Winter coming?

All stocked up....unfortunately the Angels Envy is a gift to my boss, I'm sure I'll get some later at work one day. The rest is for us. Daughter flew in today from Denver, pilot was asking if they were sure the wanted to go to CLT knowing it would shut down with a trace of snow.View attachment 281637

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They canceled our 10am flight for today at 1pm yesterday before a raindrop even fell.
Ya'll might want to check your bushes/yard for damage. I just shook the snow off the boxwoods, bay trees etc. they were bent bad from the snow/ice and some are broken.
Decided to put them on before the snow started, new set, no tensioners to be found!

At 6 AM about 8" on the ground in Boone
Our power went out at 3am. I just got back from getting a generator and stuff from the shop. Of course, this generator hadn't run in a few years so I had to get tools too.. :shaking: at least I got the front drive shaft put in the Grand Cherokee before it snowed.. powers out at my shop also. And most of town. Many down trees, sagged lines, etc. Of course I don't have any saw gas and my saws hadn't run in forever, some will probably start if I tried.
looks like 5-6 here in Mountain View, coming down pretty good still ....of course it's gotta be windy too lol
Just saw a Charlotte reporter on tv at the bojangles in Lincolnton mention “hwy 150” three or four times. I wonder when he’s going figure out he’s on hwy 27 and not 150?
Pour that george clooney crap down the drain or at least put it on another shelf.
Gift from a friend that thought I liked "takillya"
Bourbon and tito's are the lanes I stay in
Gift from a friend that thought I liked "takillya"
Bourbon and tito's are the lanes I stay in

I got it gifted to me too! It really does suck IMO and way over priced. It might be OK for mixed drinks but it sucks to sip or shoot.It is smooth, but Its obviously flavored and has a vanilla finish. That makes me think it tastes like shit w/o the flavoring. Try it you might like it, the neighbor who gave it to me does. He never drank tequila until I started bringing it to his house. Now he's trying different ones all the time.
Not sure how much we have in Haywood but it’s a wet heavy snow.
I’ve gotten several text alerts that I-40 and the by pass have been shut down due to wrecks. But main roads are scrapped.

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