd House
^ knows that nerds run the show
< is not jealous cause I have been one forever
v put white tape on his fake glasses last week trying to fit in.
^ Troll
< Needs to sell some jeeps
v Needs to buy my Jeep collection
^needs to wheel his jeep collection
<votes that John fuller go through an immediate mental evaluation
vshould probably drive him there
^ May need to get evaluated as well
< Will make sure they dont forget their helmets and crayons
v will pitch in gas money to get them there
^ how do you know what a shower waffle is
< what the utter fuck did I just read?
v is defiantly going to look up what a shower waffle is

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^ was right about me looking up shower waffle
< thought it was like a blue waffle
v is looking up blue waffle
^shouldnt eat blue waffles
< had nightmares after seeing what a blue waffle was!
v has to find another breakfast food to discuss besides blue waffles.
^ would rather have bacon gliders for breakfast

< It's one clever MFer

v Is wanting a Hillary Clinton 2020 shirt for Christmas
^wise beyond his years
< Likes Mad Dogs stance and would also vote for Ted Nugent if he ever runs
V Is still crying because hil-lie-ry lost
^ secretly voted for hellary
< hopes Mad Dog can get some of this PC BS out of the .mil
V was hoping for a Bernie win.
^ just crawled out of his safe space
< needs another cup of coffee
V donated to Jill Steins recount